Thursday, June 4, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-04-09 *America under Allah – Obama Affirms U.S. ‘One of the Largest Muslim Countries’*

June 4 th
The speech that Obama will NOT give in Cairo. London Telegraph - "all the world's bad guys are defying Barack Obama." Obama, the unpersuasive orator. "Tentacles of influence" in the current administration. Burt Prelutsky - a little "straight talk!"


Exclusive: Will Obama's Oratorical Skills Help Him Succeed in the Middle East?

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

Obama says, "Action is required, not words." Does this apply to the Arab world?

Little Rock's ‘Lone' Jihadist: How Alone Is He?

Dr. Walid Phares

Here we have a new case of an individual U.S. citizen who committed an act of terror in the name of his ideology against U.S. military targets. Do we see a pattern here?

Arkansas Shooter Studied Under Yemeni Radicals

Steve Emerson

The investigation into the man accused of killing an Army recruiter and wounding a second soldier Monday in Little Rock, Ark. may lead to a Salafi preacher in Yemen's tribal area.

Exclusive: America under Allah - Obama Affirms U.S. ‘One of the Largest Muslim Countries'

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

It is true that the number of mosques in America has doubled in the past 10 years: is it a good thing that Saudi sheiks built most of them and set their curricula?

Exclusive: While in Egypt, Obama Must Address Radical Islam

M. Zuhdi Jasser

For President Obama to avoid the two major cancers which ultimately fuel terrorism is to avoid one of his responsibilities as leader of the free world.

Video: Nancy Reagan Unveils President Reagan's Statue
Video: Rush Limbaugh on Hannity: Still Wants Obama to Fail
Video: Romney On Obama's Apology Tour
Video: Is Obama snubbed on Saudi receiving line?
Video: Murtha Gets Angry With Reporter Asking About Ties To Corrupt Company
Video: Harry Reid Hasn't Read Any of Sotomayor's Opinions
Video: Glenn Beck - Brian Deese, Savior of US Auto Industry
Obama Touts Muslim Roots
Did the White House order the FBI to "back off" anti-terror investigation of Muslim converts?

Exclusive: A Letter to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Obama Birth Certificate Question

NOTE: Publication page updated from yesterday

John D. Hemenway, Esq.

Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to seal records when you can end the controversy by spending roughly $12?

Exclusive: Taking the Pulse of America's Defenses

Tom McLaughlin

After an EMP, America would be sent back to the Middle Ages. How vulnerable is the United States to such a devastating attack?

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor: You Read, You Decide

Newt Gingrich

The stakes are very high with the Sotomayor nomination. Has President Obama nominated a radical liberal activist to our highest court?

Is the U.S. Committing National Suicide?

Alan Caruba

Lessons from the British auto industry should serve as a warning to Americans not to travel down the same dead-end street.

Morocco's Comprehensive Counterterrorism Approach

J.Peter Pham, PhD

Governments, including that of the United States, ought to be encouraged to examine what lessons they might learn from the Moroccan experience with fighting terrorism.

From Devil Dogs to the Great Crusade

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Military Milestones from Devil Dogs to the Great Crusade.


Caption Contest June 4 - 9

Will your caption come in at number one?

Today's Hot Topics: 6-4

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Obama to Embrace Muslim World in Cairo Speech
  2. Muslim Brotherhood Members to Attend Obama's Cairo Speech
  3. Obama: U.S. is "One of the Largest Muslim Countries in the World"
  4. Venezuela Chavez says "Comrade" Obama more left-wing
  5. Two U.S. Reporters on Trial in North Korea
  6. Obama Confident In Taking On Settlements
  7. Ahmadinejad says Holocaust a 'big deception'
  8. Osama Speaks as Obama Lands in Saudi Arabia
  9. "Don't Speak: What We Don't Want to Hear in Obama's Muslim Speech"
  10. Al Qaeda Beheads British Hostage in Mali
  11. Obama looks to reach the soul of the Muslim world
  12. Dear Gordon, please resign ... NOW
  13. US telecoms fight claims of illegal spying
  14. Nukes Are OK For Iran, But Not For Us?
  15. The corrupting of American elections continues.
  16. Sotomayor Made Same "Wise Woman" Speech In 1990s - And No One Objected
  17. The Meaning of Bloody Omaha On D-Day, the U.S. saved Europe from itself.
  18. Obama Backpedals on the Uighurs
  19. French remember D-Day fight to free them
  20. Two Murders ... By Maggie Gallagher
  21. Indiana Challenges Constitutionality of TARP Money for Auto Bailout
  22. Equal Rights or Special Rights?
  23. Jihad Returns to America
  24. Obama visits Saudi Arabia, Cairo - why not Israel?
  25. Obama calls for new beginning between US, Muslims

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