“The most
powerful single force in the world today is neither Communism
Capitalism, neither the H-bomb nor the guided missile – it is man’s eternal
desire to be free and independent.”
~ John F.
Kennedy ~
Canada takes sides and is not a world referee. We will
keep supporting freedom and human rights.
“Some people see Canada as being a great even-handed
referee. Well, we’re not a referee. We have a side. The side is freedom. The
side is human rights. The side is open economies. And I think that’s what
people expect us to stand up for. We cannot be afraid to take difficult
decisions for fear of consequences.
We’ve taken a very hard
line on Iran
because the regime is inciting genocide. It’s an anti-Semitic regime that
denies the Holocaust, which backs terrorism. I suppose if we kept quiet, some
would think that would be better.”
~ Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird ~
Trudeau at Islamic
Conference Ignores moderate Muslim Canadian Congress, states he “believes” in
the people he sees
Trudeau attacks his critics for practising the politics of
division while speaking to Islamists who have made division and exclusion the hallmarks
of their public face without uttering a word about that.
of Beryl Wjysman on SunTV commenting on Justin Trudeau addressing the
Controversial Muslim Conference
as a National Security Threat
Muslim blasphemy, like the ghetto hood's respect is an
assertion of supremacy by identity. It isn't a grievance, it's a right of
violence, and if you give into it, then you accept the inferior status that
comes from being weak in a system where might makes right and killing people,
or threatening to, is what makes one man better than another.
The Islamization of Germany in 2012
In January, German
authorities welcomed the start of the New Year by officially confirming that
they are monitoring German-language Internet websites that are critical of
Muslim immigration and the Islamization of Europe even though growing numbers
of ordinary German citizens are worried about the consequences of decades of
multicultural policies, as well the emergence of a parallel legal system based
on Islamic Sharia law.
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide
The heart of Dr.
Wagdi Ghoneim's message was genocidal: "The day Egyptians — and I don't
even mean the Muslim Brotherhood or Salafis, regular Egyptians — feel that you
are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the earth. I'm warning you
now: do not play with fire!"
U.S. Covering Up and Revising Islamic Ties to
Obama administration is following the direction of the United Nations and
suppressing any mention of radical Islam’s association with terrorism. Even the
word “terrorism” is being censored because it has become associated with Islam.
Sudanese Islamists Financing Genocide by Wiping out Africa’s Elephants

This story is so
depressing in so many ways and on so many levels because it shows you what
will be left of Africa or of any part of the
world if the Islamists succeed. All that will be left are corpses, slaves and
deserts. No civilization and not
even much in the way of wildlife.
FrontPage’s Men of the Year: The Three Men Who Gave Their Lives in Benghazi
In every war there are those we leave behind; buried
in graves in the green fields or falling as ashes scattered on the desert
floor. When soldiers die in war, they are honored and remembered, but when they
die in a war that is not a war, then there is nothing to remember. All that
remains is the cover-up.
Breitbart passed away on Thursday, March 1, 2012 at the age of 41. The
world has lost a brother-in-arms, a dear friend, a patriot and a fighting
warrior. He ignored personal pain to defeat the enemies of liberty
and justice. He lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to
live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to
Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith
These three brave men are American heroes
who had the moral strength to do what was right, even though it cost them their
J. Christopher Stevens
The violent death of brave people from the developed world like
Christopher Stevens is a sobering reminder of the wide gap between functioning
democracies and countries that have little or no experience of political
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Good journey General. The world has lost an honourable soldier and
man. 21 guns.
Act! for Canada/Quebec Chapter
news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails
and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and
commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of
this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services,
newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and
television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no
independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by
these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or
inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability
for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material
referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America,
Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada
named on this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views
expressed in this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the
individuals and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the
positions, views, and opinions of ACT! for America, Inc. or ACT! for Canada,
its directors, officers, or agents.
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