Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Islamic speakers bureau backed by radical profs

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Dear Solstice,

Here is a remarkable juxtaposition.

Yesterday we emailed you the story
about the conference exposing radical Islam in Nashville that was shut
down, presumably due to behind-the-scenes pressure from one or more
Islamists and/or organizations. Chalk up another victory for cultural
jihad over free speech.

Today we forward you the commentary below
about an Islamic Speakers Bureau taking full advantage of America’s
cherished first amendment right to free speech.

Radical Islamists
have the same free speech rights we all enjoy. They have the right to
highlight what they choose to highlight about Islam, even if it misleads
and misrepresents the true history and doctrines of Islam. They have the
right to disagree with those who disagree with them.

These are
rights they enjoy in America – rights you and I would not have in Saudi
Arabia or Iran. That we all enjoy these rights is one of the things that
makes America great.

What we object to are Islamist words and
actions aimed at stifling free speech and shutting down the right to be
heard by those who expose the history and doctrines of radical Islam.

The Islamists who will issue threats and demand Geert Wilders not
be allowed to speak at a conference and show his film Fitna are
typically the same ones who demand their right to be heard, even if what
they say is demonstrably inaccurate, misleading, even deceptive.

As Brigitte Gabriel states in her best-selling book
They Must
Be Stopped
, this illustrates how “tolerance” is a one-way street among
so many Islamists.

American Congress for Truth, ACT! for America’s
“sister” organization, is planning projects such as a high school national
security curriculum and an educational conference for elected officials,
to counter the many misrepresentations espoused by Islamists and their
apologists. It will be interesting to see how those associated with the
Islamic Speakers Bureau react to our right to freedom of

Islamic Speakers
Bureau Backed By Radical Profs

by Jonathan Schanzer

The American Thinker
May 31, 2009

A California nonprofit dedicated to "teaching about Islam &
Muslims" at U.S. high schools and college campuses features a board of
advisors that is stacked with some of the most controversial activist
professors in the field of Middle Eastern studies today. The imprimatur of
these scholars may signal a troubling shift toward the support of
proselytizing efforts and the further unraveling of Middle East Studies in

board of Islamic Networks Group
(ING) is a veritable Who's Who of
Islamist apologists and activists. Leading the list is John Esposito, the
founding director of the Saudi-funded Center for Muslim Christian
Understanding at Georgetown University. He
that the suicide-bombing Hamas organization engages in "honey,
cheese-making, and home-based clothing manufacture."

Esposito on the ING board is Sherman Jackson of the University of
Michigan, who was
a trustee at the
North American Islamic Trust
and worked
with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
, both un-indicted
co-conspirators in the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation

also Ingrid Mattson, a convert to Islam, who is a professor at the
Hartford Seminary and president of the un-indicted co-conspirator ISNA.
While much of her work is controversial, she is famous for a
chatroom interview
in 2001 in which she stated that the radical Saudi
Wahhabi ideology is "a reform movement" that "really was analogous to the
European Protestant reformation."

Hamza Yusuf Hanson, who is not a
scholar but sits on the ING board,
declared his own extremism
at an ISNA convention. In 1991, he
reportedly delivered a speech titled "Jihad is the Only Way"
to the
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), which is an arm of the radical
organization Jamaat-i-Islami in Pakistan.

Maha El-Genaidi, the
founder, president and CEO of ING, does not appear openly to embrace
radicalism, she reportedly has
worked with the
Council on American Islamic Relations
(CAIR), also an un-indicted
co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case. El-Genaidi also
in an event sponsored by the Muslim Students Association with Siraj
, an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center

ING's reach is wide.
Its web site lists
more than a dozen affiliated organizations in North America. They reflect
a broad network involved in Islamic outreach (da'wa), otherwise
known as proselytizing.

The list of ING affiliates includes such
Muslim outreach organizations as:
the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Vancouver.

Because ING charges
nothing for its campus speeches, hosts aren't deterred by financial needs.
Thus, with a modest 2007 budget of $356,000, the latest figure available
via public tax returns, ING made an astonishing
750 classroom
visits in one year
, a figure that doesn't include visits to churches,
senior centers, corporations, and forums for policemen and healthcare
workers. According to a
recent ING
, the group reached 14,000 students and adults after public
schools and universities responded to a large-scale ING direct mail

ING also disseminates its message through the printed
word. Access to the ING online store is now
denied for reasons unknown, but a few of
the organization's publications are available on the Internet. Among them
is Arab and Muslim Stereotyping in American Popular Culture by Jack
Sheehan, a former communications professor at Southern Illinois University
also a visiting professor at Esposito's Center for Muslim Christian
. Another title is Presenting
Ramadan and Eid in Elementary School: Grades K-6 Kit for Parents and
, designed to generate excitement about these Muslim holy
days through art, music, and "lunar activities."

ING also appears
to have created a curriculum about Islam for grades
7 through 12. It
also appears that the State of California, at least at one point, used ING
curriculum. However, the ING links on the California Department of
Education website
are now dead.

There is nothing even vaguely radical on the ING website. The
organization's behavior appears to be consistent with its
message of
. One might only observe that the organization attempts to
whitewash the radical strains of the religion (a common theme in the work
of Esposito and Mattson).

Without challenging ING's freedom to
preach, two important observations should be made.

First, it is
now clear that some Middle Eastern Studies professors have ceased being
observers of Islam and are now engaging in its propagation. Countless
analysts have noted that Middle Eastern Studies professors
substitute scholarship
with apologia for radicalism
. Still others openly agitate
against the United States or Israel
. However, it is rare to see
scholars openly lend their support to proselytizing efforts of this kind.

It is too early to know whether the scholars on the ING board
represent an anomaly or a trend. The motivations of Mattson and Sherman -
both converts to Islam - are somewhat understandable. Esposito, a
non-Muslim, is more of a mystery.

On a more practical level,
elementary school, high school, or college administrators mulling a free
visit from El-Genaidi's group should be forewarned about the academic
engine that powers ING. ING's leading thinkers have a history of cavorting
with apologists for radicalism-and the radicals themselves.

Jonathan Schanzer, an adjunct scholar at Campus Watch, is deputy executive
director for the
Policy Center
, and author of
vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine
(Palgrave, Nov


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