Wednesday, March 6, 2013

03-06-13:TSA allows knives on planes, flight attendants union calls decision 'dangerous'

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Bill O'Reilly unloads on Alan Colmes: ‘You are lying! You are lying!' during discussion regarding why Obama is not trying to solve our country's fiscal chaos


·  Frustrated MSNBC's Maddow Harasses Unaffected Justice O'Connor On Gore v. Bush Decision


·  Texas Governor Rick Perry blasts ICE's 'federally-sponsored jailbreak' of Illegal Aliens

liberal media_obama

·  How trustworthy are the U.S. media? New claims of White House bullying buried by the press

andrew mccarthy

·  Andrew McCarthy: ‘What the Arab Spring really is, is an ascendancy of Islamic supremacism'


·  Lawmakers still waiting to hear from Benghazi, Libya survivors - Rep. King wants answers


·  MSNBC's Brokaw Slams Obama's Never Ending Campaign

CNN world

·  Country Singer Trace Adkins Tangles with Piers Morgan


·  John Kerry is questioned about Benghazi, Libya Terrorist Attack


In Case You Missed It

SchoolShooting_ newton CT large

breaking news light

·  MUST WATCH: NJ school teacher says the Newtown school principle should have been armed. Teacher lectures Assembly on Gun Control


·  America is becoming a chaotic country - Obama is NOT trying to solve our problems. Media defends president.


·  Surreal: Get a Closer Look at China's ‘Ghost City'

muslims bless hitler

·  Dutch TV shows Muslim kids praising Hitler, hoping for new Holocaust

lunch room _ kid _ school

·  Latest red tape for school lunches: A look at newly-proposed regulations - another unfunded mandate


·  Woodward Slams Axelrod to His Face, Calls Out 'Goal Post' Lie

no sharia

·  Opposing shariah considered a crime, according to Euro-Jihadi


·  CBS Invites All-Liberal Panel to Discuss Catholic Church ‘Reform'


·  Colorado Dem to Rape Survivor: A Gun Wouldn't Have Helped You against Rapist Because ‘Statistics Are Not on Your Side'


·  Mystery surrounding death of prized show dog - Was Cruz the Samoyed poisoned?

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

  Michael Moore, Don't Do It!

American filmmaker Michael Moore, in an interview with an Iranian magazine, criticized an article I wrote urging him not to visit the Islamic regime.

  Iran's 'Stairway to Heaven'

As Iran's nuclear program has progressed, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made clear it would never be reversed.

  The Tyranny of Deceit: A Response to ‘Israel Apartheid Week'

Taken in its totality, Israel not only has no right to defend itself in response to terrorist attacks, but it has no right to exist - which suggests that missile attacks on Israel's civilian population are not only justified, but desirable.

  Ignorance, Arrogance, Euro-centrism, or Wonky Diplomacy

When Sec. of State declares: "It is important for us to deal with nation-states in a way that acts in the best interests of all of us," it sends shivers up the spine of every Iranian counting on America to stand against the very imperialism they fought so hard to root out.

  NEW FSM POLL: TSA to allow knives on planes

Do you think the TSA should now allow knives on planes?

  TSA allows knives on planes, flight attendants union calls decision 'dangerous'

Transportation Security Administration to allow small knives in passenger carry-ons, a decision flight attendants union calls 'dangerous,' and designed 'to make lives of TSA staff easier, but not make flights safer.'

  Iran's Supporting Role in Turkish Prime Minister's Anti-Semitic Slur

When it comes to slandering Jews and threatening Israel, Iran and Turkey under Erdogan have become something of a mutual support society.

  The Road to Oligarchy

Corporate lobbying isn't just about the proverbial 200 dollar screwdriver. It's about making it more expensive for some companies to make screwdrivers than others.

  ObamaCare: The Neutron Bomb That Will Decimate Employment

ObamaCare will act as a neutron bomb on employment in the U.S. for two basic reasons.


And By the Way, World War III Just Broke Out...

Though we may believe deep in our heart of hearts that all will come right again, but perhaps not in our lifetime, it is hard to resist a sense of despair

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