CANNIBALISM Rooted Within Islamic Shariah Law: A Prime (Meat) Clash of Cultures! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

UNDER any rational prism, let alone within any civilized society, the fact that pedophilia and rape are sanctioned under a particular set of laws should render said system and its adherents (more than) personas non grata. Agreed?
AND if you add into the mix beheading and the like, coupled with the sanctioning of cannibalism, well, what more is there to say, other than: NEVER and NEVER!!
ALAS, this is not only the case, but those who “object” are deemed “racist” (never mind that Islam is NOT a race, rather, it is a political and quasi-religious ideology) and every
epithet imaginable. Be that as it may, Islam is a pit of hellfire, and patriots must decide if this is the fate they want for themselves, like it or not. For if they fail to do something post haste, well, the choice will no longer be available, regardless of this or that distaste!

Arab Muslims eating body parts of Israeli soldier they killed
THE Islamic fatwa ruling, supporting said dietary “delight(s)” expounds:
If the jurists had permitted, when necessary, the consumption of human flesh as a means counter to death or harm, then it is even more appropriate to transplant of organs from the apostate to the Muslim to save the life of the latter, because the apostate’s life and organs don’t have to be respected and can be taken with impunity.
MOST westerners – even though lacking an in-depth understanding of Islam’s basis – have a gut feeling that something is fundamentally flawed and amiss about the oft-opined “religion of peace.” Apparently, they view it as a cross between scary crazy, mixed up with a touch of the exotic. Lawrence of Arabia-like. After all, civilized folks internalize that slaughtering those who “slander” the “prophet”, as well as decapitating hither and yon, is not exactly a recipe for a healthy religious basis, let only a peaceful one. It is also understood that any form of public criticism – be it from Muslims who are apostates or non-Muslims – can place one’s head on a fatwa list ala an actual chopping block! No kidding.
BASICALLY, indoctrination is filtered down through mosques and Islamic communities. However, of late, the internet has become a repository for Islam’s followers. Be that as it may, a majority of Muslims learn what is expected of them via a multiplicity of levels, whether through actual war-fighting or other measures. Regardless, Islam must be dismantled for the survival of the west. It is that dire.
AS to the “soccer head” “news” bandied about ….
ISIS recently took children and beheaded them in front of their children, and also beheaded a man and played soccer with his head, in the Syrian area of Yarmouk.
A Palestinian local named Amjad Yaaqub, said:
In Palestine Street, I saw two members of Daesh playing with a severed head as if it was a footballAnother local, Ibrahim Abdel Fatah, recalled the horrors he witnessed:
I saw severed heads. They killed children in front of their parents. We were terrorisedHere is a photo said by one Afghan source to be of a ISIS terrorist kicking around a human head:

Here is another photo of two heads decapitated by ISIS in Yarmouk:

All of the victims are Palestinian, and yet the media is not making as much of a big deal as it would if these were killed by Israelis.
BY the way, lest readers believe otherwise, if the so-called Palestinians (and other Islamic factions) had the chance to do the same, they would “return the favor,” As repeatedly stated, beheading is part and parcel of Islam, not an anomaly to ISIS!
“When you encounter the unbelievers on the battlefield, strike off their heads until you have crushed them completely; then bind the prisoners tightly.”[11] The Qur’anic Arabic terms are generally straightforward: kafaru means “those who blaspheme/are irreligious,” although Darb ar-riqab is less clear. Darb can mean “striking or hitting” while ar-riqab translates to “necks, slaves, persons.” With little variation, scholars have translated the verse as, “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.”[12]
For centuries, leading Islamic scholars have interpreted this verse literally. The famous Iranian historian and Qur’an commentator Muhammad b. Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923 C.E.) wrote that “striking at the necks” is simply God’s sanction of ferocious opposition to non-Muslims.[13] Mahmud b. Umar az-Zamakhshari (d. 1143 C.E.), in a major commentary studied for centuries by Sunni religious scholars, suggested that any prescription to “strike at the necks” commands to avoid striking elsewhere so as to confirm death and not simply wound.[14]
Many recent interpretations remain consistent with those of a millennium ago. In his Saudi-distributed translation of the Qur’an, ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali (d. 1953) wrote that the injunction to “smite at their necks,” should be taken both literally and figuratively. “You cannot wage war with kid gloves,” Yusuf ‘Ali argued.[15] Muhammad Muhammad Khatib, in a modern Sunni commentary bearing the imprimatur of Al-Azhar university in Cairo, says that while traditionalist Muslims tend to see this passage as only applying to the Prophet’s time, Shi’ites “think it is a universal precept.”[16]Ironically, then in this view, Zarqawi has adopted the exegesis of his religious nemeses. Perhaps the most influential modern recapitulation of this passage was provided by the influential Pakistani scholar and leading Islamist thinker S. Abul A’ la Mawdudi (d. 1979), who argued that the suraprovided the first Qur’anic prescriptions on the laws of war. Mawdudi argued
Under no circumstances should the Muslim lose sight of this aim and start taking the enemy soldiers as captives. Captives should be taken after the enemy has been completely crushed.[17]AND for those who require “instructional manuals” – sort of like a westerner’s “how to” project guide or what not, view the following:
YES, this is Islam! There is not enough lipstick on the planet to prettify the bloody plague of Islam. Indeed, Islam and Blood. Its inextricable link.
BUT why stop there, a top Saudi cleric has now upped the ante to Islam’s barbarism, and this time his fatwa is directed at Muslim men who are suffering from hunger. Still, it is not as if cannibalism has been off-limits! Rooted.

MIND you, due to the global outrage over the latest carnivorous nexus to Islam, denials from the ever enlightened Saudi kingdom are flying faster than the severed heads. As always, Islam’s fiery schism between Sunni and Shia barbarians are blaming each other for starting “rumors.” Yet, let us just understand, as linked above, cannibalism is halal (“kosher”) in Islam, wives notwithstanding!
Saudi Arabia’s highest religious authority has issued a fatwa allowing a starving man to eat his wife in order to save himself, causing a stir among the Kingdom’s residents, London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported.
Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, according to the report, said that the act would display the wife’s obedience to her husband and her willingness to become one with his flesh.
Saudi Twitter users quickly took to the social network to express their shock at the strange fatwa attributed to the Grand Mufti, al-Quds al-Arabi reported….
BESIDES, ladies and gents, this is a fatwa bearing fella who believes that Mickey Mouse should be killed, and he was recorded on tape saying so!

ON the other hand, re the “happy” news front, Islamic wives who escape being eaten alive – literally! – will now have certain pleasures to look forward to. Oh joy….mazel tov too.
AND inquiring minds will wonder: What might this entail? Well, after all of the awful doom and gloom attached to Islam, isn’t it uplifting to find out that Muslim women are now able to enjoy the benefits of…..halal approved sexual relations with their insatiable, hyper-frustrated and newly doting husbands? Yup, you heard it here.
Aouragh who consulted a Muslim cleric from Saudi Arabia, who according to Aouragh, has allowed him to sell these supplies that are considered “halal” (Muslim for Kosher) and would lead to the improvement of the sexual relationship between husband and wife. He explained to the French news agency “AFP” that he recently merged with the German company “Beate Uhse”, the largest provider of exciting products in Europe.

He said in an interview with the French Agency that he “will be selling through the German company’s marketing more than 18 toys that are Islamically approved with the possibility for a global market to access 1.8 billion Muslims,” explaining that, “our products does not include inflatable dolls but products that increase feelings of sensuality and improve the atmosphere between the couple in the sexual relationship between them. ”

He explained in remarks to the Dutch press that he hopes “his project to change the stereotypical image of Islam as being anti-women,” pointing out that “the image of women in the kitchen with burqa is not a true picture. There is a lot of love and respect Islam has for adult women” saying, “our store puts women at the center, offers information, and has questions to find answers”. (blogger’s note: Aouragh is not exactly being honest about how Islam views women, and that’s an understatement.Consider: the Council of Islamic Ideology recently exhorted: women’s existence is against Islam!)

In other words, women can get advise on how to please the men.
The first Halal Sex Shop started in Turkey in 2013.
Last year, one Muslim business man who runs “The Hot Crescent” in Amsterdam provided exclusive service for Muslims providing girls for sexual pleasure and obtained fatwa approval from three imams. The loophole? These girls do not drink alcohol or take drugs and must perform the five Muslim daily prayers.
The representative for The Hot Crescent said: “This is a unique opportunity for Muslims to get some fun without violating their religion, pointing out that the girls go through medical examination every two months. Among the conditions is not to have sex with customers in ways contrary to Islamic law.”
There are Halal brothels in Amsterdam established to service Muslim men since prostitution is legal in Holland where there is an enormous Muslim customer base. There live about one million Muslims in the Netherlands (approximately 6% of the population) and each year thousands of Muslim tourists are visiting the Netherlands.
Islam is the religion of loopholes where prostitution is prohibited, but thanks to Islam, a Muslim can always find a loophole where every sin is sanctioned. Murder, lying, cheating, pedophilia … ruin … and every sin under the sun, are all prohibited in Islam, but with certain ‘loopholes’, they are all sanctioned….
STILL, if additional supportive proofs are required re Islam’s sanctioning of every inhumane act known to man, woman and child, the following should bring it home: Sunni Islam’s highest authority asserts that pedophilia is halal, “kosher”!
AND if anyone thought that G-d’s creatures are safe from said death cult, think again:
NOT sure about others, but this investigative journalist can hardly feel excited and atwitter upon hearing about the impending pleasures awaiting Islamic couples, married or not! Infidels, what say you?
HERE is the upshot: Muslims, wherever they reside, have cannibalistic tendencies due to their cultural and religious upbringing. It is what it is. And this is why it is a relatively short leap to eat an enemy’s body parts, or even a wife’s, with the knowledge that it is not considered abhorrent to sever a head and use it as a football! In point of fact, and on more than one occasion, Arab Muslims in Israel have executed the above atrocities, yet, even Israel’s poohbahs still believe that they should be coddled and appeased at all costs. Crazy and crazier…

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}
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