Thursday, October 31, 2013

Muslim DHS adviser Mohamed Elibiary says Muslim Brotherhood "like Evangelicals"

another one of absolutely insanity from the US government,,

from JihadWatch

Yes, aside from the burning of churches and terrorizing of opponents, the Evangelicals are pretty much exactly like the Brotherhood. You got to hand it to Mohamed Elibiary: this is the kind of analytical acuity that we need at DHS.

"Muslim Brotherhood 'just like evangelicals,'" by Aaron Klein for World Net Daily, October 30 (thanks to Katherine):
He’s done it again. Department of Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary has penned yet another controversial tweet, this time likening the Muslim Brotherhood to evangelical Christians and comparing the Brotherhood’s indoctrination to Bible study groups.
WND found that Elibiary tweeted: “Ignorant #Islamophobes (redundant I know) protested my saying #MB like #Evangelicals. Usra like Bible study grp.”
The “MB,” or Muslim Brotherhood, seeks a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Shariah, or Islamic law, and teaches followers to help establish an Islamic state wherever they live.
An usra is a small teaching group devised by Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna to indoctrinate his followers. Brotherhood leaders form weekly meetings to teach the Islamist group’s methods and ideology.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Ikhwanweb website describes usra as the “smallest unit of MB structure which represents the practical area of MB spiritual education and Tarbiah (training).”...

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