Saturday, March 7, 2009

MEF Alert: Pipes discusses Islam in U.S. textbooks on Fox News, Sunday at 10:20 a.m. EDT

Middle East Forum

March 7, 2009

Middle East Forum Alert

Daniel Pipes will discuss how U.S. textbooks treat the topic of Islam on Fox News, Sunday. March 8, at 10:20 a.m. EDT.

Please note that clocks will be moved one hour ahead earlier on Sunday in the United States, so this is EDT, not EST.

By way of background, here are some of Mr. Pipes' earlier writings on this topic:

Think like a Muslim[, Urges "Across the Centuries"]

"'Become a Muslim warrior'."

He followed the former textbook's trip through the courts in a blog:

"Courts: Okay to Proselytize for Islam in California Schools."

And he told the story of citizen activism vis-à-vis the History Alive! medieval textbook:

"History Alive!," Scottsdale Schools, and a Reader's Comment

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