Allah’s Terrorists Copycat Pedophile “Prophet” Muhammad: A Key Western Danger. SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS ! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

REGARDLESS of everything else accrued under the banner of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, at the end of it all, there is not a scintilla of a doubt that a civilized society can’t live “side by side” with those whose “prophet” is a documented pedophile and serial rapist. What is so hard to understand about that? Not a damn thing.
SUCH is the case, even if particular Muslims are not wielding the actual weapons to wage jihad. The fact that they worship a degenerate, alas, that should be enough of a reason to stay far, far away from them. Call it a “clash of cultural norms”, if the more accurate term “clash of civilizations” is too hot to handle. Whatever, as long as the mask is ripped off! Said reverence for Muhammad should be, by any moral standard, a red (more aptly, green) line. Ya think?

NOW, on the flip side, it is not up to non-Muslims to demand that Islam’s followers live according to western values and norms, as long as they do not impinge upon western society. This is a key and core point. As an aside, President Bush, though well-meaning, made a grave political miscalculation, when he insisted on foisting democracy upon the barbaric Middle East. This is a region which is not only steeped in 7th century jihadism, but is overtly hostile to anything smacking of democratic principles. The following banner has been raised, ad infinitum, all over Islamic ruled lands. It is not for nothing.
CRYSTAL clear.
MORE specifically, the nexus between Muhammad and pedophilia is well-known, and duly backed up via Koranic-based dictates. In fact, much of it can be found at these pages…let your fingers…though icky-like…explore ” Islam’s Pedophile Monsters Mirror “Prophet” Muhammad: CAIR Leader Nabbed In The Act!”
WITH the above info intact, it is intrinsic to internalize what has become of Europe, in so far as its cesspool is sinking deeper into the Islamic mud. Let this be a warning for Americans: You are next! The following link is reflective of a (typical) Muslim living in Germany, never mind the so-called “refugees” tipping the balance of power in their favor!
CONSEQUENTIALLY, as always, leave it to the expert of experts in counter-terrorism, Dave Gaubatz, to sound the alarm bells for Americans.

OMINOUSLY, earth-shaking fissures hang overhead akin to the sword of Damocles. To wit, how many American patriots (as to Europeans, they too have every reason to jump aboard the “scream-fest”) will take it upon themselves, post-haste, to scream said truths to fellow citizens, whatever their pulpit may be?

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}
{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
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