Thursday, March 14, 2013

03-14-13: Senator Cruz: Let's See if Obama's Willing to Shut Down Gov't to Fund Obamacare

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

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·  The talking dead? Conservative Lawmaker wants to rein in 'Obamaphone' program for the poor after free cell phones were sent to dead people

·  Trifecta: "Raving Lunatic named Bloomberg!" Oh So Sweet: NY Judge Declares Mayor's Sugary Soda Ban Illegal

·  Jay Carney Did Not Like ABC Reporter's Question About Cost of Obama's Golf Outings

·  President's most controversial Cabinet pick yet? Michelle Malkin investigates rumored labor secretary nominee Thomas Perez

·  Bill Gates: ‘Some days I wish we had a system like the UK' to give Obama more power

·  Cardinal Wuerl: Catholic Church 'looks into the future' - Archbishop of Washington on election of Pope Francis

·  CBS Goes Out of Its Way to Find the Catholic Dissenters in St. Peter's Square

·  Obama's Press Secretary Jay Carney Contradicts President, Now Claims White House Did Cancel Tours

·  Afghan President Karzai persists with anti-American remarks

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·  Marco Rubio: White House living large amid small sequester cuts - A lavish lifestyle on the taxpayers' dime


·  Faithful Catholicism Simply Not An Option For CBS - Watch anchor question Catholic seminarian that hopes Catholic Church continues message of Christ


·  Mark Levin ‘convinced' GOP leadership ‘has a Republican death wish'


·  Obamacare May Bite You At The Vet's Office

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·  MSNBC Analyst: Vatican Like 'Communist Party'

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ObamaCare see you later

·  Do House Republicans believe they will get anywhere with its budget plan with a call for ObamaCare's repeal?

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·  The Men Who Could Be The Next Pope

White House

·  Sequester, schmequester: Party at the White House!

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Pope Francis In 2007: No Communion For Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

The archbishop of Buenos Aires has been selected to become the next Pope, leading the Catholic Church. Like his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, he is a staunch pro-life advocate when it comes to abortion.

The Wonderful Wizard of OZeroland

In a remade Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Washington D.C. is the new Emerald City. Dorothy is in for the shock of her life. Wicked Witches and Warlocks rule.

Post-Constitutional America: The Grip Tightens

Today, however, evidence continues to mount that we are no longer a free people and no longer live in a constitutional republic.

Chavez -- The Man Who Would Be King

The socialism Chavez championed during 14 years of rule has proven to be a superbug of devastation.

North Korea Threats could be Real

North Korea is annoyed about new punitive economic sanctions the United Nations levied on it last week as a result of its recent nuclear explosion.

Senator Cruz: Let's See if Obama's Willing to Shut Down Gov't to Fund Obamacare

Senator Cruz introduced an amendment that would cut off all funds for Obamacare, a step he said Conservatives should support and it could be sent to Obama to see if he's "willing to try to shut the government down" over funding of Obamacare.

Obama's Nominee for Secretary of (Illegal Alien) Labor

The son of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, Perez was a former special counsel for the late illegal alien amnesty champion Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Illinois Police: Terror Ties Cost Imam Chaplain Post

He failed to disclose his work as fundraiser for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. The foundation was convicted of illegally routing millions of dollars to Hamas.

Making the World a Better Place

A news story on the sale of Bob Hope's 50 million dollar home, complete with stargazing dome and profile-shaped pool, disgorged any number of comments suggesting that Hope should have given that money to the poor.

A Jesuit Named Francis: An outsider to show the church's inner beauty.

The choice of the name Francis is a wonderful gesture. Many people, in Italy, as elsewhere, love St. Francis of Assisi and Franciscan spirituality, and that was one reason for the boomlet for Sean Patrick Cardinal O'Malley in recent days.


Maine's Battle to Save America

Yet another symptom that Washington is broken, perhaps beyond repair, is that the federal government is now failing in its most basic function--"to provide for the common defense" of the American People.

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