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Hagel The Horrible
by Marc J. Fink • Dec 16, 2012 at
7:22 pm
Islamist Group CAIR
Leading Obama
Secretary of Defense candidate Chuck Hagel (center), advocating for closer
U.S.-Saudi Arabia ties at a 2009 New America Foundation conference on
U.S.-Saudi ties. The New America Foundation is known as a far-left,
anti-Israel organization funded by George Soros.
A lot has been written in the past few days about leading Obama Secretary of Defense candidate Chuck Hagel's virulent anti-Israel views and pro-Iran inclinations. He's even voiced conspiratorial theories about Jews controlling American foreign policy.
But what do Islamists themselves say about Hagel?
The Hamas-supporting, Muslim Brotherhood legacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has had nothing but praise for the outspoken Hagel. Below is a screenshot from CAIR's website on August 1, 2006:

In 2006, the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah fired countless rockets from Lebanon into Israel, then attacked an Israeli patrol on the Israeli side of the Israel-Lebanon border. Three soldiers were killed and two others taken hostage. Five more Israelis were killed in a failed rescue attempt.
As Israel Defense Forces attempted to stop the rocket fire, search for its missing soldiers and remove the Hezbollah threat, then Senator Hagel demanded an immediate cease-fire. This won praise from CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad (see above), who once said "I am a supporter of the Hamas movement."
CAIR also endorsed Hagel as a possible 2008 Presidential candidate, issuing this statement on August 28, 2006:
Potential Presidential candidates for 2008, like Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Joe Biden and New Gingrich, were falling all over themselves to express their support for Israel. The only exception to that rule was Senator Chuck Hagel ....
The above was reported by the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) on their website on March 12, 2007. The posting has since been deleted, but a cached version can be seen here.

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