Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Did you hear?

Dear Friend:

Did you hear about the recent Navy SEAL operations in Somalia and Libya?

I'm sure you did! These supposedly secret operations have been featured as front page news all over the world revealing secret operational details, unit names, tactics, and sources.

There is absolutely no reason that the media should have access to specific unit names or the operational details of secret missions to capture some of America's most dangerous enemies.

It's not hard to put two and two together and figure out where Special Operations Forces families live or where their kids go to school. Every time the Administration leaks details to the media they endanger their lives and put targets on their back. It's downright criminal.

Friend, will you help stop the leaks? Make an immediate contribution to OPSEC right now and put politicians on notice that the actions of Special Forces are not to be used for political gain.
Special Operations OPSEC: Donate

It's disgusting how the Obama Administration repeatedly asks Special Operations Forces is to risk their lives simply to boost approval ratings for failing politicians sitting in conference rooms.

Remember when a secret was a secret? When being safe was reward enough? Today, while soldiers are still behind enemy lines political aides are already leaking details to reporters, scheduling press conferences, and cutting TV ads taking credit for successes back in Washington.

Please Friend, help us expand our mission to expose leaks that are putting our national security and the lives of the people who defend it at risk by making an immediate contribution to OPSEC.

This has got to stop!

Just a few week ago, a senior U.S. intelligence official was quoted in the New York Times as saying "the impact of a August has caused more immediate damage to American counterterrorism efforts than the thousands of classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden."

Our national security is crumbling away leak by leak and Special Operations Forces are paying with their lives.

Please help OPSEC today.


Fred Rustmann
CIA Senior Intelligence Service (SIS), Retired

Fred Rustmann is a retired member of the CIA's Clandestine Service who served more than 24 years with the agency. He served in senior posts in eight different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa during the Cold War.
Special Operations OPSEC: Donate

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