Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 8, 2009 War on Women News - RealCourage.org

(Saudi Arabia) Saudi "Human Rights Commission (HRC)" criticizes report on women and Hai'a work
-- Saudi HRC defends "work of "Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Hai'a)"
-- "Zaid Aal Hussein, Deputy Chairman of the HRC, said the report by Yakin Erturk, the
Human Rights Council's Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes
and consequences, following a recent visit to the Kingdom was incorrect in its description
of the Hai'a as being a 'source of fear to women.'"
--- referencing report described by Arab News as "US rapporteur sees rights situation improving"

Saudi woman minister needs permission to be on TV
-- Noura al-Faiz: "I don't take my veil off and I will not appear on television unless it is allowed for us to do so"
-- "Faiz also dismissed calls for girls to be allowed to do sport at school, which Saudi Arabia's
powerful religious establishment has prevented"

(Saudi Arabia) Camera phones seized from female teachers, schoolgirls
-- "only camera phones having women's pictures were destroyed"

(Netherlands) Amsterdam: District to start program against forced marriage


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