Thursday, March 7, 2013

NY Times Manages To Praise Muslims Over Assassination Attempt Newsletter Issue 86


Issue 86
In This Issue:

After surviving an assassination attempt at the hands of a Muslim terrorist, Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard faced yet another one by The New York Times. This time it was on his character.

Muslim communities, which regularly make death threats against cartoonists for their drawings, has not a word at all to say about the unspeakably inhuman abuses against their own women.


Imam Shaker's speech was an explicitly anti-Western call to jihad. When the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood spoke of a "civilization jihadist process" in its 1991 strategic memo, this is what they were talking about.

Imagine: You adopt an abused toddler. You raise the child as your own in a loving home, providing all the opportunities available for happiness. And then the government demands you give the child back because you are not Muslim.

More News Analysis:
The Uprising in Bangladesh that the Media Isn't Covering
Islamists Invited to National Prayer Breakfast
UK: Huge Welfare Benefits Facilitate Jihadis, Polygomy, Immigration
Muslims Challenge Ownership of Cordoba Cathedral
Top Egyptian Scholar: Christian Copts Will Pay Jizya
Saudi Arabia's Interfaith Hypocrisy
Power Struggle in Bahraini Monarchy
CAIR: War on Terror Is Made-Up

Featured Videos:

Recommended Reading
by Aayan Hirsi Ali
Infidel, Aayyan Hirsi Ali’s captivating coming-of-age memoir, was on the New York Times bestseller list for 31 weeks. Raised in a strict Muslim family in Somalia, Hirsi Ali survived civil war, female genital mutilation, brutal beatings, an adolescence as a devout believer, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, and life in four countries under dictatorships. She escaped from a forced marriage and sought asylum in the Netherlands, where she fought for the rights of Muslim women and the reform of Islam, earning her the enmity of reactionary Islamists and craven politicians.

Readers Write
The Webinar was very informative... I knew a little about Hitler's connection with the Muslims, but this info shed so much more light on the situation.
--K. T.
Yesterday's webinar was so important, it clarified and confirmed a lot of doubts on the origins of present situations and conflicts!
Thank you very much!
I put your webinar on a smart board and showed it to my TA. I think he marveled at all the connections you made. But it wasn't the connections that got him. It was the lack of action on the part of the Feds by not declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. One must wonder why the USA government has not declared them a SDGT [Specially Designated Global Terrorist].
I LOVED it!!! Great job & can’t wait for the next one.
Thanks. Interesting items. We will share them with colleagues.
Thank you, Ryan [Mauro,'s National Security Analyst] ... for your efforts, your accomplishments, your sharing...

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