U.S. HYPER-ALERT: Syrian “Refugees” Harbor Flesh Eating Disease! Where Are Obama Inc.’s PUBLIC Warnings?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
BEFORE we move forward, know that snopes.com supposedly “debunked” the hyper medical alert which is highlighted below. No matter. Indeed, they have ZERO credibility in investigative journalism, and they know it too. The leftist-driven duo are laughing their asses off, as usual. Let’s not even get into their so-called “methods.” Never mind their “sources.”
IN any case, with the understanding that Obama Inc. is a renegade regime, does anyone expect their mouthpieces to sound an alarm re this and that, despite the fact that countless Americans will be placed at risk?
NOW, this medical warning comes ATOP the recent “news” that HUSSEIN Obama’s inner sanctum of Brotherhood mouthpieces DID issue a stark warning: Don’t dare vote for Trump, if you do, Muslims in America will attack you!! Got that?
SO, it is along these same incendiary pathways that embracing so-called Syrian (coupled with related Islamists from Mid Eastern and African nations) “refugees” veers into additional dangerous territory, and this is no exaggeration!
THUS, even while many are rightfully terrified by an uptick in Islamic terror attacks, if the door isn’t slammed shut to Allah’s Muslim terrorists, how many are aware of the medical dangers? Hence, the following hyper-alert:
Dilqash Isa, who works for the Kurdish Red Crescent, said: “As a result of abominable acts by ISIS that included the killing of innocent people and dumping their corpses in streets, this is the leading factor behind the rapid spread of Leishmaniasis.
Fifty-nine percent of patients had more than one of the following: disease compromising the function of vital sensory organs (eye, ear, nose, and mouth) (27%); lesions of greater than 5 cm in diameter (49%); disfiguring facial lesions (37%); special forms, such as sporotrichoid or lymphangietic with satellite lesions (9%); and lesions present for more than 12 months’ duration.Earlier this month, the news media hyped a story that the Islamic State was causing the spread of leishmaniasis, because – as the U.K.’s Mirror newspaper put it - militants were “slaughtering innocent people and dumping their bodies in the street.”
Also in 2012, the CDC documented that “migration patterns of refugees with cutaneous leishmanias is were identified in Lebanon,” with the health agency producing a helpful illustration showing the disease’s “movement from cities in Syria to regions in Lebanon.”
The peer-reviewed medical journal Pathogens noted that Lebanon had no cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis prior to 2008 and only “sporadic cases in the following years.”
After the arrival of refugees, 1,033 cases were confirmed by 2012, “96.6% (998) of which were among Syrian refugees.” Writing at AHC Media, a publication for healthcare professionals, Dr. Philip R. Fischer, Professor of Pediatrics at the Mayo Clinic, documented the spread to Turkey as well:As Syrians leave their homeland, they sometimes carry their germs with them. There have been dramatic increases in the number of cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in southeastern Turkey. In Turkey, 69% of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients are Syrians living in tent cities.
As recent news reports have shown, many Syrian refuges don’t stay in Turkey and Lebanon. There is a significant risk that cutaneous leishmaniasis will reemerge in southern Europe, where the natural vector of the L. tropica parasitealready exists.

YES, while the mock-up is in “parody” form – as if TIME, and the rest of the captured media, would ever tell the truth – the facts remain clear: If not for the Islamist-in-Chief, well, America wouldn’t be falling off the cliff; the Mid East wouldn’t be facing its most dangerous pit of hell-fire in decades; and Iran’s genocidal mullahs wouldn’t be receiving billions without even conceding an inch of their nuclear weapons program – that which is leaping to the finish line at break-neck speed – all credit to the House of Bribes!!
MOST significantly, Islam’s barbarians – be they ISIS or another Brotherhood hydra, Sunni and Shia alike – will use any weapon to reach their Caliphate ruled objective. It matters little whether the method is dispersed via biological, nuclear, or any variant thereof, as all are high on their agenda. Believe it.

EFFECTIVELY, mass casualties are only a matter of time, and they will cause 9/11/01 to pale in comparison. And if “missing” propane tanks from multiple states are any indication of what’s in store, well…
STILL yet, if anyone believes that Obama Inc. has America’s back, just think about this: The fact that Brotherhood Mafia mouthpieces inside America EXPLICITLY threatened Americans with terror attacks – if they dare vote for Trump – is there any doubt left that this regime awaits, with anticipation, the wreckage which Syrian “refugees” will potentially spread; be it through the aforementioned bio weapon – or another method – just as long as America is brought down??

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