Tuesday, January 21, 2014

01-21-14: To Defeat the Taliban, We Must Defeat the Ideology

FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

To Defeat the Taliban, We Must Defeat the Ideology

In this ongoing war on Islamic totalitarianism, a war on terror is far too limiting, because we in the West have done such a poor job of winning the propaganda war

A King for the oppressed-Not a King for the oppressors

America has been identified for decades as the greatest liberal democracy in history and around the globe, in part, due to this man's journey for public good.

Why pro-aborts oppose free speech

In 2013, 48 percent identify as "pro-life" and 45 percent as "pro-choice."

‘The better angels of our nature' take flight

While Americans squander their freedom, Egyptians reach for the ‘dream'

Polio Returns to Countries Needing Regime Change

Some very stupid and obviously evil Muslim clerics have ordered mothers to reject the polio campaign, which they claim is designed by the west to make Muslim girls sterile.

Obama's War on U.S. Energy

If President Obama would get out of the way, our national debt could be dramatically reduced and hundreds of thousands of jobs would be created in the nation's energy sector, leading to the expansion of its manufacturing sector and still more jobs.

The Putin Regime Fears a Free Press

Journalist David Satter, denied a visa to report from Russia, writes in The WSJ that recent terrorist bombings in Russia may be modeled after the 1999 apartment bombings that served to solidify Putin's control of the country and justify the war against the former Soviet republic of Chechnya.


Further Proof Emerges That Obama Knew the Truth About Benghazi

No, information was not "developing," as recent news reporting shows.



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