Tuesday, December 24, 2013



Link to Enformable

Posted: 23 Dec 2013 06:17 AM PST
Fukushima Daiichi barrier leak
A photo released by Tokyo Electric Power Company of one of the leaking joint locations at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in December of 2013.
Tokyo Electric officials announced that they found water coming from foundation joints of the barrier wall which surrounds tanks storing highly contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Some 2.6 tons of radioactive water is estimated to have leaked at 4 separate locations.  According to TEPCO, it was found to contain up to 190 becquerels per liter of strontium 90, which is 19 times the allowed national limits.
Preliminary analysis leads investigators to believe that the leakage was caused by deteriorating joints.  The seams where the barrier met the concrete pad had been sealed with resin.
In October, TEPCO was forced to raise the barrier after heavy rains caused contaminated water to overflow the barriers.  The new leaks were not caused by overflow and may require TEPCO roll out new countermeasures.
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