Friday, June 5, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-05-09 *Obama’s Cairo Speech – What He Said…And What He Didn’t Say*

June 5 th
President's cynical trip to Buchenwald. Why Obama is losing the Third Jihad. Hillary & Obama squeezing Israel into extinction? U.S. Justice Dept. exoneration of Black Panther "poll watchers" is not the first such travesty of voting rights. Abusive relationship?


Exclusive: Obama's Cairo Speech - What He Said...And What He Didn't Say

Ruth King

The only person who looks spiffier in a suit is Kofi Annan.

Exclusive: Barack Hussein Obama Exposes Himself Overseas

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

It's very difficult to believe what Mr. Obama says these days, as we now know he has not always been truthful with Americans.

A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel

Daniel Pipes

Israeli minister: "The residents of Iroquois territory are assuming that they have a right to determine where Jews should live in Jerusalem." Is Netanyahu worried about Obama?

Obama's Assault on the Mind

Edward Cline

For a moment, in a handful of incautious but revealing words, the mask of respect for anyone's right to freedom of speech was dropped.

Is Our Democracy Imperiled?

Herbert London

If Lincoln's words of a government "of the people, by the people and for the people" were uttered today, the typical response would be "which people" and "what will this government do for me?"

Today's Blog Topics

What Obama's Mideast Trip Says About The U.S.
Video: Congressman: Greatest Threat to U.S. is Liberal Media Bias
Video: Obama Overture to Hamas Suggests Inevitability of Terror Group's Dominance Among Palestinians
Video: MSNBC Anchor Gets Angry When Guest Points Out Network's Limbaugh Obsession
Audio: Palin blasts Obama administration: Government wants to "control the people"
Video: Krauthammer on Obama Address: ‘Abstract, Vapid, and Self-Absorbed'
Geert Wilders' far-Right anti-immigration party made significant gains in the European Parliament elections in the Netherlands
Video: Hannity Interviews Rush Limbaugh (Part 2)
Video: Liz Cheney on Obama's speech
Video: Sweden in the Grip of Islam

The U.S. Department of Injustice

Michelle Malkin

From this week's news about the DOJ dismissing voter intimidation default convictions of Philly Black Panthers, it would seem that Lady Justice is taking a walk on the ‘mock-the-Constitution' side.

Exclusive: A Canadian Reminder of Fading Values

William R. Hawkins

June 7th is Canadian Armed Forces Day, so it is appropriate to say a few words about our neighbor to the north who not only fought alongside us in World War II, but still do so today in Afghanistan.

Powerful Friends Support Judges' Bid to Keep Illegal Benefits

Leslie Dutton

While California is on the brink of financial collapse, LA Superior Court Judges are fighting to keep the $300 million they received in illegal payments made to them by the county over the last two decades.

Exclusive: Terror Threat Continues at U.S. Borders

Jim Kouri, CPP

As American remembrance of the horror of the terrorist attacks on 9/11 dwindles, the U.S. borders are practically as porous as ever - and the terrorists know it.

Today's Hot Topics: 6-5

We choose, you peruse.

1. Cairo Candy
2. Obama in Cairo: Diplomacy of Wishful Thinking
by Mona Charen
3. N. Korea Silent About Fate of 2 U.S. Journalists on Trial
4. Boehner Keeps Pressure on Pelosi for CIA Accusation
5. The Settlements Canard - by Charles Krauthammer
6. How U.S. Taxpayers are Funding Palestinian Terrorism
Obama Butters Them Up In Cairo
8. Was the White House tipped off about Souter retirement? By: Byron York
Harry Reid wants immigration bill this year
10. The Age of Middle East Atonement - Therapeutic efforts to disguise the truth never really work. By Victor Davis Hanson
11. In a Baghdad barbershop, Obama's words met with skepticism
12. DOD Report: One in Seven Released Gitmo Detainees Return to Terrorism
13. Obama Tells Muslim World That America Sometimes Acted Contrary to ‘Our Traditions and Our Ideals' after 9/11
14. President's words worry supporters of Israel
Now it's on to Normandy, to apologize to the Germans.
16. President Obama's Cairo Speech: Outrageous, Absurd, Embarrassing (by Rush Limbaugh)
17. Never Forget D-Day
18. Recruiter Shooting Suspect Had Ties to Extremist Locations
19. Barack Hussein Bush
20. 'High Noon' for Freedom
21. It's Iran vs. the West as voters go to the polls this weekend.
Michelle Obama Tells Us She Identifies with Sotomayor's Rage
23. Obama's speech is one of the most bizarre orations ever made by a U.S. president
24. When Obama promises the Muslims a new beginning, Israel has a pretty good idea who is going to bear the brunt.
25. Obama's failure to castigate Iran's nuclear weapons program is a reckless and naive policy switch.

Caption Contest June 4 - 9

Will your caption come in at number one?

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