Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The World Is Under Attack by Radical Islam

thanks to TROP,,

The World Is Under Attack by Radical Islam

Muslims are attacking Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and any other non-Muslims or fellow Muslims from different denominations around the world. In just the past few days, there have been several incidents where militant Muslim groups have killed innocent civilians for not sharing their beliefs.

On July 6, militants from Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria, stormed a secondary school. They began shooting the students and burning them alive in their dormitory. It happened just before dawn while the children were still sleeping. Initial reports counted 29 dead children and one adult, however, altogether 42 bodies were found, many charred beyond recognition.

Boko Haram is against what they perceive to be a Western-style education. Since 2010, they and other similar and affiliate groups have killed around 1600 civilians in suicide bombings and attacks like this one.  They’ve attacked schools, healthcare workers administering vaccinations, government employees, teachers, etc.

Farmer Malam Abdullahi found the bodies of two of his sons, a 10-year-old shot in the back as he apparently tried to run away, and a 12-year-old shot in the chest. “That’s it, I’m taking my other boys out of school,” he said as he wept over the two corpses. He said he had three younger children in a nearby school.

Just a few days before, terrorists went to the home of a primary school headmaster and killed his entire family. And on June 16, an attack on a school killed seven students, two teachers, two soldiers and two extremists. One day later, another attack killed at least nine students sitting at their desks.
In India on Sunday, a Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya was attacked as nine blasts left five people injured. Two other bombs, one near an 80 foot Buddha statue and another at a bus stop, were defused by police. The attack on this particular temple is especially significant as it is believed by Buddhists that Lord Buddha had attained enlightenment there under a tree on the premises. Additionally, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama makes frequent trips to Bodh Gaya and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa had visited it six months back. A total of 52 countries have established their monasteries here.

There has been tremendous violence between both Muslims and Buddhists lately however, and this attack is thought to be an act of vengeance for the thousands of Muslims killed in Myanmar. Both Buddhists and Muslims have been killing each other, and now groups like Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Toiba are using the attacks to incite more violence worldwide.

Earlier this year, Muslim groups brutally attacked 76 Hindu families and five Hindu temples in Bangladesh. Their houses were burned, and the families were left helpless. Muslim violence in Bangladesh has led to the slaughter of many Hindus and the rape of Hindu women.

In Egypt, Coptic Christians have been the target of Muslims for many years, and their situation worsened under Morsi as anti-blasphemy convictions against Christians became more and more prevalent. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Christians are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam, women are raped, Christians are murdered, and churches are burned. Now with the violent protests, ousting of Morsi and military taking over, rapes, beatings and murders are happening on a daily basis. Just the other day, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda supporting militants threw an anti-Morsi teenager off a roof before beating him to death. His crime was that he was celebrating the ousting of Morsi.

Recent Muslim attacks in France include the beating of a Catholic priest in May and a Rabbi in June. As Daniel Greenfield for FrontPage Magazine writes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same. The men in jackboots and swastika armbands have been swapped out for men in beards and toting Korans.”

The situation in France is grim for Jews because of the influx of Muslim immigrants. As I wrote in May, Jews wearing the kippah, a Jewish head-covering, have been the target of Muslim attacks in France for years. Jewish cemeteries have been defaced with swastikas and other graffiti. With more Muslims arriving, the long-standing French Jewish population has been dwindling, with many seeking refuge in Israel.

In fact, though this situation has been on-going over the past decade, there has been a 45% increase of anti-Semitic attacks over the past year alone. This is after the tragic Toulouse shooting by a Muslim last year which killed four Jews: a Rabbi and three children; and three French soldiers. Since then there have been other attacks, including one at a train station and shopping mall when a Jewish man wearing a Magen David pendant was attacked by two men on a scooter who ripped the chain off him and drove away. As if that weren’t enough, then a group of men nearby began insulting the victim, using anti-Semitic slurs, and proceeded to hit and then rob him.

Moshe Bendrihem, a Morrocan-born Jew who moved from the Paris area to Eli, located in Judea and Samaria, also felt the effects of the Muslim influx. “France is an Arab country. That’s enough for us to leave,” he said. He wears a kippah but wasn’t always able to do so. “It’s impossible to wear a kippah in France,” he said, for fear of being singled out for attack.

Last month in June, two Jews in the French city of Lyon were attacked by Arabs as they walked to synagogue, and a year ago three Jews wearing kippahs were attacked in the same area with iron bars and a hammer. Two of them were hospitalized after the attacks which were confirmed to be acts of anti-Semitism.

Violent anti-Semitic terrorism by Muslims is commonplace and has gone on for centuries, and suicide bombings and the support thereof among Palestinian Muslims is the highest in the world. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) must maintain a level of alertness like no other military in order to keep Israelis safe. They have to watch all their borders for terrorist infiltrators.

Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 8000 rockets into Israel. The IDF is constantly foiling terrorist plots and arresting terrorists before they make their mark. In just one week alone in May of this year, there were 98 rock throwing and 17 firebomb incidents in Judea and Samaria.

Of course all the attacks against the West go without saying. The brutal murder of British soldier Lee Rigby in the UK, the Boston Marathon Bombings, the stabbing of a French soldier in May, the Al Qaeda-linked attack on an Algerian gas plant in January which targeted Westerners leaving 39 foreigners dead and 80 people altogether, the thwarted terrorist attack against a train in Canada and so many foiled attempts we never hear about… these are all only in the past few months, not to mention the past decade. Out of 32 people on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list, 30 are Muslim.

The world is under attack by radical Islam, but the liberal media shuns any criticism against Muslims, feigning ignorance, and shoving the idea that Islam is the religion of peace down our throats. But the facts and figures do not lie. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but 94% of the world’s terrorism is done by Muslims.

The truth cannot be denied.

By: Rachel Molschky

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