Wednesday, April 15, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Tuesday Afternoon Roundup - The Appeasement Caravan Continues Along

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 03:59 PM PDT

(Due to the final days of Pesach\Passover, this will be the final blog update
until Thursday night.
No new posts will appear until then and no new
comments will be moderated)

We've just concluded the drama of the showdown between the Navy Seals
and the Somali pirates, despite that the lead story in the news has somehow
been Obama's dog, reminding us that we're living in a country dominated by
a media churning out a constant tide of "Beloved Leader" stories regardless of
what else is going on in the world. And when the polls on the "Beloved Leader"
don't go their way, they just massage the numbers enough so that they can
proclaim that Hussein is more popular than ever.

“Mr. Obama's overall approval rating, meanwhile, has hit a new high of 66
percent, up from 64 percent last month. His disapproval rating stands at 24
percent” boasted a press release from either CBS News or the Obama
campaign, which is a difference without distinction.

In other words it appears The New York Times and CBS “News” cooked the
poll numbers until they produced enough people who agreed with the
opinions of their reporters about Obama.

Caddell says: “the original raw sample already showed a partisan difference of
8.5 percent but “when weighting or ‘adjusting’ the numbers the partisan
gap went over 16 points. In effect what they did was reduce the Republicans in
the sample by 13 percent and increased the number of Democrats by 12
percent. Particularly strange was the number of Independent voters was
only changed 2 percent.”

Caddell accuses the Times and CBS of being guilty of either one of two things:
“It is either terrible methodology or the Bernie Madoff school of polling.
Small demographic adjustments are ordinary, but these extremes are

Meanwhile the media continues concealing the religion of the pirates... but now
and then it slips through. Along with the Islamic value system behind the
pirates' actions. And their view of human life. Particularly non-Muslim life.

Sometime Thursday, a desperate Phillips jumped from the lifeboat in an
attempt to swim to the USS Bainbridge, only to be hauled back on board
after the pirates opened fire. From then on, Phillips was tied up.

One pirate radioed the Navy destroyer and demanded to know how far they
were from the sanctuary of Somalia's coast.

"Very far," came the reply from the Bainbridge.

"Thank you," the pirate negotiator responded, according to a U.S. military
timeline, his politeness masking menace. "If we cannot [reach the]
Somali coast, we will kill the infidel."...

Not the hostage. Not the prisoner. Not even the American. The infidel.
Kufar. A man whose life under Islamic law belongs to his captors, who
may be seized and held for ransom. Unlike a fellow Muslim.

All the while Obama continues rolling the appeasement caravan through
the desert. A close look at his Grand Tour seems to show that his
chief priority is not any kind of American agenda, let alone a war on
terrorism, heaven forfend, but protecting and promoting Islam.

On the heels of bowing to the Saudi king, pressuring NATO into giving
Turkish Generals top positions, forcing the Danish Prime minister to
apologize for his country's free speech, playing up to Iran and urging
the EU to welcome in the Turkish hordes... Obama just keeps
going and going.

In Athens, the topic was what else... but Muslim rights.

The US President Barack Obama asked from Athens to recognize the Muslim
minority in Greek Thrace. This is what he said on his 10 minute meeting
with the Ecumenical Patriarch Vartolomei in Istanbul. The patriarch asked
the US president to open the Theological school in Halki and Barack Obama
said that this will happen only if Athens undertakes analogical steps regarding
the Muslim minority in Thrace.

According to information from the Greek media, the American President
told Vartolomei that just the way that the Theological school in Halki
teaches orthodox priests in a Muslim country, Greece needs to have schools,
which will teach Muslims and other religions. Barack Obama also
supported the Muslim appeal from North Greece to choose their own
Mufti and not for it to be given to them by the ...

Now this isn't even simply a question of civil rights. Creating an
independent Islamic religious framework in Turkey means giving the
Saudis free range to set up their own radical mosques and preachers that
will naturally promote Jihad.

That's why European nations including France have been backing away
from an independent Islamic infrastructure. Meanwhile Obama is bullying
Greece into giving Islamic extremism a foothold in its own country.

Sure Barry Hussein's a Christian. As much as I'm a Buddhist. Had the
Islamists picked America's policies, they'd be exactly Obama's policies.
And just to pile some more sickles and stars on the cake... the US

The pretext is to strengthen Lebanon's army, but the practical use of such
aircraft would not do anything to strengthen the military domestically, but
would provide equalization in a third conflict with Israel.

Meanwhile via
Boker Tov Boulder,
Atlas suggests that US participation in Durban is back on.

This is entirely plausible, as under the table the Obama admin promised
Jewish leaders that if they kept their mouths shut on the US rejoining the
Islamic charade of a UN Human Rights Council, Durban II would be a no go.
Now unsurprisingly they're likely to find out that you can't trust a liar,
and that both Durban II and the UNHRC are a go.

Senior U.S. officials in Washington and New York are leaning in favor of
participating in the "Durban 2" UN-sponsored anti-racism conference
scheduled to take place on April 20 in Geneva, diplomatic sources said on

The diplomats, who share a close working relationship with the American
delegation to the United Nations, informed leading Jewish officials in New York
that Washington has increasingly become convinced of the need to
dispatch representatives to the conference.

This is all part of the same card game, dealing from the bottom of the deck,
and stringing along Jewish groups hoping for some sign of pity or fair
dealing, only to wind up cheated and lied to again and again.

Across the blogsphere, Doug Ross at Director Blue
has your FairTax brochures in time for the Tea Party.

At Israpundit, Ted Belman writes that
the Punjab is now in play.

Lemon Lime Moon takes on piracy for fun and profit

Debbie Schlussel takes a look at Pat Buchanan's support
for yet another Nazi

Solstice Witch brings word on Operation Rooster

Via Dragon Dirt, Sharpton has picked up the meme I wrote about this week,
calling the pirates of Somalia, a "Voluntary Coast Guard".

Islamic Danger to Americans, an article at Citizen Warrior asking whether
time to defang Islam.

And at the Fox Forum blogs, the American Legion responds to the Obama Administration's
politicized scapegoating of veterans.

The Struggle for America's Soul - a Nation of Laws or a People of Pop

Posted: 13 Apr 2009 07:53 PM PDT

When Benjamin Franklin was asked at the close of the 1787 Constitutional
Convention, "What have we got— a Republic or a Monarchy?”, the learned
gentleman answered both wisely and cynically, “A Republic, if you
can keep it.

Can we keep it? That's the question at the heart of the great struggle for
America's soul. Are we a nation of laws or a people of pop culture?

The 2008 Presidential election saw a race between an American
war hero with decades of political experience and a man with virtually no
political experience and no talent besides posing for photographs. The
larger struggle that took place was between America as a nation of laws
and the mass media and the internet distilling everything into digital
entertainment. And America lost.

When Tony Blair ushered in the New Britain, the Cool Britain, the one
detached from its many centuries of wars and history, in favor of one
defined by screaming pop stars and brazen tabloid covers-- he did to
England, what Obama's backers would do to America. It was not
America that crowned Obama, but the New America, without
standards, without laws and with no values beyond bread and

A republic if you can keep it. Rome couldn't. In the years ahead, it
will become finally clear whether there will be a United States of
America that derives from the laws and values of over two centuries of
history-- or Obama's New America, a conglomeration of design skills,
reality tv shows, iPod commercials, magazine covers and celebrity
hysteria. Not a nation of laws, not even an empire, but a decaying
bewildered collapsing oligarchy, where gawkers hawk merchandise
with the great leader's photo, where bribery and graft control
everything-- and where the biggest employer is the government
and the only other employers worth mentioning are overseas

Call it Putin's America. Call it Obama's America.

The panic, the chaos, the devaluation, the defeatism, the depression and
the dumbing down of America all serves a purpose-- to make certain that
we can't keep the Republic. To make certain that there isn't even a
Republic left to keep.

America, the original Ownership Society, is swiftly becoming the Owned
Society. The Ownership Society meant that Americans were one of the
few citizenries that actually government themselves, because they owned
their country. The Owned Society by contrast rolls everything
together into one massive bureaucratic pyramid that owns
everything and controls everyone, from cradle to grave.

The way to turn one into the other is through disempowerment and
devaluation. And by causing people to forget that they are owners, by
promising them that life as slaves will be so much easier for them.
Why bother working hard when your new bureaucratic masters
promise to take care of you instead?

Universal health care, unlimited immigration, universal laws, universal

Come for the free chains, stay for the 16 hour ditch digging in
the volunteer community corps.

Finally and most of all, a Republic is based on reason. So reason must be
shouted down with crude slogans, with emotionalism, with biased
narratives and memes... and through recreating language itself into a
Newspeak mockery that no longer has any objective meaning.

Promise the impossible, speak in grand terms and wait for the applause.
Propose what can reasonably be done and let your proposal be debated.
That is the difference between the monarch and the President of a
Republic. It takes men and women of reason in an ownership society to
conduct business in a Republic. But any mob with any figurehead can
march around, shout, wave banners and thrill to the demagougery of
an egomaniac with a microphone. That is how most of the world is run.

America has been dumbed down, through the public miseducation
system, through multiculturalism, through second language
immigration, through racial grievance mongering, through the
lowest common denominator of entertainment-- all leading to a
society eager to give up its rights and freedoms in exchange for a
chance to gather in a mob and cheer hoarsely while they're promised
a new Golden Age just around the corner.

The Constitutional Convention was the product of a citizenry willing to
work for a Republic. The 2008 Presidential election was the work of
shills and salesmen playing to a public that no longer understands any
of the values or agendas of 1787. Instead a poverty of the intellect and
the spirit holds sway disguised by splashy design schemes and
carefully orchestrated marketing programs.

The American Experiment was not built on catering to the rule of an
ignorant and greedy mob.

It was built on the rights and responsibilities of American citizens as
individuals. Mob rule negates the Republic, the Constitution and
America itself. As Lincoln himself said, a nation cannot survive half-slave
and half-free.

Today America is half-slave and half-free and the balance is tilting toward
slavery. The slavery is not quite as dramatic, but it is every bit as real, in the
political, moral, economic, intellectual and spiritual sense. The nation is half
enslaved to a state of enforced mindlessness and ignorance.

The Civil War came about because America could not survive as a free nation
if it was half-slave. A society where rule is in the hands of the citizenry cannot
exist as a free nation if it is half slave, given time it will become a slave empire,
ruled by a handful over the groans and whimpers of the many. The Free
Power that the Union Armies fought for, was to be the power of Free Men in
industry and politics... over the power of slavery.

Today we once again face that struggle, to submit to slavery, to a nation of
slaves chained to a vast government bureaucracy, lashed by endless media
propaganda and driven to cheer their own enslavement. Or to reject slavery
and to choose freedom.

The Constitutional Convention was the work of men who would not be slaves,
it was the heritage of Patrick Henry's warning of the chains that had been
forged by a monarchy for the binding of free men, it was that same Republic
which Franklin understood could only be kept by free men.

And so the New America of Obama must fail to swallow and forever destroy
the United States of America, a nation ruled by laws, a Constitutional Republic
in which rights and freedoms are vested in the individual.

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