Tuesday, March 10, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Obama's Centralization is the Path to Tyranny

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 07:15 PM PDT

Both Obama's appointments and massive spending plan directed at

the states have one
hing in common, they are part of his plan to

centralizing power in his own hands, bypassing Congress and State


Obama's appointments are slowly creating two layers of government,

one of Senate vetted appointees holding down conventional seats in the

Cabinet while having next to no power, while the second consists of Czars

or entirely new positions that do not require Senate vetting and are not

accountable to congress-- but hold the real power.

This was what upset Senator Byrd, but it's only part of a larger picture.

Obama does not want his appointees to be accountable to Congress or

anyone but himself.

This would be dangerous in even a political leader with the most benign

agenda, because it strikes at the very heart of the Constitutional separation

of powers. Obama is investing absolute power in the Executive Branch,

working to create a chain of command that functions outside the


Obama's approach jettisons the precedents and manners of the office,

crafting a constant stream of new innovations and new positions that

give him direct control over policy, while cutting everyone else out of

the loop. What began with an absolute control over press conference,

is now morphing into an attitude that characterizes everything that

Obama does. An attitude that says that power and control matter more

than the law.

The misnamed Stimulus Bill meanwhile is meant to fundamentally

alter the relationship
between States and the Federal government.

With several states already headed for bankruptcy, Obama's

plan is meant to be the first step in pushing many more states

the same sinkhole that California is in, by creating a permanent

category of expenses that the states will not be able to afford once

the stimulus bill runs out.

This will put state governments further under the control of Obama,

while his "Czars" will be directing the programs in ways that foster

dependency and creating an addiction impossible to break, outside

the purview of Congress. It's why so many State governors are

reluctant to accept the money, with only Schwarzenegger, who has

mismanaged California (or is that Kahlifornia) into bankruptcy,

chomping at the bit to take them money. And no wonder. With the

state that California is in now, the money is the equivalent of giving

a heroin addict another dose while he's lying there in the gutter.

And that kind of desperate state of dependency is what Obama

wants for every state government.

While Obama's Czars gain control of the States for the Executive

branch, centralization takes hold not merely for the Federal government,

but the White House alone, thereby completing a process that has been

long underway with brutal efficiency, and turning State Governors

into little more than puppets dancing on a string being dangled out

of the Oval Office.

Since Obama's likely opponents are State Governors themselves, a

attack on them, is also a political assassination of his potential rivals. The

Stimulus Plan serves as a carefully wrought trap.

Taking the money will put them in a bind that will require them to

either make some very unpopular decisions and cut down on the

entitlement programs when the money runs out, or keep spending

money they don't have to maintain them. Alternatively they can

refuse the money up front and handle the public outrage now.

Either of these courses of action will cripple their public image and their

potential to run against Obama.

That is not the sort of thing people used to expect from the

White House, but it is exactly the kind of ruthless and ugly tactics

that should be expected from those currently occupying that

symbol of American governance.

When State governments are dependent enough, the Federal

government becomes the center of a Water Monopoly Empire,

taking from one state and giving to another.

The very dependency of states on a centralized Federal government,

controlled by Czars, rather than Cabinet members subject to

Congressional oversight, essentially transforms America from a

Democratic Republic to an Empire of Debt, funded by taxation and

deficit spending, and administered out of Washington D.C. and cheered

on by a media mandate of endless worshipful propaganda.

Obama is attempting to subvert the Constitution and centralize power

in his own hands, bypassing Congress and State Governors this is a

dangerous precedent and a slippery slope into absolute tyranny. The

radical expansion of government is meant to serve only one end, his.

One of the first things that mark a transition by a democracy into tyranny

is a growing emphasis into centralization, particularly targeting regional

governors. Early on Putin demonstrated his intent to create a one man state

by moving to appoint regional governors. While Obama doesn't wield that

kind of power yet, he is moving to sideline all sources of power besides


If the media's propaganda haze allows him to continue along this route,

under the guise of a national economic emergency, there is no telling how far

he will choose to go.

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