Posted: 28 Jan 2014 11:32 PM PST
There are two basic human responses to an assault. I will
protect myself or I will make the world a better place. The first deals with
the risk of an attack. The second with your insecure feelings about the
world. The first leaves you better able to cope with an attack. The second
makes you feel better about the world that you live in.
Jewish response to the Holocaust fell into these two categories; Never Again
and Teach Tolerance. Never Again became the credo of Israel and Teach
Tolerance became the credo of the Western Diaspora.
There were Israelis who believed in teaching tolerance and Western Jews who
believed in self-defense, but the responses were structural because the
divide between Nationalists and Universalists predated the Holocaust.
The Holocaust was a transformative event, but the responses to it came from
old debates. The pogroms had led to the same fork in the road between a
collective struggle for a better world and national self-defense, between the
Universalists and the Nationalists, between the left and the right. The
current debates about Israel by Jews and non-Jews revisit those old
To the Nationalists, the Holocaust was not an unexpected event and
Nationalist leaders like Jabotinsky had warned that it was coming. To the
Universalists, it was an inexplicable event that challenged the entire
progressive understanding of history as a march toward enlightenment.
Violent bigotry was supposed to be the opposite of modernity. History moved
forward, not backward. Unlike Czarist Russia, Soviet Russia and Weimar
Germany were too modern for mass murder. And then they weren't.
The Holocaust was a mugging in broad daylight on the biggest street of the
biggest city in the world. Its message was that human beings had not magically
become better people because Berlin had a subway and phone calls could be
made across the Atlantic. The Nationalists attributed it to human nature,
while the Socialists blamed reactionary nationalism. The Universalists
insisted that true progress would come with world unity while the
Nationalists went off to build their own castle.
The Holocaust deepened the divide between the Universalists and the
Nationalists. The Universalists thought the Holocaust made it more urgent for
us to work toward a better world while the Nationalists saw history as a
cycle of civilizations that had to be survived, rather than a utopian harbor
where strife would end and the fighting would stop.
What the Universalists had always hated about Israel was what a Jewish State
symbolized; a turning away from the great dream of the Brotherhood of Man for
another reactionary state. Zionism had been rejected by much of the left for
its abandonment of universalism. Luminaries of the left from Lenin to H.G.
Wells denounced Zionism as a reactionary roadblock to world unity. The answer
to the Jewish problem was assimilation, not conglomeration. And to many
liberals, Israel's existence is still so pernicious because it lures Jews
away from the dream of a better world.
The schism on the left over Zionism is slowly being won by the Anti-Zionists
whose visceral hatred is for the Jewish State as a reactionary entity, a
retreat from the borderless world. They do not criticize Israel for human
rights violations. They find or invent human rights violations because they
have labeled Israel as a reactionary entity and in their worldview all
reactionary entities oppress and only reactionary entities oppress. The
Soviet Union was progressive and therefore not oppressive. Israel is
reactionary and therefore oppressive.
The Universalists interpreted the Holocaust as a Nationalist phenomenon and
through that warped logic, Israel as a Nationalist response to the Holocaust
is just like Nazi Germany. By wanting their own country, their own flag and
their own army, the Jews became just like the Nazis. Instead of adopting the
Universalist response of national suicide to mass murder, the Jewish people
decided to live. And that is a crime that the left can never forgive them
Jewish Universalists have always been vaguely ashamed of Israel. They used to
understand the need for it in their guts, even as their ideological minds
struggled against it, but over time that feeling faded because the things
that you feel but do not say are hard to pass down to future generations.
Holocaust museums were built, books were written and tours conducted into
Anne Frank's attic, but the understanding of what these things meant was not
passed down. The only lesson was to make the world a better place by teaching
everyone to be tolerant so that history would not repeat itself. As if any
amount of courses and slides on tolerance could stop history from repeating
are nice Jewish boys and girls who have read Anne Frank's diary, visited
Auschwitz and come away anti-semities. They don't call themselves that
because their Universalist ignorance is so profound that they don't even know
what they are. Instead they call themselves human rights activists, they
boycott Israeli products, smash Jewish store windows, hug terrorists and
rationalize suicide bombers.
And what else were they supposed to do when the lessons that they drew from
the Holocaust are that the underdog is always right, that people in uniforms
are bad and that you always have to stand up for minorities.
That is the Holocaust in its universalized form. Never Again made the
Holocaust a teachable moment for Jews. Teach Tolerance made it a teachable
moment for all mankind. The Nationalist and the Universalist drew two
opposite lessons from the Holocaust. The Nationalists focused on resistance
while the Universalists focused on persecution. The Nationalist aspires to be
a ghetto fighter while the Universalist aspires to be a good German.
The Universalist lesson of the Holocaust is that we must all aspire to be
good Germans because our governments, at least the non-progressive ones, are
embryonic Third Reichs that are only one flag-waving leader away from opening
concentration camps. The Universalists believe that the only way to stop
another Holocaust is to destroy nationalism, patriotism and the modern state.
This is what they believed before the Holocaust. And it isn't the Holocaust
that motivates them. The Holocaust has been hijacked and distorted as another
teaching tool for the left. Its history is one where the Jews happen to stand
in for Native Americans, African-Americans or any other victim group, but
have no identity, motives or interests of their own. The dead Jews are empty
symbols with no tangible claims on the past or on the future. They died to
teach us to be better people.
And so the boys and girls, Jewish and non-Jewish, smash Jewish store windows
and throw stones at Jewish soldiers out of a desire to be good Germans. Their
method of avoiding a repetition of the Holocaust is to perpetuate it by
persecuting Jews by being good Germans. If they manage to destroy Israel and
all its Jews, then they'll be the best Germans of them all.
This Universalist doctrine does not mention the English boys, who were being
good Germans before the time when those words meant anything, by gathering at
anti-war rallies. It does not mention the leftist intellectuals who insisted
that the Allies were no better than the Nazis or the Communist Universalists
of the Soviet Union who allied with Nazi Germany.
The debate over Israel is only one of many such fights between Universalists
and Nationalists of every creed and from every nation. It is a struggle
between those who believe that nations, religions and cultures have innate
worth, and those who believe that they are obstacles to the great jello bowl
of togetherness.
Nazi Holocaust failed, but the Universalist Holocaust is still ongoing. Every
time a leftist gets up to denounce Israel and to look forward to the day when
it disappears, the Universalist Holocaust grinds on. And they have no
shortage of Jewish assistants who are eager to complete the task, believing
that a humanitarian utopia waits on the other side of the gas chamber door.
The Jewish Universalists lost faith in G-d, but they did not lose faith in
humanity. They still believe with all their hearts that if they strum the
guitar loud enough and sing, "Imagine", that a better world will
appear behind that door. Disbelieving in history, they have forgotten that
the last time that door was opened in Russia, there was barbed wire and
bitter cold on the other side.
Jewish Nationalists understood what was coming last time. They understand
what is coming this time. Yet no matter how many times they are proven right,
the beautiful dreamers refuse to listen to the history which proves them
wrong. They're still waiting for the dead hand of history to let go and the
better world to be born out of the ashes of the old.
History is the road map that charts where the past lives that made ours
possible have gone and shows us where the lives that we make possible may go.
The Universalist Holocaust would burn those maps and kill our future for
their better world.
Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger
and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
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