Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Al Qaeda Eyes Biological Terror Attack From Mexico

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 12:41 AM PDT

U.S. counterterrorism officials have authenticated a video by an al
Qaeda recruiter threatening to smuggle a biological weapon into the United
States via tunnels under the Mexico border, the latest sign of the
terrorist group’s determination to stage another mass-casualty attack on
the U.S. homeland.

The video aired earlier this year as a recruitment tool makes clear
that al Qaeda is looking to exploit weaknesses in U.S. border security and
also is willing to ally itself with white militia groups or other
anti-government entities interested in carrying out an attack inside the
United States, according to counterterrorism officials interviewed by The
Washington Times.

The officials, who spoke only on the condition they not be named
because of the sensitive nature of their work, stressed that there is no
credible information that al Qaeda has acquired the capabilities to carry
out a mass biological attack although its members have clearly sought the


Quote from the video - “Four pounds of anthrax — in a suitcase
this big -= carried by a fighter through tunnels from Mexico into the U.S.
are guaranteed to kill 330,000 Americans within a single hour if it is
properly spread in population centers there,” the recruiter said.

Exclusive - Read Full Article At Washington Times

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Was Arkansas Terror Suspect Part Of A Larger Plot ?

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 08:48 PM PDT

A senior U.S. official told FOX News tonight that more targets
were found on computer of a man charged in the fatal shooting Monday at a
military recruiting center in Arkansas suggesting that the shooter may
have been part of a larger plot to attack military targets and may not
have been acting alone.

It wasn’t immediately clear, however, how extensive that plot was or
what evidence authorities have that suggests that more suspects were
involved. The U.S. official’s information contradicted a local police
official’s denial earlier Tuesday that the shooting was part of a larger

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 23, pleaded not guilty to capital murder
Tuesday and was ordered held without bond.



Original Story

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Report:Confidential Nuclear Info Accidentally Released

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 08:33 PM PDT

A 266-page document that gives detailed information about civilian
nuclear sites and programs — marked “highly confidential” — was
accidentally made public by the federal government, the New York Times
reported Tuesday.

The document’s publication was revealed Monday by online newsletter
about federal secrecy issues. The Times described the document as
including maps that identify where nuclear weapons fuel is stockpiled,
though it contained no information about military nuclear operations.

It was removed from the Government Printing Office Web site on Tuesday
after inquiries from the Times.


David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and
International Security, a group that tracks nuclear proliferation, told
the Times that releasing information on nuclear fuels “can provide thieves
or terrorists inside information that can help them seize the

Read Full Article

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

Fears Mount North Korea Preparing To Attack The South

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 07:04 PM PDT

It was obvious that something was up when the Chinese scarpered. One
day there were scores of their fishing boats hoovering up the valuable
crabs from the richest of the fishing grounds in the Yellow Sea.

Overnight all but a handful were gone.

Anywhere else the locals would have been glad to have the crabs to
themselves but this is no ordinary fishing ground. A few yards from here
is the maritime boundary between South and North Korea. “The Chinese fish
here because the North Koreans allow them,” a coastguard official said.
“If they’ve gone it’s because they’ve had some kind of warning.”

An imminent missile launch into the sea? An armed incursion of North
Korean ships? A full-scale invasion of Yeonpyeong, the small South Korean
island hard up against the maritime boundary? Too much blood has already
been shed in these waters for anyone to risk taking any chances, and for
the past week South Korea has been dispatching reinforcements.

No one will discuss numbers for security reasons but sailors and
marines, as well as members of the Sea Special Attack Team, the
coastguard’s commando force, have been arriving to join the several
hundred troops already on Yeonpyeong.

These waters, around the Northern Limit Line, have become the most
tense and dangerous patch of sea in Asia.

The rest of the world is pondering what to do about North Korea’s
underground test of a nuclear bomb eight days ago. Yesterday fresh reports
emerged that the nation was transporting its most advanced missile,
capable of reaching Alaska, to a launch site. David Miliband, the Foreign
Secretary, said that Britain and other members of the UN Security Council
were drafting new sanctions against Pyongyang.

In South Korea the most pressing question is: what next? The nuclear
test was just the most alarming in a series of growing North Korean
provocations. In April the North launched a long-range rocket over the
Pacific, and last week half-a-dozen short-range missiles were fired from
launch sites across the country.

Read Full Article

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

DHS Halts U.S. Based Delta Flights Into Kenya

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 04:54 PM PDT

Increased fighting in Somalia and recent threat information indicating
possible attacks against US interests in East Africa have prompted the
Department of Homeland Security to deny Delta Airlines their first direct
flights to and from Nairobi, Kenya which were to begin today from the
United States.

The flights were to embark from Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson airport
and arrive in Nairobi with a welcoming ceremony with Kenyan Prime Minister
Raila Odinga.

Late on Monday night, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano decided to cancel
the flights following recommendations from the Transportation Security
Administration. According to one official Napolitano called Delta’s CEO to
inform Delta of the decision


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

WHO Says Swine Flu Verging on Pandemic

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 04:41 PM PDT

The World Health Organization said Tuesday it is
“getting closer” to declaring a global outbreak of the swine flu virus as
the infection appears to be taking hold outside of North America.

WHO flu chief Keiji Fukuda said the disease has reached 64 countries
and infected 18,965 people, causing 117 deaths.

The overwhelming majority of cases and deaths have been reported in
Mexico and the United States, but increasingly the virus is spreading from
person to person in countries as far apart as Britain, Spain, Japan, Chile
and Australia.

“We still are waiting for evidence of really widespread community
activity in these countries, and so it’s fair to say that they are in
transition and are not quite there yet, which is why we are not in phase 6
yet,” Fukuda said.

Phase 6 is the highest alert on WHO’s scale, signaling a pandemic _ a
global epidemic. In terms of the geographic spread of swine flu, the world
is “at phase 5 but getting closer to phase 6,” Fukuda said.

WHO is now debating whether to add a second measure that indicates how
dangerous the virus is _ rather than just how widespread _ after several
countries raised concerns that declaring a global pandemic could cause
mass confusion and panic even though it is still unclear how dangerous the
virus will be.

Some nations have already imposed costly trade and travel barriers,
“drastic actions” that Fukuda said WHO would seek to prevent.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Zawahiri To Obama:You Are Not Welcome in Egypt

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 04:34 PM PDT

Al Qaeda No. 2, Ayman Zawahiri said in a new audiotape today that
President Obama is not welcome in Egypt. Commenting on Obama’s upcoming
visit to Cairo, Zawahiri said that President Obama’s message to the Muslim
World has already been delivered.

“Obama’s message to the Muslim World was delivered when he visited the
Wailing wall, with the Jewish skullcap on his head…when he performed the
Jewish prayers despite claiming that he is Christian,” Zawahiri said,
reminding his audience of Obama’s pledge before the AIPAC conference to
make Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel.

The al Qaeda deputy chief accused Obama of approving the “Zionist
aggression on Gaza,” of sending more troops to Afghanistan and continuing
to bomb tribal areas of Pakistan, and of leading the “brutal campaign”
against Muslims in the Swat valley. He said the Obama administration’s
message to the Muslim world can be seen in the continued use of secret
prisons and the breach of the Geneva conventions regarding terror


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Empire 09 - Capital Region Practices For Dirty Bomb Scenario

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 04:24 PM PDT

Imagine a “dirty bomb” exploding in downtown Albany.

Now envision two going off only blocks apart.

That very possibility was simulated Tuesday as hundreds of federal,
state and local law enforcement officials manned would-be command posts on
Albany-Shaker Road to prepare for the potentially catastrophic event.

The mock reaction, part of a three-day exercise called “Empire 09,” was
staged around a hockey facility near Albany International Airport. It
featured radiation screenings, officials in white “space suit”-type
outfits and aircraft to surveil contaminated areas from the sky.

The exercise, hosted by the New York State Disaster Preparedness
Commission, was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. It comes only
weeks after the FBI arrested four alleged conspirators in a plot to blow
up two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down military planes at Stewart
Airforce Base in Newburgh.

“Our enemies are patient and they are ruthless,” said Mary Kavaney,
assistant secretary for public safety in Gov. David Paterson. “We can’t
let our guard down and this exercise shows we will not let our guard

The “attack” showed the aftermath of two radiactive dirty bombs going
off during the workday - one at Eagle and State streets, the other at
Eagle and Madison Avenue. Projected maps show evacuations, from mandatory
to voluntary, would stretch from a wide range of downtown Albany across
the Hudson River to the city of Rensselaer.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

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