Thursday, October 3, 2013

U.S. Taxpayers to Pay for Spread of Turkish, Qatar Islamism
issue 101

U.S. Taxpayers to Pay for Spread of Turkish, Qatar Islamism
Millions of American taxpayer dollars will be spent promoting the Muslim Brotherhood's band of Islamism to counter Al-Qaeda. More

After being threatened with a lawsuit, an Ohio school district agreed to remove a video that promoted Islam to seventh graders.
Ohio School Forced to Stop Showing Video Promoting Islam

A woman can be whipped in Sudan for violating 'public decency' laws, including wearing in pants or uncovering her hair.
Woman Publicly Whipped in Sudan

CAIR, a shadowy Muslim Brotherhood entity, faces serious allegations that it has violated IRS laws & the Foreign Agent Registration Act.
Report: CAIR Engaged in Money-Laundering to Hide Foreign Donors
Why Boko Haram Slaughters  Muslim Students

DoJ Slams FBI for Ties with CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood)

Why Senator McCain Hired Discredited Syrian Analyst

Saudi Sheikh: Women Driving Risk Damaging Their Ovaries

Attack on Nairobi Mall Shows Al-Shabaab's Ominous Reach

Unprecedented: Islamists Agree to Cede Power in Tunisia

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Tunisian Government Pledges to Confront 'Sexual Jihad'

Anti-Erdogan Protests Continue, Not Covered by Western Media

Growing Epidemic of Hidden Honor Crimes in Britain
A BBC expose on the growing epidemic of honor crimes being committed in Britain -- many of which go unreported. 

Nairobi Mall Victims Tortured Before Being Executed

Kenya: Influential Imam Says Nairobi Attack 'Right Thing To Do'

Egyptian Journalist: 9/11 Planes Controlled Remotely by U.S.
The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy
By Walid Phares
A revealing look at the strategies of both sides, explaining how new technology and the jihadists' media savvy have raised the stakes in the conflict. Most urgently, Phares warns that we are in danger of losing the war, for while debate and theorizing rarely lead to action, ideas and deeds are inextricably linked for the forces of jihad.
T.T. commenting on  Iranian President in U.S.: Meets Islamist Leaders, Buys Time
Leopards do not change their spots.
T.T. commenting on "Iranian President in U.S.: Meets Islamist Leaders, Buys Time"
J.L.V. commenting on Bangladesh Islamist Leader Sentenced to Death for War Crimes
By committing crimes against humanity in its many forms including terrorism, genocide, chemical attacks or the use of heavy weapons upon a civilian population these criminals give up not only their own humanity but also their right to live among us. Evil exists in a very real way, these people cannot be allowed to harm humanity and kill innocents, they must be dealt with.
J.L.V. commenting on "Bangladesh Islamist Leader Sentenced to Death for War Crimes"
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