this is MY JIHAD,,,

AFDI's Launches #MyJihad Bus Campaign in Chicago to Counter Hamas-CAIR #CloakingJihad Ads
AFDI has created a brand new ad campaign to fight the disinformation and propaganda campaigns of Islamic supremacists and Muslim Brotherhood groups in America. Our new ads will counter the new deceptive #myjihad campaign by unindicted co-conspirator Hamas-CAIR and are a truth antidote to CAIR's deceptions.
It is reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder, ethnic cleansing, honor violence, religious persecution, etc. Look how powerful Hamas-CAIR says I am:
Local Muslim Launches Campaign To 'Reclaim' Meaning of 'Jihad' ChicagoistReally? Tell that to Osama bin Laden, Nidal Hassan, Anwar Awlaki, Mashall, Sheik Qaradawi, et al, and millions of jihadists all over world.
CAIR-Chicago executive director Ahmed Rehab, who's behind the campaign, told the Sun-Times the term "jihad" has been twisted by groups such as Geller's so that its true meaning is obscured and the word is most closely associated with "holy war." ...
Our new campaign focuses on how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism. It uses actual quotes by jihadis and Islamic supremacists including Osama bin Laden and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as statements from Hamas TV and one of the victims of the Fort Hood jihad massacre. This usage of jihad is much more influential and widespread among Muslims worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it being pushed by Hamas-linked CAIR, and the fact that some Muslims don’t think of jihad as involving violence does not cancel out the fact that many do. Our AFDI campaign shines the light of truth to break through the fog of CAIR’s deceptions.
My column in Monday's column in WND:
Muhammad said, “war is deceit”, a lesson unindicted-conspirator Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) employs with vicious frequency. Hamas-CAIR is running another new propaganda ad campaign in the information battle-space. This time it’s a deceptive #MyJihad bus ad designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.”Here are all the ads in our series:
[....] The Islamic supremacists of CAIR say their MyJihad campaign is designed to respond to our Quran ad, and fight “bigotry” and “Islamophobia,” but in fact the real bigotry, the real hatred, is coming from devout Muslim jihad terrorists around the world every day: over 20,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric. The FBI’s latest statistics give the lie yet again to the victimhood-mongering of Hamas-CAIR, which by claiming that there has been a wave of “Islamophobia” hopes to intimidate Americans into thinking there’s something wrong with resisting jihad terror.
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