Monday, June 8, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

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In Liberal Eyes Who Are the Victims?

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 06:48 PM PDT

One of the most important things to understand about the
liberal approach to crime and terrorism is that when liberals use the word
"Victim", they are referring to a victimized class, rather than an
individual victim.

An individual victim in most normal people's understanding is
someone who has had an awful event happen to them. In the liberal
understanding however, Victim is a class which people are generally born
into (though in some cases they can join a victim class, e.g. Transgender)
and are defined as victims because they are members of a persecuted

So when a middle class businessman headed home from the
office is beaten and robbed outside a shopping mall, common sense
identifies the businessman as the victim. Liberalism however will identify
the perpetrator as the victim, if he is a member of an oppressed minority

This is the key to understanding the liberal approach to
crime and terrorism. It is not the actions of an individual that define
him, but the class which he belongs to. Individual morals don't enter into
it. Individual actions don't matter, except when they reinforce the group

Israelis therefore can never be victims. Even in
death, they are still perpetrators because they belong to a class that
liberalism has defined as oppressive. By contrast the Arabs in Gaza are
always the victims, even when they are the perpetrators, because they have
been defined as the oppressed.

Listening to the language that
liberals use makes it easy to determine whether they consider a group as
belonging to an oppressed or oppressive class. Oppressed classes are often
described in terms of their "community", "family" or as "the people", all
terms that liberals favor because they are vague and do not define a
specific power structure. Oppressor class members are by turn described
with an emphasis on governments and institutions.

In the media
narrative, which is the primary popular distribution matrix of the liberal
worldview, the oppressed will be shown as having many sympathetic
children, the oppressors will rarely have any children, and when they do,
they will invariably be depicted as greedy and vicious. The oppressed are
"fathers" and "mothers". The oppressors will be depicted with limited
family ties whenever possible. Or to sum up, the oppressed are human, the
oppressors are not.

What it boils down to is the good old
Communist, Kulaks vs Proletariat. The former are always oppressors, even
when they are being rounded up and killed. The latter are always the
victims even when they are doing the rounding up and killing.

Victim status is of course one of the most important pieces of
identity in postmodern American politics, and that status is reserved for
people who are members of a victimized class. Being a member of a
victimized class has many advantages. If postmodern America is like a game
of Monopoly, a Victim Card, can enable you to get favorable treatment in
business, a reserved spot in college, or a Get Out of Jail Free card when
it comes to violence and terrorism.

When you're officially a
victim, you can murder and be forgiven. When you're officially an
oppressor, even when you defend yourself, you're still the

This is what comes of a moral system based around left
wing ideology, class warfare and defining people based on entitlement and
oppression. Invariably these moral systems when in power, descend into
tyranny, expropriation and sheer butchery-- all in the name of justice for
the oppressed.

The same liberals whose hearts wept for an injustice done
to an American worker, refused to see that Stalin was a monster, even as
he was wading in rivers of human blood. But then they considered Stalin
one of them, like Che and Fidel and the PLO, all fighter against

Subtract individual morality, free will and an open
mind-- and liberal morality gives you the vivid drama of a world
struggling between the oppressors and the oppressed, which is very
appealing, so long as you don't look at the details. Today Hamas is being
written into the category of the oppressed, despite the fact that it is a
fascist theocratic organization, both things that liberals are supposed to
oppose. While Israel a democratic state that provides free medical care
and is about as union friendly as possible, is the devil.

But then
Lenin and Stalin, tyrants who butchered millions of peasants, workers
socialists and fellow Communists, were heroes-- while their victims were
enemies of the people to be ground under. In liberal eyes, Hamas has
graduated to Stalin status, as protectors of the oppressed. The
ideological battle over that is going on, but it has already been lost.
Islamism was being embraced by liberalism, even before 9/11. The bloody
handshake is once again being made. And that is all there is to it.

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