Thursday, August 1, 2013

Meet the BUDDHIST DEFENSE LEAGUE: Fighting Muslim persecution and Islamic infiltration of their countries

From Bare Naked Islam

Meet the BUDDHIST DEFENSE LEAGUE: Fighting Muslim persecution and Islamic infiltration of their countries


Hell hath no fury like a Buddhist population scorned. In the courageous tradition of the English Defence League and its sister Defence Leagues all over Europe, Buddhists have formed a league to stop the creeping Islamization by Muslims in their own countries and fighting against the persecution of Buddhists by Muslims in Muslim majority countries.

According to their FACEBOOK  page, ‘If you buy from Muslim shops, your money doesn’t just stop there,’ ‘It will eventually go towards destroying your race and religion.’ …’We Buddhists allow them to freely practice their faith, but once these evil Muslims have control, they will not let us practice our religion. We must be careful. These Muslims really hate us.’ (h/t Susan K)


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