Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-03-09 *Exclusive: A Letter to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Obama Birth Certificate Question*

June 3rd
Egypt is the wrong venue for a presidential speech. Obama, Reagan and the Nazi death camps. Pravda: American capitalism gone with a whimper! - true?! The "incredibly shrinking Clintons!" Is Sonia's "compelling life story" genuine?


Exclusive: A Letter to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Obama Birth Certificate Question

John D. Hemenway, Esq.

Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to seal records when you can end the controversy by spending roughly $12?

Exclusive: Lovely - Jihadist Attack on Military in Arkansas Receives Paltry Media and Presidential Attention

Pam Meister

Why are the media and our president doing their best to ignore the shooting of two soldiers in Arkansas by a Muslim convert with "political and religious motives"?

Exclusive: Introducing America's Most Forgotten: The Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

Carolyn Cooke introduces a weekly series to remember those United States citizens killed by illegal aliens.

Barack Obama is Blind to his Blunders over Islam

Amir Taheri

In trying to prove that he is not George Bush, Barack Obama has committed big mistakes on key issues of foreign policy. His Cairo address, and his "one-size-fits-all" Islam policy, is just the latest.

Iran: Elephant In The Room

Peter Brookes

Wouldn't the U.S. and the world be safer, if Obama focused on defanging Iran's terrorist, nuclear and missile threat to the region and beyond, instead of strangling Israel?

Exclusive: Jihad Comes to Central Arkansas

Mark Taylor

Are recent attacks on American soldiers in an American community the result of Jihad? Should Americans be concerned?

Video: Robert Gibbs should apologise to the British press for his sneering rant
Video: Obama: Iran Has Right to Nuclear Power
Video: Seven-Minute Slam: The Inside Story of Glenn Beck's ‘Ambush' on ‘The View'
Video: Obama pays tribute to President Reagan...
Video: New York Senator Gillibrand Supports New 9/11 Investigation
Video: Michael Moore chats with MSNBC about taxpayers owning a car company
Video: "We Didn't Know He Was Clarence Thomas" - High school students share a plane ride, invite him to graduation
Video: Santelli: Little Timmy Geithner is a Big Liar
FSM Follows The Economy - Here are the top articles for today.
War? What War?

Obama's Real Genuflection to the Saudis

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

Is Obama determined to end 60 years of support for Israel?

Climate of Hate, World of Double Standards

Michelle Malkin

Is it too much to ask the media cartographers in charge of mapping the "climate of hate" to do their jobs with both eyes open? Do we see blatant bias here?

AFL-CIO Official Conceals Pro-Castro Views

Cliff Kincaid

Apparently stunned by the fact that someone had uncovered an aspect of her background that has been carefully omitted from her official biography, she refused to answer and walked away.

Exclusive: Caption Contest: Top Entries - June 3

And the winner is...

Exclusive: One Dead, One Wounded During Jihad at Army Recruiting Station in Little Rock

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri, CPP

A suspected "Jihadist" killed one US Army recruiter and wounded another during a morning attack in Little Rock, Arkansas yesterday.

Today's Hot Topics: 6-3

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Air France Bomb Threat Before Flight 447 Crash

•2. U.S. Accidentally Releases Confidential Nuclear Info

•3. The Emergence of President Obama's Muslim Roots

•4. Racial ruling looms large for Sotomayor

•5. Kim anoints third son as successor

•6. Media censored on Tiananmen

•7. We should be turning the screws on Iran, not Israel.

•8. EXCLUSIVE: Al Qaeda eyes bio attack from Mexico

•9. Obama Kicks Off Trip to Woo Muslims

•10. Republican picked to be Army secretary

•11. New poll results are devastating for Obama's Gitmo plan

•12. O's Justice Department Spike Voter Citizenship Checks In Georgia

•13. Israelis growing increasingly anxious about Obama policies

•14. Obama says Iran's energy concerns legitimate

•15. Obama and the Freedom Agenda

•16. Why the Health Care Rush? Democrats don't think their bill can stand public inspection.

•17. The GOP Ain't Dead Yet - By 2012 the bailouts will be Obama's to defend.

•18. Barack Obama on landmark mission to rebuild ties with Muslim world

•19. Justice Denies the Uighurs ... For Now

•20. Security Initiative Program Needs a Makeover

•21. Numbers Don't Add up for Obama's Health Plan

•22. War in Afghanistan Is Winnable, General Says

•23. Can Andrew Breitbart Save Hollywood?

•24. EXCLUSIVE: Voice of Taliban on VOA probed

•25. Poll: Most oppose closing Gitmo

•26. Arkansas recruiting center Jihadist killer studied jihad in Yemen

•27. Right demands tougher fight on Sonia Sotomayor

•28. FBI targets fraud in TARP, stimulus fund

•29. Obama and the Two Muslim Worlds

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