Friday, March 1, 2013

03-01-13: The basic practical functions of the family have been replaced by the nanny state

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

ben carson obama LARGE

·  Dr. Ben Carson Rails against ‘Political Correctness' and Opens up about his Worldview with Glenn Beck - Part 1


·  The U.S. debt limit explained! Satirical film looks at the national debt and how it applies to just one family.


·  Woodward speaks out on White House threat

CNN world

·  CNN's Piers Morgan to Gun Rights Advocate: 'I Suggest You Keep Quiet'

pope - benedict

·  Laura Ingraham and O'Reilly Discuss Media's Criticism and their Coverage of Pope Benedict


·  Maxine Waters Warns 170 MILLION Jobs Could Be Lost Due to Sequestration Cuts - But There's a Huge Problem With Her Estimate


·  How will the sequester impact the military?


·  News piece on leftist groups opposing Geert Wilders and anyone who would listen to him

ben carson obama LARGE

·  Dr. Ben Carson Rails against ‘Political Correctness' and Opens up about his Worldview with Glenn Beck - Part 2

In Case You Missed It

malkin parody first lady

·  Parody video: Evolution of Liberal Dance - Malkin defends mocking first lady's late night appearance


·  Limbaugh: Obama's ILLEGAL Alien Immigrant Release 'Impeachable Offense'

9-11_jet into south tower

·  FOR REAL? Al Jazeera-Owned Current TV Explores Americans' 'Unfounded Fears of Islamic Terrorism'


·  White House Threatens Woodward: 'YOU WILL REGRET DOING THIS'


·  Subway Restaurant Chain Founder Blasts Gov't Regulations: ‘Subway Would Not Exist' If I Started My Business Today

sex ed+school books

·  City school officials stir controversy as they decide to start teaching sex education to child as young as KINDERGARTEN age


·  This SELFLESS MOMENT Will Bring You to Tears - See What Happens When Mentally Challenged Player Is Put in the Game


·  DHS blaming budget for mass release of illegal immigrants

rand paul _ LARGE

·  Why did Senator Rand Paul Vote to CONFIRM Chuck Hagel?

White House

·  ‘What The Hell is Going on Here?': Woodward Escalates His War with the White House

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Targets for Chuck Hagel's New Ax

You save big bucks by closing bases and cutting weapons procurement, so begin by testing congressional resolve on both fronts.

Sheriff Joe: I'll Put Released Illegals in Tent City

Bottom line, Arpaio said, "If they're here illegally, they should be deported."

Who Needs the Family?

The basic practical functions of the family have been replaced by the nanny state. It is the nanny that takes over the care and teaching of the child as soon as possible.

U.S. Aid to Syria's Revolution not to the Jihadists

This stark warning from experts in counter-terrorism who have worked in the field should be heeded. Washington is funding an umbrella group backed by Qatar and the AKP Government of Turkey.

Every Horrid Thing You Need to Know about How Healthcare is Paid for Today

Having had the ObamaCare forced on us by a Liberal-controlled Congress, we are beginning to learn that the cost of healthcare is going to increase, people will be laid off, have their hours reduced, or simply not hired at all as the result of Obamacare.

New Nuke Nonsense

Early seismic data indicates the North Korean test was not only successful, but was also the most powerful to date.

Congressman Murphy Seeks Probe of Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera is working furiously to stop the mounting congressional interest and now has three lobbying firms working to stop any hearings or investigations into the deal.

Jewish Leader to Congress: Hate Crime, Violence Increasing in Europe

"It's a sad state of affairs when nations bend-over backwards to avoid the tiniest slight against Muslims but tolerate the assaults and killings of Jews in the streets of otherwise liberal democracies..."

Here Are the Annual Darwin Awards

My annual Darwin Awards are granted to people so stupid that they should not contribute to the human gene pool. There are many candidates this year.


U.S. High School Students Told to Call 9-11 Hijackers "Freedom Fighters"

The Texas teacher is also under fire for encouraging students to dress in Islamic clothing and telling teens to stop referring to the Holocaust as 'genocide.'

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