Wednesday, June 3, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Israel to Obama: "No You Can't!"

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 07:15 PM PDT

North Korea is launching missiles, Iran is building nukes,
Saudi Arabia is sponsoring hate that translates into worldwide terrorism,
Sudan is still massacring and raping, China is busy ethnic cleansing Tibet
into a Chinese province... but the Obama Administration is furious, yes
"furious" at only one country, Israel.

What did Israel do? Well it's building a hotel in Jerusalem.

Washington is furious over the Interior
Ministry's anticipated approval of a plan to build a new hotel in East
Jerusalem, just 100 meters from the Old City's walls. In conversations
with Israeli officials, senior American officials have made it clear that
they want Israel to freeze all plans for expanding the Jewish presence in
East Jerusalem, and especially in the Holy Basin - the area adjacent to
the Old City.

What right does Israel have building a hotel in its
own capital anyway? So far we've had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
an end to Jewish babies being born, as if she were Pharaoh dressed
up in a power suit. The administration has demanded an absolute freeze on
settlements, with Jerusalem to be viewed as a "settlement" too, in
exchange for Abbas and Hamas, maybe sorta stepping up their security
cooperation. The double standard here isn't exactly hard to

The Muslim world can build nukes (Iran), commit genocide
(Sudan), occupy anyplace they want including the territory of a NATO ally
(Turkey), and Obama will come hat in hand to them, bearing apologies and
huge aid packages.

Israel however had better not even think of
building a hotel in its capital city. Or having babies. Or the Obama
Administration will be furious and leak supposed plans to "punish" Israel
for having the temerity to keep on living, building and growing.

only six months, the Obama Administration has already become the most
Anti-Israel administration since the reign of "Apartheid" Jimmy Carter. In
an NPR interview Obama described his administration's Anti-Israel
trajectory as "Being Honest", which apparently makes Israel-Bashing, the
New Honesty.

Obama expects Netanyahu to rush forward and begin the
ethnic cleansing of 475,000 Jews from the West Bank and East Jerusalem,
all to create a Palestinian state out of the Fatah and Hamas terrorist
gangs. Now why exactly wouldn't Israel want to do that? Especially when
Hamas and Fatah's main goals remain the destruction of Israel, and that
most of their budgets go to training terrorists and trying to kill
Israelis with bombs, shelling and rocket attacks.

Sure let's
create a Palestinian state out of two mini-states that have no economy of
their own, are entirely funded by foreign money, and over 17 years have
shown no sign that they can A.) Run their own affairs B.) Stop the

While the proposed Palestinian State has no economy, no
plans for the future that don't involve blowing up Israel, and already
plays host to a branch of Al Queda... it does have its own anthem. With
lines like "
With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my
", or "
Palestine is my revenge and the land of
", the theme here is none too subtle. Revenge. Death.
Killing. Not peace.

"Palestine" is nothing more than an instrument
for destroying Israel. It's what the PLO was created for. It's what Iran
keeps funding Hamas for. The mythical Palestinian nationalism has as much
to do with it, as Afghani nationalism has to do with the Taliban. They are
both projections of a much larger Islamist agenda.

And Netanyahu
agreeing to a Palestinian state based out of Israel's own capital, would
be as lunatic as an American President agreeing to a Taliban state in
Mexico, and parts of Texas, Arizona and Washington

Nevertheless the Obama Administration which has already stated
that it has no intention of honoring the Bush Administration's guarantees
to Israel, expects Israel to rush off and create a terrorist state so
Obama's Cairo speech will win a better Muslim reception.

That too
is part of the pattern. Every one of Obama's attempts to appease Muslims
have been stupid, misguided and dangerous. And usually have come at
someone else's expense. Obama muscled Turkey into a leading role in NATO
over European objections, despite Turkey's slide into Islamic radicalism.
Obama risked the lives of US soldiers with a proposed release of detainee
photos that was only halted when Iraq's Prime Minister Maliki forcefully
pointed out to him that the release would stir up terrible violence and
sabotage Obama's own plans for a timely pullout.

Now Obama is going three for nothing, trying to muscle
Israel into putting its survival on the line so he can get some applause
when he does his Islamic Apology Tour. And to his furious consternation,
the democratically elected Prime Minister of Israel told him,

No, isn't a word that egotists like Obama are used to
hearing. But Obama didn't win any elections in Israel, and his
administration can't come to terms with the man who did. That of course is
diplomacy, which Barry Hussein isn't very good at. The Obama
Administration has two diplomatic modes, the naif and the thug.

Russia, the Muslim world and America's enemies are getting the
naif who's willing to give away the whole store for a kind word and a
handshake. America's allies are getting the cheap trashy thug who brings
the Queen of England an iPod with his own speeches on it, tells the head
of the Greek Orthodox Church that he had better come to terms with Islam,
shakes down an apology for his country's freedom of speech from the Danish
Prime Minister and berates the Prime Minister of Israel for not agreeing
to destroy his country, so Obama can get another round of applause in

But while Obama is busy picking his fight with Israel,
Israelis from the Prime Minister, down to ordinary citizens are telling
"No you can't."

Israelis understand that the issue really isn't about
as Hugh Fitzgerald puts it,

Opposition to what are so tendentiously called "the
settlements" is not about the "settlements" at all.
It is about whether Israel is going to be
allowed to decide for itself the minimum conditions of its own
, or whether others -- apparently to include an
Administration so deeply unlearned in the history of the area, and in
the claims, and rights, of the Jews to build these "settlements" (simply
Jewish villages and towns) on land that was always intended for Jewish
settlement by the League of Nations in its Mandate for

After 17 years of terror, Israelis went to the polls
and voted for security. They did not vote for a two state solution. They
did not vote to be Obama's pinata, or to be thrown under the bus whenever
Obama tries to play up to the Muslim world.

Brick by brick, Obama
has built up an administration that is hostile to Israel. He is sabotaging
Israel at a military and political level. By voting for security, Israelis
own security
, over Obama's foreign policy ambitions in the Muslim
world. Now Obama is punishing them for it. Fueled by a longstanding bias
toward Israel, with a worldview fed to him by a racist church where Israel
was accused of creating genetic bombs and genocide, the last thing Obama
cares about is Israel's survival. And in response, Israel has told Obama,
"No you can't."

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