Thursday, March 7, 2013

03-07-13: The WaPo reveals Obama’s real 2nd-term priority (Plus: Dramatic filibuster)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Dramatic filibuster: Rand Paul ends his attempt to block confirmation of Obama's CIA nominee over concerns about Obama's authority to kill Americans with drones

Obama bus
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·  Elementary School Added an Armed Police Officer - at Zero Cost to Taxpayers

·  Bill O'Reilly: Enough

·  Senator Ted Cruz on the Senate floor in support of Senator Rand Paul's filibuster against the nomination of John Brennan

·  Chris Matthews: Hate groups must be big fans of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, right?

·  The president who cried wolf? Leaked e-mail fuels speculation that White House inflated sequester for political gain

·  Top 10 Quotes From Rand Paul's Amazing Filibuster on Civil Liberties, Drone Strikes

In Case You Missed It


·  Bill O'Reilly unloads on Alan Colmes: ‘You are lying! You are lying!' during discussion regarding why Obama is not trying to solve our country's fiscal chaos


·  Frustrated MSNBC's Maddow Harasses Unaffected Justice O'Connor On Gore v. Bush Decision


·  Texas Governor Rick Perry blasts ICE's 'federally-sponsored jailbreak' of Illegal Aliens

liberal media_obama

·  How trustworthy are the U.S. media? New claims of White House bullying buried by the press

andrew mccarthy

·  Andrew McCarthy: ‘What the Arab Spring really is, is an ascendancy of Islamic supremacism'


·  Lawmakers still waiting to hear from Benghazi, Libya survivors - Rep. King wants answers


·  MSNBC's Brokaw Slams Obama's Never Ending Campaign

CNN world

·  Country Singer Trace Adkins Tangles with Piers Morgan


·  John Kerry is questioned about Benghazi, Libya Terrorist Attack

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

breaking news light

Obama's Pelosi II Strategy - The WaPo reveals the real 2nd-term priority

Well, the answer arrived this weekend as the Washington Post reported that Mr. Obama's real plan for the next two years is...

Chavez Continues To Manipulate

Hugo Chavez was a despot, a tyrant, an opportunistic manipulator of the poor and downtrodden who pretended to care about them in order to advance his own pocket and agenda.

GOP House Approves CR That Funds All Obamacare--Including Regulation Attacking Religious Freedom

The Republican-controlled House voted 267-151 to approve a $982-billion continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government through the rest of fiscal 2013 that fully funds the implementation of Obamacare during that period.

GOP Rolls Over for Obama and Recommends Brennan for CIA Post

All of the Democrats and most of the Republicans sitting on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence gave the nomination of Brennan as leader of the CIA the go-ahead, which now sends the nomination to the full Senate for a vote.

Still Punting on Syria: Letting Bad Guys Keep the Lead

New Secretary of State John Kerry told a German audience last week that in America, "you have the right to be stupid, if you want to be."

Fatwas, Salafists, and Morsi: Desecrating Egypt's Art and History

The unpredictability of the fatwa, random and lunatic, holds the populace captive, shackling minds and hearts. This is the terror of state religion.

The Coddling of College Hate Crime Hoaxers

The following column contains racial epithets some readers may find objectionable. In addition, the third sentence of the ninth paragraph contains an obscenity. Thank you.

Our Real Man-made Climate Crisis

The crisis is due not to climate change, but to actions taken in the name of preventing change.

Judge Clears Path for Trial Against French Bank's Hamas Accounts

A leading European bank faces trial in New York later this year after a federal judge found there is sufficient evidence it knew the funds were being used to support a Palestinian terrorist group.


  The Tyranny of Deceit: A Response to ‘Israel Apartheid Week'

Taken in its totality, Israel not only has no right to defend itself in response to terrorist attacks, but it has no right to exist - which suggests that missile attacks on Israel's civilian population are not only justified, but desirable.

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