Monday, June 8, 2009

Request for support from Daniel Pipes

Middle East Forum
June 8, 2009

Dear Reader:

I write to request your financial support for the Middle East Forum, the think tank I
founded in 1994 and have since headed. Augmenting my own work, the Forum
provides sound analyses and policy recommendations regarding the Middle
East and Islam.

In his Cairo speech, Barack Obama furthered his policy of
winning Islamist favor while ignoring America's real Muslim friends, the
liberals. According to his administration, the "war on terror" is over,
replaced by "man-caused disasters." He appears not to be taking steps to
prevent Iran from going nuclear. He insists on pursuing the failed
two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians. Washington fumbles as
the jihadists in nuclear Pakistan get worryingly close to usurping

The Forum has responded to these challenges by hiring three
leading experts: Steven J. Rosen to head the Forum's new Washington
Project to influence the Obama administration's Middle East policies;
Raymond Ibrahim, who focuses on the Islamist threat; and Denis MacEoin on
Iran and Islam.

We have several recent achievements worth noting:

  • Steven Rosen recently exposed
    Charles Freeman, who then withdrew
    himself from nomination
    to serve as head of the National
    Intelligence Council.

  • Campus Watch revealed the participation of a pro-Wahhabi
    at the National Prayer Service to mark the inauguration of
    President Obama and exposed how U.S. tax dollars are funding anti-Israel

  • The Legal Project just hosted a major
    on "libel lawfare" in Washington, DC, making better known
    the danger of Islamist use of the courts.

  • Islamist Watch presented a well-received brief to CENTCOM
    in support of U.S. military analysts defending their right to connect
    Islam to the war on terror and is educating law enforcement, from
    California to Maryland, on the threat of lawful Islamism.

  • Middle East
    articles are widely quoted in electronic media, such
    as Fox News and National Review Online. Cumhuriyet, a
    leading Turkish newspaper, recently featured a MEQ article about
    Fethullah Gülen as its lead first-page story.

  • The Middle
    East Forum Education Fund
    continues to help support individuals and
    institutions researching the Middle East, such as Joel
    , who first exposed that U.S. taxpayers are unwittingly
    funding Palestinian terrorist groups, then got Congress to take
    unprecedented steps to require transparency from the United Nations
    Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

I have been grateful for support from my readers in the past
and hope, despite the economic climate, you will see fit again to provide
the Forum with financial support so that its projects—such as the Legal
Project, which protects the freedom of public speech concerning the Middle
East and Islam—can continue promoting in full vigor American interests in
the world's most dangerous regions, while helping the United States defend
itself at home.

We are pleased to make gifts available – a DVD of The
Third Jihad
or a signed copy of Hamas vs. Fatah – in return for
gifts of $150 or $300, respectively.

I look forward to hearing from you,




The Forum is effective, as indicated above.

It is a good investment. The Forum is a well-managed,
lean, but highly productive operation; our staff of 18 operates on a
budget of roughly $1.5 million.

It is a 501c3 non-profit; contributions are tax
deductible to the fullest extent by law in the United States.

It offers donors a range of benefits, such as
subscriptions to the Middle East Quarterly and invitations to
events. (Click here for


For donations of $150 or more, we are offering a gift
(upon request):

____ Please send me a copy of The Third Jihad,
a DVD documentary exposing Islamism in the United States by Dr. Zuhdi
Jasser, praised by Rudy Giuliani for being "a wake-up call for

For donations of $300 or more, we are offering a gift
(upon request):

____ Please send me a doubly-signed copy of Hamas vs. Fatah: The
Struggle for Palestine
by Jonathan Schanzer, foreword by Daniel

Payment Options

(1) CREDIT CARD ONLINE (this is easiest):

and follow the instructions. (This is a secure, encrypted, form; your
personal information cannot be read as it travels over the


Copy this text to an e-mail message and send it to

Credit card authorization

I authorize the Middle East Forum to charge $ ________ to
my credit card account, to be used as a contribution to the Forum.

__ Visa __ MasterCard __
American Express

Credit card number

Expiration Date _________________________

Name of cardholder

E-mail address

Street address



You may send your contribution using PayPal, to (For security reasons, we do
not link directly to PayPal.)


Please make checks payable to "Middle East Forum" and mail
them to:

Middle East Forum
1500 Walnut Street, Suite
Philadelphia, PA

To subscribe to the MEF mailing lists, go to

You may post or forward this text, but on condition that you send it as an
integral whole, along with complete information about its author, date,
publication, and original URL.

The Middle East Forum

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