Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

White House North Lawn Closed - Suspicious Package

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 11:53 PM PDT

The White House North Lawn has finally reopened after more than
two hours after a suspicious package thrown over the fence prompted the
closure — and a huge response from four fire trucks and numerous Secret
Service. In order to get back in, reporters were walked along a West Wing
hallway near the Oval Office. We learned that the president has a lot of
large photos of himself along the walls.

After the president’s short speech, reporters were forced to
remain in the Grand Foyer for the last 10 minutes. No word on when we
might be allowed to leave. Your correspondent took the time to do a brief
radio interview — and later talked to WDET while walking back from

Earlier, the Secret Service forced reporters off the White
Hosue driveway and into the press room over an suspicious package found
near the White House fence. Some reporters were forced to go through
another entrance into the building, while our trip into the Grand Foyer
for the president’s speech on General Motors Corp.’s bankruptcy filing was
delayed by 15 minutes.

Not clear what it is, but this typically happens over suspcious
packages. The Secret Service also cleared pedestrians off the sidewalk in
front of White House.

Weblogs Autos Blog

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Bomb Said to Be On Flight Almost Taken By Former Iranian

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 11:48 PM PDT

Former President Mohammad Khatami was expected to fly on a
domestic flight on Saturday night that was found to have a homemade bomb
aboard, an Iranian newspaper reported Monday.

The daily newspaper Sarmayeh said Mr. Khatami had been
scheduled to fly on the Kish Air flight to Tehran from the southwestern
city of Ahwaz on Saturday evening, but that he had taken another flight
instead. It was unclear why he had changed his plans.

Mr. Khatami has been traveling and campaigning in support of
Mir Hussein Moussavi, a moderate politician and the most serious
challenger to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ahead of June 12

The semiofficial Fars news agency reported Sunday that a
homemade bomb was found in a lavatory on the Kish Air flight, which had
131 passengers aboard. It said about 15 minutes into the flight the plane
turned back to the Ahwaz airport, where authorities defused the device.
The agency gave no further details.

via Bomb
Said to Be on Flight Almost Taken by Former Iranian President -

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Taliban Kidnap Hundreds Of Cadets in Waziristan

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 11:43 PM PDT

The Taliban in North Waziristan carried out a brazen daylight
operation that resulted in the kidnapping of hundreds of military cadets
and their teachers as they traveled from a college in North

A large Taliban force armed with rocket-propelled grenades,
machine guns, and assault rifles halted the convoy of 29 minibuses
traveling from the Ramzak Cadet College to the settled district of Bannu.
The cadets were traveling under the protection of Pakistani security
forces, however there are no reports of fighting.

Between 300 to 400 cadets, teachers, and college staffers were
kidnapped and taken to an undisclosed location. One bus driver and more
than 40 students are reported to have escaped the Taliban hijacking.

“[A] Driver of one of the vehicles managed to escape and
students reported to us that their colleagues have been kidnapped by
Taliban,” a police official in Bakka Khel told Reuters. The convoy is said
to have been ambushed near Bakka Khel.

The cadets and staff left the college after being threatened by
the Taliban, according to reports.

via Taliban
kidnap hundreds of cadets in Waziristan - The Long War Journal

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Recruitment Center Shooting Act of Terrorism

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 04:36 PM PDT

UPDATE: The suspect arrested was under
investigation by the FBI’s Joint Terrorist Task Force since his return
from Yemen.

The investigation was in its preliminary stages, authorities
said, and was based on the suspect’s travel to Yemen and his arrest there
for using a Somali passport.


Just after 5:00 this evening, Little Rock Police say Abulhakin
Muhammad, also known as Carlos Bledsoe, will be charged with capital
murder and 15 counts of terroristic acts after a shooting
at an Army/Navy recruitment center on Rodney Parham Road in Little

Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas says Muhammad,
originally of Memphis, targeted military personnel.

23-year-old Private William Long, of Conway, died as a result
of his injuries.

18-year-old Private Quinton Ezeagwula, of Jacksonville, was
also shot. Chief Thomas says he is in stable condition and will

Around two o’clock Monday afternoon, police and bomb squad
officers went Muhammad’s apartment off Napa Valley Drive in the Bristol
Park complex.

The military revealed information about what the victims were
doing at the center. Lt. Col. Thomas F. Artis, Commander of the Oklahoma
recruiting battalion which has command over the Little Rock recruiting
station says the soldiers were enlisted men, not officers, and that they
did not work as recruiters. Lt. Col. Artis says they were part of a
recruiting program called “hometown recruiting assistance.”

He says recruiters use these soldiers to tell their stories to
talk to potential recruits, and that it is a volunteer position they do
while they are visiting or based back in their home region.” Lt. Col.
Artis says he does not know who the suspect was, and says it’s not clear
if the man was in the military or not.

After the suspect’s vehicle was stopped, the Little Rock Bomb
Squad was called in over concern about some bags found inside. The scene
was closed off and traffic along the I-30 entrance ramp from I-630 was
backed up for some time. The vehicle was finally towed away just before
one o’clock.

Full Story
and Video - KARK4 News

LRPD Press Conference

Video: Witness Interview

Video: Shooting Scene

Video: Suspect’s truck on I-630.

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Air France Jet Carrying 228 Missing Over Atlantic Ocean

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 06:15 AM PDT

An Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to
Paris lost contact with air traffic controllers after flying into a strong
thunderstorm over the Atlantic Ocean and signaling it had an electric

Air France Flight 447, an Airbus A330, was carrying 216
passengers and 12 crew members, company spokeswoman Brigitte Barrand said.
The flight left Rio on Sunday at 7 p.m. local time.

About four hours later, the plane sent an automatic signal
indicating electrical problems while going through strong turbulence, Air
France said.

The plane disappeared about 190 miles northeast of the coastal
Brazilian city of Natal, near the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, a
Brazilian air force spokesman said. The air force began a search Monday
morning near Fernando de Noronha, he added, speaking on condition of
anonymity in keeping with air force policy.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

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