Friday, March 15, 2013

03-15-13: Allen West: Liberals fear conservative blacks like me

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

POPE FRANCIS _ st peters _ LARGE

·  Media response to Pope Francis: some outlets quick to attack Pope and Catholic Church


·  Is the ‘Common Core' Initiative Dumbing Down America's Students?


·  Allen West: Liberals fear conservative blacks like me


·  Texas Governor Rick Perry's Full CPAC Speech (Romney, McCain were not conservatives, says Rick Perry)

rand paul _ LARGE

·  Senator Rand Paul CPAC 2013 Speech

bill whittle

·  Afterburner Bill Whittle: Making it hurt

must-see-movie-clapboard_ watch

·  NASCAR Driver Jeff Gordon's Pepsi Prank: Viral Video Storms Ad World


·  UN report prompts AP to change caption that blamed Israel for baby's death

marco_rubio 2011

·  CPAC 2013 - Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)


·  Dianne Feinstein Battles Ted Cruz in Heated Senate Showdown Over Guns: ‘I'm Not a 6th Grader'

In Case You Missed It

obamaphone _ free obama phone lady LARGE

·  The talking dead? Conservative Lawmaker wants to rein in 'Obamaphone' program for the poor after free cell phones were sent to dead people

·  Trifecta: "Raving Lunatic named Bloomberg!" Oh So Sweet: NY Judge Declares Mayor's Sugary Soda Ban Illegal

·  Jay Carney Did Not Like ABC Reporter's Question About Cost of Obama's Golf Outings

·  President's most controversial Cabinet pick yet? Michelle Malkin investigates rumored labor secretary nominee Thomas Perez

·  Bill Gates: ‘Some days I wish we had a system like the UK' to give Obama more power

·  Cardinal Wuerl: Catholic Church 'looks into the future' - Archbishop of Washington on election of Pope Francis

·  CBS Goes Out of Its Way to Find the Catholic Dissenters in St. Peter's Square

·  Obama's Press Secretary Jay Carney Contradicts President, Now Claims White House Did Cancel Tours

·  Afghan President Karzai persists with anti-American remarks

·  paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Excluding Jews and Others from Juries

"I'm not wild about having Jews on the jury in this case. Given that there's going to be inflammatory testimony about Jews and Zionism...

OBAMACARE TUSSLE: Dominos Pizza Founder Wins Court Order Stopping HHS Abortion Mandate

A judge on Thursday blocked the federal government from requiring the founder of Domino's Pizza to provide mandatory contraception coverage to his employees under ObamaCare.

Genius and Schools

I'm smart enough to recognize that some brilliant Americans kept themselves unencumbered by formal education and the rest of us benefited.

Leftist Prayers for a Red Pope Dashed

With the selection of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, the liberals have lost out. He opposes abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality.

Once Again, McCain Demonstrates How to Lose

Romney, we were told, had ultimately been a bad choice to run against Obama specifically because his support of traditional values and personal responsibility in lieu of the "nanny state" made him unpalatable to the nation's increasingly dependent culture.

Boehner: House Will Fund Obamacare in CR; Won't Risk 'Shutting Down the Government'

John Boehner said he would not include language to defund Obamacare in the continuing resolution bill when it returns to the House, stating, "our goal" is "not to shut down the government."

Stupid Food and Drink Bans

This is the same mayor who thought putting windmills on top of all of the city's skyscrapers was a great way to generate electricity. Wealth, apparently, is no defense against extreme stupidity.

Thrown in Prison for Shredding the Koran

This case highlights yet again the greater restrictions on speech in free societies outside of the United States and how these restrictions can limit open debate about Islam.

Time To Opt Out of Creepy Fed Ed Data-Mining Racket

The DOE report exposes the big lie that Common Core is about raising academic standards by revealing its progressive designs to measure and track children's "competencies" in "recognizing bias in sources," "flexibility," "cultural awareness and competence," "appreciation for diversity," "empathy," "perspective taking, trust (and) service orientation."


Post-Constitutional America: The Grip Tightens

Today, however, evidence continues to mount that we are no longer a free people and no longer live in a constitutional republic.

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