Monday, June 1, 2009

TN conference exposing radical Islam shut down !!

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Nashville Conference
Exposing Radical
Islam Shut Down !!!

Dear Solstice,

When we
speak to groups around the country, it’s not uncommon for us to hear
people say “surely the things you’re warning us about couldn’t happen here
in America!”

For instance, surely in “the land of the free and the
home of the brave,” where our right to free speech is enshrined in the
very first amendment to the Constitution, the successful muzzling of
criticism of radical Islam in Europe and Great Britain couldn’t happen

Surely an event in America that featured Dutch Member of
Parliament Geert Wilders would not be shut down, as was the case in Great
Britain earlier this year.

The article below should be
one more nail in the coffin of “surely it can’t happen here” wishful
thinking. It IS happening.

This illustrates better than any alarm
bell we can ring why the growth of ACT! for America into a formidable,
organized grassroots voice of resistance to radical Islam is essential. No
such force existed in Europe or Great Britain 25 years ago, and the result
has been a highly successful advance of cultural jihad in those nations.

The clock is ticking and Islamists are advancing. You can help us
continue to build our citizen action network and our organized resistance
by forwarding this email to everyone you know and asking them to sign up
for our emails at

can also help us with your financial support by
clicking here.
ACT! for America now has nearly 60,000 members and 300 local chapters.
With your support we will continue to grow, organize, and successfully
resist the rising threat of radical Islam to our security and our

Muslim Group Shuts Down
Conservative Conference

Thursday, May
28, 2009 10:26 PM

The manager of a prominent Nashville hotel cancelled a contract
with a conservative foundation to hold a conference this weekend on
radical Islam, apparently after learning that the group would feature a
keynote address by controversial Dutch parliamentarian and filmmaker,
Geert Wilders.

Muslim groups succeeded in preventing Wilders from
screening “Fitna,” his 15-minute movie on radical Islam, in the House of
Lords this February, on claims it was insulting to Muslims, and dogged him
during a recent U.S. tour as well.

Thomas A. Negri, managing
director of Loew’s Vanderbilt Hotel and Office complex in Nashville, told
Newsmax on Wednesday that he had taken the extraordinary step of
cancelling the conference at the last minute “for the health, safety and
well-being of our guests and employees.”

Negri refused to say why
he felt the conference would adversely affect the “health, safety and
well-being” of the hotel’s guests and employees, except to refer to the
website of the New English Review, the group organizing the conference.

The website features articles that warn about radical Islam
written by activists, journalists and scholars, including former federal
prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, and former Muslim scholar, Ibn Warraq.

One article, written by a retired U.S. army intelligence officer,
Jerome Gordon, warns of the growing problems caused by the recent
influence of several thousand Somali Muslim refugees who have come to work
for a nearby Tysons Food plant to replace illegal Hispanic meat packers.

Negri appeared at a 2003 pro-immigration event on the same dias
with a well-known Somali warlord, Gordon told Newsmax.

In a written statement to the conference organizers, Negri said that the hotel
had “not received any information related to a specific security threat
concerning this event,” and declined to provide any justification for
cancelling it at the last minute.

One of the conference organizers
told Newsmax on Wednesday that the group was considering a lawsuit against
Negri and the Loew’s hotel chain for “unlawful breach of contract.”

Negri also serves on the board of advisors of the Tennessee
Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, TIRRC, an activist group that
states its mission “is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout
Tennessee to develop a unified voice” and “defend their rights.”

The group boasts of having helped to defeat an “English only”
amendment this January that would have required all Nashville government
communications to be in English.

Earlier this month, the group won
an award from the Migration Policy Institute, which is funded by grants
form the J.M. Kaplan Fund, a left-wing group that also funds the ACLU, the
Tides Foundation, the Tides Center, the Sierra Club, the Southern Poverty
Law Center, and other left-wing causes.

The award singles out
TIRRC for its “Welcoming Tennessee Initiative,” to “foster constructive
public dialogue on immigration within the state.”

When asked if he
objected to Geert Wilders appearance at the conference, Negri refused to

In a recent interview with FoxNews, Wilders complained
that Europe “has pampered” Muslim immigrants. “If you want to come and
stay here, that’s okay, but only if you adhere to our values, our
principles, our laws… and our constitution,” he said. “With all the
tolerance we are having, we are also tolerant to the intolerant.”


ACT for

P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated
to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots
citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to
informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies
that promote America’s national security and the defense of American
democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.
We are only as strong
as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential
to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more

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