Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Eye on Iran: Obama is "Not Bluffing" on Stopping Iran's Nuclear Drive: Biden

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Reuters: "Vice President Joe Biden told America's biggest pro-Israel lobbying organization on Monday that President Barack Obama is 'not bluffing' about the United States' determination to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. 'The president of the United States cannot and does not bluff. President Barack Obama is not bluffing,' he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in a speech to its annual policy conference. 'We're not looking for war. We're ready to negotiate peacefully. But all options including military force are on the table,' said Biden. 'While that window is closing, we believe there is still time and space (for diplomacy),' he added... Biden said that a nuclear bomb in Iranian hands would be an 'existential threat' to Israel, poses danger to other U.S. allies in the Middle East and would destabilize the world. 'We have a shared strategic commitment. Let me make clear what that commitment is: It is to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, period,' he said to loud applause from AIPAC, which has gathered some 13,000 activists in Washington this week." http://t.uani.com/W2kAP4

Reuters: "Switzerland-based Trafigura on Monday became the second major trading house to confirm that it had traded with an Iranian firm that the European Union says has links to Iran's nuclear program. The two contracts demonstrate the difficulties that western powers face in curbing Iran's ability to do business with the rest of the world. Commodities giant Glencore had supplied thousands of tons of alumina to an Iranian firm that provided aluminum to Iran's nuclear program, Reuters reported last week, citing intelligence and diplomatic sources. Trafigura, the world's third-biggest trader in raw materials, confirmed it had supplied the Iranian Aluminum Company (Iralco) with alumina in exchange for aluminum, after an industry source said Glencore was not the only major firm sending such shipments. 'We can confirm that Trafigura has traded with Iralco in the past. In October 2011, a physical swap agreement was reached whereby Trafigura provided alumina to Iralco in return for aluminum for Trafigura to export worldwide,' the trader said in an emailed statement. 'No deliveries have been made or exports received since new EU sanctions were published in December 2012. The Trafigura Group companies are compliant with national and international law where applicable,' it added." http://t.uani.com/WsGT2R

Reuters: "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Monday that Iran was getting closer to being able to build a nuclear bomb despite sanctions and diplomacy and said a 'clear and credible military threat' was needed to halt Tehran's program. Speaking via satellite link from Jerusalem, Netanyahu used an address to an influential U.S. pro-Israel lobbying group to underscore Israeli impatience with Washington's strategy on Iran, a message that could foreshadow his talks with President Barack Obama on a Middle East visit later this month. 'Words alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions must be coupled with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions fail,' Netanyahu said to loud cheers at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington." http://t.uani.com/12raRXN
MTN BannerNuclear Program

Reuters: "Six world powers will call for quick tangible results in nuclear negotiations with Iran that have resumed after an eight-month break, according to a draft joint statement obtained by Reuters on Tuesday. The draft being considered by the United States, Russia, China, France, Germany and Britain described last week's talks with Iran in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as 'useful'. The two sides are due to meet again in early April at the same venue. 'We seek tangible results in this diplomatic process at an early stage,' said the statement, expected to be delivered at a board meeting of the U.N. nuclear watchdog on Wednesday. 'We reaffirm our continuing support for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue,' it said. It was unclear whether the statement, dated March 4, was the final version to be read out at this week's meeting of the 35-nation governing board of the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Vienna-based U.N. nuclear watchdog. It said the powers were 'deeply concerned that Iran continues to undertake certain nuclear activities' contrary to U.N. Security Council resolutions, including recent steps to install more advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges." http://t.uani.com/109wCK9

Bloomberg: "U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has vowed to Congress that he'll 'focus intently on countering Iran's malign influence.' 'Serious contingency planning' by the Pentagon will complement the Obama administration's strategy of using economic sanctions 'with the objective of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,' Hagel said in previously unreleased written answers to the Senate Armed Services Committee after his January confirmation hearing... 'Iran's activities are malevolent and intended to be destabilizing,' Hagel wrote. The Pentagon has a role in supporting diplomatic and intelligence efforts to 'inhibit' Iranian proxies and terrorist groups and to 'leverage its presence in the region to deter and, when directed by the president, disrupt malign activities,' Hagel wrote." http://t.uani.com/101etdE


AFP: "Trade between Iran and China dropped by 18 percent in 2012 to $37 billion after a raft of banking sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic, Iranian newspaper Donya-e Eqtesad reported on Monday. 'Iran-China trade fell to $37 billion in 2012 from $45 billion in 2011,' the newspaper quoted Assadollah Asgaroladi, director of the Sino-Iranian Chamber of Commerce, as saying. 'Iranian exporters and importers who are seeking increase in trade volume are facing banking problems.' Asgaroladi has been previously cited in the Iranian media as saying that the Iran-China trade could reach $50 billion in both 2014 and 2015." http://t.uani.com/YLsKYX

Reuters: "Archer Daniels Midland Co said it unwittingly used a vessel controlled by a sanctioned Iranian shipping firm last year to transport grain in what was an effort by Tehran to hide the ship's ownership. The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) has faced Western and U.N. sanctions for years, based on accusations of transporting weapons, a charge it denies. Illinois-based ADM, one of the world's largest grain traders, said in a U.S. regulatory filing that a majority-owned and controlled affiliate of the company hired a vessel to transport a cargo of grain in July last year." http://t.uani.com/ZdkcuB

AP: "An Iranian national has been sentenced to 23 months in federal prison and an American who worked as an airline pilot received a 46-month sentence for their roles in a plot to ship helicopters and aircraft parts to Iran's state-run civilian airline in violation of the U.S. trade embargo. U.S. District Judge Joseph McKinley concluded Monday that Hamid Asefi, 68, an Iranian citizen, and Behzad 'Tony' Karimian, 53, a U.S. citizen living in Louisville who holds an Iranian passport, violated the national security provisions of a U.S. embargo against Iran during the scheme. 'They were trying to skirt the embargo,' McKinley said." http://t.uani.com/15vgulE

Domestic Politics

FT: "As Iranians look forward to their Persian new year festivities, they stock up on the pistachios that they traditionally serve over the holiday period. But this year they are boycotting their favourite nuts to protest soaring prices that they blame on Iran's plummeting currency and high inflation, which are partly a result of international sanctions on Iran's nuclear programme. In text messages and Facebook posts they accuse merchants of hoarding pistachios to sell them at higher rates before the new year, or Norouz, holidays that begin March 21 and urge consumers not to buy them in protest. 'I received a text message not to buy pistachios, but did not need it because I cannot afford them anyway,' said Khadijeh, a 35-year-old housewife whose husband is a truck driver. Pistachio farmers, along with other non-oil exporters are taking advantage of the plummeting value of the Iranian rial, which has fallen by about 50 per cent since last year, to boost their overseas business in the region at the expense of domestic markets." http://t.uani.com/VzRtE1

Opinion & Analysis

UANI Advisory Board Member Irwin Cotler in Huffington Post: "Nasrin Sotoudeh's arrest and conviction -- on vague and trumped up charges of 'propaganda against the regime' and 'acting against national security' -- are reflective of the criminalization of innocence in Iran in proceedings devoid of any due process or semblance of legality. This is yet another case-study of the assault on the rule of law in Iran. And so, the question becomes what can be done on her behalf and on behalf of other prisoners of conscience, let alone the victims of the massive Iranian assault on human rights. First, it is the duty of parliamentarians and others to expose, unmask, and condemn Iran's massive domestic repression -- what the great Soviet dissident Andre Sakharov called 'the mobilization of shame against the human rights violator.' The international preoccupation with the Iranian nuclear threat -- while understandable -- has had the effect of marginalizing, ignoring, or otherwise sanitizing the horrific human rights situation. Second, we must call for the unconditional and immediate release of all political prisoners, support the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, and continue to hold Iran accountable for its breach of international resolutions and Iran's own laws. Accordingly, I have organized with U.S. Senator Mark Kirk the Inter-Parliamentary Group for Human Rights in Iran to support the courageous men and women on the front lines of the struggle for human rights in Iran. In that regard, we have initiated the Global Iranian Political Prisoner Advocacy Program, whereby parliamentarians 'adopt' individual prisoners and internationalize advocacy on their behalf. Third, we must call upon Iran to cease and desist from its persecution and prosecution of women and religious minorities -- such as the Baha'i -- and to end its barbaric practice of executing minors. Fourth, we must call for enhanced and enforced sanctions against the major Iranian human rights violators and to hold Iran accountable for its breach of international human rights treaties as well as its own laws in the persecution and prosecution of its citizens. When confronted with a regime as violent and despotic as the one currently in place in Iran, simply speaking out about abuses may seem like too feeble a response. However, there is clear evidence that denunciation and international pressure can have a positive effect. Nasrin Sotoudeh's sentence, for example, was commuted from eleven to six years as a result of international protest. We must therefore continue to advocate on her behalf until she is safe and free. It is our responsibility to stand with the people of Iran, to champion their case and cause, to let them know that the world is watching -- that they are not alone -- and that their just struggle for human rights and human dignity will prevail." http://t.uani.com/14oOnSs

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email Press@UnitedAgainstNuclearIran.com

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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