Saturday, July 20, 2013
“Let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty
and terrorism
and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most
weapons.One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can
change the world.Education is the only solution. Education
~ Malala
Yousafzai ~
Malala’s Speech at the
United Nations – July 12, 2013
Text of Malala’s Speech
The New Muslim Generation
Members of the Taliban oppose education for girls based on their reading of
Islamic scripture. Yousafzai is a Muslim who rejects such fundamentalism, as
she made clear in her U.N. remarks. Indeed, she went out of her way to provoke
Salafi Muslims -- those who seek to replicate Islam as it existed in the
seventh century -- by saying she had learned “compassion” from “Mohammed, the
prophet of mercy,” then immediately noting that she had been inspired also by
“Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha,” as well as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King
Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
National Council of Canadian
Muslims : The new name chosen by CAIR-CAN helps cover its links with
Washington-based/Hamas-linked CAIR
On July 6, 2013, CAIR-CAN issued a press release announcing that the organization will now be known as
the National Council of Canadian Muslims (Conseil national des musulmans
canadiens in French).
Removing all allusions to CAIR in its name
helps the newly renamed Council cover its links with the Washington-based /
Hamas-linked organization. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was
founded in 1994 by three leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP),
a Hamas front in the United States at the time.
MCC slams Justin Trudeau for appeasing Islamists
The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has sharply criticized Liberal
leader Justin Trudeau for endorsing Canada's leading Islamist group, the
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an organisation that has endorsed
polygamy and supported the introduction of Sharia Law in Canada.
Trudeau cozies up with Sharia
Relief organization that
allegedly supported Hamas suspends operations after CIBC closes
bank accounts
A humanitarian relief organization that lost its charity status
two years ago over its alleged support for Hamas said Monday it was suspending
operations after the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce won court approval to
close its accounts.
The CIBC gave notice in May that it intended to stop providing
banking services to the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy —
letter on immigration by one of our members:
Mr. Jason Kenney
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and
House of Commons
Ottawa K1A
Dear Mr. Kenney,
I note your tweets regarding Dr. David Suzuki's
interview in L'Express. While I agree the media are often biased against
conservatives I can’t agree that Suzuki's opinions on immigration are
"toxic & irresponsible" nor that they show him to be
"stridently anti-immigration." Perhaps you have not yet had a
chance to read the whole interview. If you do, you will see that he praised how
Canada integrates immigrants and noted that, unlike his parents' generation
when ethnic Japanese such as himself married only within the Japanese
community, over 90% now marry outside of the community. He also declared
that we have a duty to those in genuine need and that he was particularly proud
to be a Canadian when we helped 50,000 Vietnamese boat people.
These are hardly "extreme anti-immigration views"!
I would suggest that your tweets illustrate just how
strong the taboo on any sensible discussion of immigration is in Canada.
Indeed, they seem to illustrate that it is politically expedient to attack
anyone who challenges the status quo, regardless of the implications of that
status quo for the well-being of Canadians. As you well know, the status quo on
immigration has for decades been to bring upward of 250,000 people to Canada
every year regardless of economic conditions or environmental consequences. This
policy has been slavishly followed by all parties in power and has not been
challenged by any opposition party, not even the so-called Green party, ever
since it was inaugurated in the early 1990s.
Yet economists (from the conservative Fraser Institute
no less) have produced studies showing that recent immigrants earn considerably
less than native-born Canadians and —unlike earlier generations of immigrants—
do not catch up over time. In fact they receive about $20 billion more annually
in government services than they pay in taxes. As stated in a Backgrounder on
immigration released by your own office, immigration also has no impact on the
age structure. Therefore, there is no obvious economic justification for
pursuing an immigration policy which in recent decades has accepted a quarter
million or more newcomers annually.
That said, as President of Population Institute Canada
(PIC), a nationwide organization concerned about the implications of continuous
growth in human numbers — nationally and globally, I would draw your attention
to the impact of our immigration policy on the environment. We may have many
"vast open spaces" but does anyone seriously believe that most of us
— native-born and newcomers — would be crowded along the USA's northern border
if more of those spaces were suitable for human habitation? Most of Canada
remains uninhabited for the same reason that Antarctica does: the land cannot
support a large population. Much of our northern land mass is environmentally
sensitive. And relentless population growth, driven primarily by immigration,
is already putting serious stress on our southern regions and has had a major
impact on our water resources and biodiversity. Our large cities are bursting
at the seams with increasing congestion and smog and overtaxed infrastructure,
and have trouble dealing with their own wastes. Canada has lost over 15,000
square kilometres of farmland to urbanization. This loss is irreplaceable and
farmland constitutes only about 5% of Canada's surface area. I ask, how smart
is it to demolish one's own food security?
PIC is concerned about the impact of relentlessly
increasing human numbers on long-term sustainability, quality of life, and the
natural environment everywhere on the planet. We believe that all countries,
including our own, should seek population stabilization and reduction such that
the population does not exceed the capacity of the resource base to provide for
it. PIC therefore promotes foreign aid that includes family planning consistent
with the needs and wishes of recipients and which we regard as essential to
poverty reduction, educational advancement – notably for women and girls – and
gender equity.
While Canada may seem particularly blessed in terms of
natural resources, much of its habitable land is, as stated above, already
under severe stress. For example, the 1997 study led by Dr. Michael Healey on
the lower Fraser River Basin concluded that the population in that area was
already three times above the sustainable limit. However, since then the
population has increased substantially, primarily due to immigration. To
campaign, as we do, to halt the pursuit of rapid population growth by reducing
the number of immigrants is not anti-immigrant, it is
"pro-environment." It is to safeguard a sustainable future for
generations to come.
Canada was not considered "anti-immigrant"
before the current policy of bringing in 250,000 or more people each year was
initiated. Furthermore, it's a fallacy to suggest, as some do, that Canada can
alleviate global overpopulation with its immigration policy. The number of
people who come to Canada annually as immigrants — about 250,000 — is
approximately the same as the number by which the world population increases every
day! Canada's intake of immigrants therefore, while having a significant
negative impact on its own environment, does nothing to alleviate global
overpopulation. The billions of dollars we spend on a relatively small number
of people that are not needed by the Canadian economy could be spent far more
usefully from a developmental and humanitarian perspective by boosting Canada's
rather pathetic international family planning assistance.
Please visit our website ( to learn more about the population issue, the impact of rapid
population growth both on the environment and human well-being, and the
benefits that population stabilization would bring to a finite, already
over-loaded planet. We would of course also be pleased to meet with you or your
staff to discuss any population-related matter.
As Immigration Minister, you have implemented
significant, much-needed reforms to our immigration and refugee policies.
Despite the predictable outcry from the "open borders" crowd, these
reforms have been supported by most Canadians. However, polls show that most
Canadians also think current immigration levels are too high. Rather than
attacking Dr. Suzuki for making statements justifiable from both an economic
and environmental perspective, I urge you to revise our immigration policies to
reflect actual environmental and economic realities. I believe you will find
that Canadians are more than ready to consider a re-assessment of Canada's
immigration policies and a reduction in the number of new arrivals.
Yours sincerely,
Madeline Weld
President, Population Institute Canada
Ottawa, July 13, 2013
The Snob Factor among Conservatives
These conservative snobs, for all their aquiline intelligence and
notable achievements, have regrettably tended to misjudge their proletarian
confederates. Tommy Robinson may speak with a local brogue but he is lucid,
convincing and eloquent — and indeed, I must say I prefer his brand of
impassioned fluency to Melanie Phillips’ clipped, pedigreed, and rather
self-regarding oratorical fricatives. In the same way, I consider Sarah Palin’s
expressive abilities far more persuasive than, say, Daniel Pipes’ trademark
condescension. And I much prefer the straight talk of the Tea Party to the
refined subtleties, calculated not to offend the liberal elect, of sundry
conservative newspaper editors.
Joins the Jihad
It is not just that the United States
government has aligned itself with the avowed vanguard of Islamic jihad -- the
Muslim Brotherhood [MB] -- or committed American troops to battle (in Libya,
and maybe soon in Syria) to ensure the victory of al-Qa'eda-linked militias. It
is not just that whenever an opportunity has arisen, as in Iran in 2009, or
pre-and-post revolutionary Egypt, or the Syrian civil war, the U.S.
deliberately has chosen to side with the forces of jihad and shariah law and
against the voices of civil society and genuine democracy.
We're constantly told that no Muslims, not one, in the West
believe that Sharia and the caliphate should be extended to Western
non-Muslims. We are ordered to believe this on pain of charges of
"Islamophobia." Mohammed Malkawi, founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir in
Chicago, must not have gotten the memo to keep mum about this sort of thing
when he delivered a speech on Al-Jazeera TV on June 21, 2013.
to Rev. Al Sharpton: ‘Not Again’
did not become a Christian to live the 50s and 60s all over a second time.
Muslims have more rights and freedom of religion than I do as a Christian. Tell
a Muslim he can’t pray at school or at the airport or downtown when prayer time
is called for, and see what happens. Tell a Muslim cleric serving as a chaplain
in our brilliant military that he has to marry a same-sex couple, and see what
happens. Some of you are saying “what is that about?” Well hold on to
your hat, there is more to come.
Benghazi, There Was Extortion 17
troops in Afghanistan are so restricted in ways that they're not even allowed
to fire on the enemy without permission -- which means that the Taliban and
al Qaeda can shoot at our soldiers at will and then disappear while our
forces are trying to get permission to return fire. And that isn't even the
worst of all. The COIN doctrine forbids us to try to vet Afghans who want to
work with the military.
UK Taxi
Rapes: "No Woman is Safe in a Cab"
Great Britain is in the throes of a rape and pedophilia
unlike anything the country has experienced in living memory. Many of the sex
crimes are being perpetrated by Muslim child grooming
responsible for drugging, raping and torturing hundreds and possibly thousands
of British girls. But another wave of sex crimes involves predatory Muslim taxi
drivers who are raping female passengers. The number of so-called taxi rapes is
snowballing to such an extent that a British judge has issued a warning that no woman can
expect to be safe while traveling in a cab.
England must listen to Tommy Robinson
I wrote a
post last week called “Time to be honest about the English Defence
League”, in which I expressed some frank views about the EDL and
its leader Tommy Robinson, and since then I’ve been regretting it. Not because
I was too honest but because I wasn’t honest enough. I’ve spent quite a bit of
time thinking about everything more carefully and I’ve watched a number of
clips of Robinson on YouTube. In short I’ve been completely blown away by his
bravery, his commitment, his intelligence and his integrity. I really think
it’s about time everyone started taking him seriously for what he is, which is
a political activist of the highest calibre.
Scheme To Destabilize Jordan
Signs of the impending trouble
awaiting King Abdullah emerged in the past few days as supporters of the Muslim
Brotherhood recruited Syrian refugees in Jordan to take part in pro-Morsi
rallies in Amman and other cities. Without massive and immediate financial and
military aid from the US and the Gulf countries, Jordan will not be able to
withstand the threat from the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies.
can't build a country out of armies and billions of dollars. The reason that
Israel works and the Arab world doesn't is very simple. The Jews retained their
identity. The perpetrators and victims of Islam who surround them have no
roots. Only the sword in their hand and the shifting sands under their feet.
Erick Stakelbeck talks about his new book and the Muslim
ACT! FOR CANADA/Quebec Chapter
The news items,
blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our
website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events
and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is
based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines,
books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we
deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation
to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We
therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these
media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information
that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on
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This newsletter
is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This
newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this
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