Monday, June 8, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

North Korea Sentences US Journalists To 12 Years Labor

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 09:16 PM PDT

North Korea’s state news agency says the
country’s top court has convicted two U.S. journalists, one of whom grew
up in the Sacramento area, and sentenced them to 12 years in labor prison.
The Korean Central News Agency says the Central Court tried American
journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee from June 4 to 8.

It said Monday the trial confirmed an unspecified
“grave crime” against the nation, and of illegally crossing into North

The report says the court “sentenced each of them to 12 years of reform
through labor.”

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

Ethiopian Stowaway Found Among Dulles Airport Baggage

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 07:25 PM PDT

Federal authorities say they’ve discovered a stowaway who arrived at a
Washington-area airport in the cargo hold of a flight from Ethiopia.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Steve Sapp says ground
personnel at Dulles International Airport were pulling baggage from
Ethiopian Airlines Flight 500 when they noticed an arm sticking out.

Sapp says the stowaway was an Ethiopian man who was exhausted and
dehydrated. He was taken to Reston Hospital Center and is now being held
at a federal detention center.

Sapp says the man has been charged with being a stowaway and will be
deported, but is not a security threat.

He says the flight departed from Addis Ababa and stopped in Rome before
landing at Dulles shortly after 9 a.m. Saturday.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

Sensitive Military Technology Easily Puchased, Exported

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 07:06 PM PDT

An undercover investigation by a federal watchdog group showed how
ineffective laws and poor enforcement of procurement regulations allow
companies to purchase sensitive military technologies for export to
possible terrorist groups and foreign governments.

Auditors from the Government Accountability Office, who posed as
representatives from a fictitious company, were able to purchase sensitive
technology equipment such as night-vision scopes that U.S. soldiers use in
Iraq and Afghanistan, hardware to detonate nuclear weapons, sensors used
in improvised explosive devices, and gyro chips for guided missiles and
military aircraft.

During its investigation from May 2008 to June 2009, GAO also was able
to purchase an F-16 engine-monitoring system computer, which the Air Force
uses in single-engine aircraft to monitor engine performance, said Gregory
Kutz, managing director of forensic audits and special investigations at
GAO, in his testimony before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations on Thursday.

“The only thing more surprising than the ease with which GAO acquired
this sensitive equipment is that fact that it was apparently entirely
legal,” said subcommittee Chairman Bart Stupak, D-Mich., in his opening
testimony. “There is no requirement for them to conduct any background
checks or due diligence on the buyers, much less submit the proposed sale
to the government for a license to purchase. This is obviously not

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

Group Linked to Al Qaeda May Have Killed Minnesota Man

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 06:58 PM PDT

A Minnesota man recruited to join an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group
overseas may have been assassinated in Somalia by the very terrorist group
he went there to help.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been investigating for several
months at least 20 Somali-American men from the Minneapolis area who
recently traveled to Somalia to train with the terrorist group

One of those men — 17-year-old Burhan Hassan — was killed in Mogadishu
on Friday, his uncle, Osman Ahmed, told FOX News.

“Someone who claimed to be a member of al-Shabaab called Burhan’s mom
Friday afternoon and said Burhan died Friday morning,” Ahmed said.
“Burhan’s mom got shocked and threw the phone when she heard the

“Al-Shabaab assassinated Burhan and shot him in the head,” the
individual said, according to Ahmed.

A law enforcement official told FOX News on Sunday that one of the
Somali-American men was recently killed in Somalia by artillery fire, but
the official declined to release the mans name.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

Hacker, Defcon Founder Joins Homeland Secuirty Advisory Council

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 06:51 PM PDT

Forget the new cyber security czar position that President Barack Obama
announced last week.

The real sign that the White House might be finally taking cyber
security seriously came in an announcement on Friday that Jeff Moss, aka
“Dark Tangent” and the former hacker behind the annual DefCon hacker
confab in Las Vegas, has been appointed to the Department of Homeland
Security’s Advisory Council (HSAC).

He was among 16 people (.pdf) sworn in to the council by Homeland
Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Former CIA Director WIlliam Webster
and former FBI Director Louis Freeh are also on the council, which
provides advice and recommendations to the secretary. Webster is the
council chair.

Moss, who lives in Seattle, says he was really surprised when he got a
call about three weeks ago inviting him to join.

“I always figured that because of my associations in the past that I
would be kind of out of the running for anything like this,” he told
Threat Level. “DefCon started as a hacking conference . . . and I just
figured that that past, in a nontraditional beginning, people wouldn’t
know how to relate to that. To me it shows that they’re really looking for
fresh perspectives.”

Moss, who’s 39, was a phreaker in high school — someone who cracks into
phone systems to make calls on the telecom’s dime.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

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