Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bulletin of Jew Hatred June 9, 2009

Bulletin of Jew Hatred June 9, 2009

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May 20, 2009

United States

The Islamists unlikely ally is the ADL. The ADL has refused to acknowledge rampant
anti-Semitism within Islam. Additionally, the ADL fails to acknowledge the Armenian genocide.

May 21, 2009

Newburgh, NY

NYC terrorist case latest of many homegrown plots including conspiring to attack synagogues, blow up the Sears Tower, bomb gas pipelines near Kennedy Airport and bomb tunnels underneath the Hudson river.

April 2009


Is Self-Hate a God of the Jews? Interesting opinion piece by Seth J. Frantzman.

June 1, 2009

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Police are investigating two cases of anti-Semitic graffiti vandalism in Crystal Lake, where swastikas were spray painted on a garage door and on the sidewalk.

June 2, 2009

New Jersey

New Jersey had more anti-Semitic hate crimes reported than any other state in 2008.

June 2, 2009

Lakewood, NJ

Lee Tucker was deemed competent to stand trial on attempted murder. He is accused of severely beating Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz with a baseball bat.

June 3, 2009

Little Rock, AR

The Muslim convert who killed two soldiers outside the Little Rock recruiting center also considered Jewish organizations as targets.

June 3, 2009

United States

Alan Dershowitz gives statement to JIDF regarding Holocaust Denial on Facebook. "Holocaust denial is hate speech. There are no Holocaust deniers who aren't blatant antiSemites. Every
Holocaust denial website also features antiSemitism. . . "

June 4, 2009

New York, NY

Terror suspect David Williams' father, went on an anti-Semitic rant after his son entered his not-guilty plea. "The government is blowing this up, especially those Jews," David Williams, Sr.
said of the allegations his son plotted to blow up synagogues.

June 5, 2009

Los Angeles, CA

A racist writer who fled to the United States seeking asylum is now being deported. Stephen Whittle has been convicted of publishing inflammatory anti-Jewish material.

June 5, 2009

New York, NY

Life magazine publishes never before seen photos of Hitler.

Middle East

May 12, 2009


Syrian political scientist ridicules the holocaust by stating there were 6,000,005 Jewish holocaust victims and suggests that the Israeli government quickly challenge the level of compensation. Video here .

May 14, 2009


Egyptian psychologist on women's television show says that Jews deserved annihilation and says that Maimonedes said Jewish men are permitted to rape nonbelieving women. Video here .

May 15, 2009


PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the LIberation of Palestine) representative, Anwar Raja, says that Jews have falsified history and have managed to exert their pressure on the world. Also denies
holocaust. Video here .

May 27, 2009

Jerusalem, Israel

A bill that would require a one-year prison sentence for anyone speaking against Israel's existence as a Jewish state passed a first reading.

May 28, 2009

Egypt and United Nations

Farouk Hosny, Egypt's candidate to lead Unesco, apologizes for his past anti-Israel and anti-Jew

May 28, 2009


Hilary Clinton has said there must be no exceptions to Obama's demand that Israel stop its settlement activity. "Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions. We think it
is in the best interest of the effort that we are engaged in that settlement expansion cease," Mrs Clinton said. 500,000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements.

May 31, 2009

Cairo, Egypt

Mahmoud Abbas told reporters that Obama is committed to ejecting the Jews from Judea and Samaria.

More here .

June 2, 2009

Al-Jazeera TV

Osama bin Laden says the American people will reap what the White House leaders are sowing and refers to an American, Jewish, and Indian conspiracy. Video here .

June 7, 2009

Jerusalem, Israel

Left-wing activists marked 42 years of "occupation" during a march in Tel Aviv. Protesters carried signs reading "Stop the occupation, bring back democracy". Crowd estimates varied widely and were between "hundreds" and "thousands".


May 26, 2009

Budapest, Hungary

Holocaust denial and public incitement of racial hatred will be illegal under constitutional changes proposed by Hungary's Socialist minority administration.

May 31, 2009

Paris, France

Ilan Halimi's murderer says he has no regrets about killing Halimi and, in fact, "is proud".

June 2, 2009


Several hundred personal items and objects of every day use belonging to Holocaust victims have been found at Auschwitz.

June 3, 2009

Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

A Bosnian Jew and an ethnic Roma are taking Bosnia to the European Court of Human Rights because the country's constitution prevents them from running for presidency and parliament.

June 4, 2009

Munich, Germany

Two Orthodox rabbis were ordained by the reestablished Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary, for the first time since the seminary was closed by the Nazis in 1938.

June 4, 2009

Sombor, Serbia

A Jewish cemetery was vandalized and approximately 11 gravestones were destroyed.

June 5, 2009

Manchester, England

Police officers have been learning more about issues affecting the Jewish community thanks to a special training session.

June 5, 2009


Barack Obama says he has "no patience for people who would deny history", referring to the Ahmadinejad and the holocaust, "and the history of the Holocaust is not something speculative."

June 6, 2009

London, England

New bill may force synagogues to hire non-Jews for non-ministerial roles.


June 2, 2009

St. Petersberg, Russia

The St. Petersberg police academy is sending its students and staff to the synagogue for training
after a scandal erupted around anti-Semitic material written by one of the academy's professors. The material openly blamed Jews for the breakdown of the Soviet Union.

June 4, 2009

Orenburg, Russia

The District Court has convicted four people for painting a swastika on the Orenburg synagogue. The group painted a swastika and nationalist slogans.


June 3, 2009


A British hostage was beheaded by an al-Qaeda group, Islamic Maghreb. The group said that it killed Edwin Dyer so that "he, and with him the British state, may taste a tiny portion of what innocent Muslims taste every day at the hands of the crusader and Jewish coalition to the east and to the west."

South America

May 18, 2009

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Anti-Semitic violence stirs concerns in Argentina. Jews have expressed concern over an
anti-Semitic demonstration that turned violent.

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