Latest Headlines from ENENews |
- Japan Gov’t: “Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution” from Fukushima disaster — “Intensive Contamination Areas” designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
- Tokyo Mother: “Total media blackout” in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — “Many cases of sickness and death among young generations” not reported
- For first time, officials admit to ‘shortage of workers’ at Fukushima — Tepco promises ‘additional efforts’ to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and “modern slavery” in Japan nuclear industry… exactly 14 years ago
- Top Hong Kong Newspaper: Fukushima is a global threat — Global response urgently needed — Situation could prove catastrophic for world
- Physician: The high radiation doses, the plume from Fukushima crossing ocean, likely to hit coast of Canada and Northwestern US in early 2014 — California impacted later in year — People don’t know how to stop situation at plant, it’s a global public health catastrophe (AUDIO)
- TV Journalist: Poison from Fukushima plant spreading around the world, causing incalculable damage — They may never get this under control (AUDIO)
- Cesium near Fukushima reported to be many times higher than claimed by Tepco — Levels rising further away from plant — Professor: After quake as big as last week there’s concern about stuff breaking and leakage getting worse
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