Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror
Alert Response Center

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Pair Questioned Over Ricin Find - UK

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 10:54 AM PDT

A father and son are being questioned by anti-terrorism
officers following the discovery of the poison ricin at a house in County

The find is connected to a police inquiry into alleged extreme
right-wing activity.

Ian Davison, 41, and his son, Nicky, 18, were arrested on
Tuesday in raids at their homes in County Durham.

The ricin, said to be 6,000 times more toxic than cyanide, will
be analysed at the Porton Down government laboratory.

Police have halted their search of Mr Davison’s home in Myrtle
Grove, Burnopfield, until tests on the substance, found in a sealed jam
jar, have been completed.

We do not believe that there is any risk to public health

Asst Ch Con Michael Barton

The former pub DJ’s son was detained at his home in Annfield
Plain on suspicion of inciting racial hatred but is now also being held
under the Terrorism Act.

It is understood his father is being questioned by Durham
officers and the North East Counter Terrorism Unit at a police station in
West Yorkshire.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

Army Report: Drug Cartels, Terrorists Infiltrate U.S.

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 10:49 AM PDT

A secret intelligence mission recently conducted along the
southern border of the United States found that drug cartels are teaming
with terrorists to exploit the numerous vulnerabilities along the sparsely
defended 2,000-mile Mexican border.

The mission, dubbed Operation Red Zone was conducted in
February and March by the Army’s Asymmetrical Warfare Group (AWG). The
clandestine intelligence gathering organization is a 350-member special
mission unit that works to identify critical threats and enemy and
friendly vulnerabilities through global first-hand observations, the Army

The group is based at Ft. Meade, Maryland, also home to the
National Security Agency.

Red Zone investigators discovered numerous alien smuggling and
drug trafficking operations along the border. Perpetrators are using
maritime surface craft, semi-submersible watercraft, ultra-light aircraft
and possess the capability [to] utilize other potential aerial
infiltration techniques to circumvent ground border protection
capabilities,according to Asymmetric Observations Along the U.S.- Mexican
Border released May 14 by the Army to federal and state law enforcement

The AWG served as observers to advise the Border Patrol, Coast
Guard and local law enforcement. During the operation AWG personnel were
not authorized to enter Mexican territory and none were armed,Donald
Cicotte, spokesman for the AWG at Ft. Meade tells Newsmax.

After the mission was completed, AWG personnel prepared a
classified report for the Department of Defense. A cleansed version, like
the one viewed by Newsmax, was sent to civilian law enforcement


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

Germany Warned of Pre-election Terror Attack

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 10:41 AM PDT

Al Qaeda is planning a major attack on Germans before
September’s election to wreak revenge for the deployment of troops in
Afghanistan, a German magazine cited security officials as saying on

Der Spiegel said German intelligence officials and the Federal
Crime Office believed German firms based in Algeria and German citizens in
northern Africa were in particular danger.

The officials also warned of attacks in Germany. The new
assessment is largely due to a warning from the U.S. government, believed
to be based on information from al Qaeda in the Afghanistan-Pakistan
border region, said the weekly.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry declined to comment on
the report of a fresh threat. In recent months, however, officials have
repeatedly warned that Germany is a likely target for Islamist


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

Student In Jail After Bringing Bombs To School

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 10:24 AM PDT

An honor student and football star at San Ysidro High School
was arrested Friday on three felony charges after allegedly bringing
homemade bombs to school as a senior prank.

Elphbert Laforteza, 18, is in San Diego County jail for
allegedly bringing a dozen acid-based devices to the school and placing
them in trash cans. Six of the devices exploded, forcing school officials
to order a lockdown and call police.

No one was injured, but the explosions were heard throughout
the school. Laforteza is being held in lieu of $860,000 bail. Laforteza
has been selected to attend the Air Force Academy.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

Search Crews Find Bodies From Air France Flight 447

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 09:46 AM PDT

Update: The Brazilian Air Force has recovered
the first two bodies from the Air France crash, the BBC reports. They also
found a suitcase and a backback with a laptop inside. “We confirm the
recovery from the water debris and bodies from the Air France plane,” an
air force spokesman said. “We can’t give more information without
confirming what we have.” The remains were recovered this morning, and
experts are on their way to investigate.

The remains were taken from the water at 0814 Brazilian time
(1114 GMT), said spokesman Jorge Amaral.

Experts on human remains are on their way to examine the

All 228 passengers and crew on board AF 447 are believed to
have been killed when the plane disappeared during its flight from Rio de
Janeiro to Paris.


Source - BBC

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

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