Thursday, November 11, 2010

11-11-10: Less Than Half of American Muslims Support the Ground Zero Mosque (Plus Honoring our Vets)


  1. Video: Honoring Our Veterans
  2. Video: Christie slams school board for approving superintendent salary above planned cap
  3. Less Than Half of American Muslims Support the Ground Zero Mosque
  4. Slideshow: Veteran's Day Tribute
  5. Audio: Dr. Drew Predicts ‘Massive Flight’ of Physicians & Hospital Closures Because of ObamaCare
  6. Video: Mea Culpa: Pat Sajak Regrets...."I Put Keith Olbermann on National TV"
  7. Video: Chris Matthews Cracks Chris Christie Fat Joke…Pure class....
  8. President’s Debt Proposal: Cut Social Security, Medicare. Raise Retirement Age, eliminate mortgage-interest tax deduction, raise gas taxes & slash defense spending ...
  9. History of Veterans Day
  10. Ireland's Fate Tied to Doomed Banks

Abandoning The Rule of Law

Robert Weissberg

The rule of law is essential for a civilized democratic society. If a law is wrong, there are means to change it. Choosing make-it-up-as-you-go-along force rarely brings any rewards.

Country Mice and City Mice

Tom McLaughlin

America has become divided between citizens who want to be left alone by government and those who want more government "support" in all aspects of their lives...

The High Cost of Collecting Corporate Taxes

Frank Hill

Trying to retrieve corporate taxes is an expensive business. So expensive in fact, that it could be a waste of time. And the economy could surge if businesses were freer...

More on ROE, COIN, Governance and Apathy

John Bernard

Rules of Engagement have been criticized for putting soldiers' lives at risk, but the administration prefers to keep Afghanistan politicians happy than protecting its military.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Veterans Day reminds us we owe more than just parades to the 22 million who served (NYDN)

  2. Yemen Mail Bomb Could Have Exploded Over Eastern U.S., British Authorities Say (AP)

  3. WT EDITORIAL: Muslim wars: A new beginning – President ignores the hard issues about Islam

  4. Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date (McCLATCHY)

  5. U.N. Rejects Iran's Bid for Seat on Women's Rights Panel OKs Saudi Seat (FOX)

  6. The Hate Process (PAJAMAS)

  7. Veterans Day reminds us we owe more than just parades to the 22 million who served (NYDN)

  8. Government Audit Says ACORN Should Pay Back $3.2 Million in Federal Funds (AP)

  9. John Boehner to forgo military aircraft travel (LAT)

  10. Iran won't talk about limiting nuclear program (YAHOO)

  11. Democrats want leadership elections delayed (CNN)

Solving the Housing Crisis

Leslie Sacks

The issue of foreclosure is distressing for those who cannot afford high mortgages, but banks make a loss in such procedures. A mutually beneficial arrangement should exist....

Nailed! ACORN Supervisor Convicted for Election Fraud

Jim Kouri, CPP

The notorious ACORN community organizing group has been disbanded, but its notoriety continues....

Senior Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Attends FIOE Family Camp in Denmark

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Kemal el-Helbawy is a senior spokesman of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood who has been in the organization for more than 50 years. He lives in Britain, but is banned from the U.S.

***NEW ***Caption Contest - November 11 - 16

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Quote of the Day - November 11, 2010

How would these words apply to Islamists who support murder and suicide attacks?

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