Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06-04-13: Arab Spring Egypt's 'Legal' Persecution of Christians (Plus:Is the White House Being Honest?)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

·  'Middle East genocide' of Christians and Jews: John Bolton and Ralph Peters Discuss

·  "In Their Own Words" - Are the White House and this Administration Being Honest with Voters? You Watch and You Decide

·  No Employees Would 'Acknowledge' Who Ordered IRS Targeting

·  Your tax $$ at work: $50M for conferences, dance videos: Just when you thought the IRS scandal could not get worse...it did

·  Karl Rove Tears into Ariana Huffington and David Plouffe over IRS Scandal in Passionate Segment

·  Senator Marco Rubio To Abandon Immigration Bill If Turned Into 'Horse Trading'

·  Sen. Ted Cruz leading the charge on abolishing the IRS

In Case You Missed It

tea party_irs_LARGE

·  IRS Spent $50 Million for Conferences, Report Finds; ‘Expensive Presidential Suites,' ‘Free Drinks'


·  Chris Kyle Widow: Former Navy SEAL ‘Died Because Somebody Wanted to Kill Him'

JUDGE Pirro-500x281

·  Judge Jeanine: 'Eric Holder Should Be Indicted'

jay_carney _wh press

·  Rep. Issa: Jay Carney is the administration's "paid liar" on the IRS scandal

CAIR Logo 2

·  Muslim Group CAIR Demands Investigation into Death of Boston Bomber's Friend


·  Krauthammer: ‘Double Standard Is the Real Issue' in DOJ Scandal


·  TSA Gets Rid of Full-Body Scanners at U.S. Airports

marines_ afghanistan

·  Mark Levin Fumes Over Marines Loss Of Hot Meals At Afghan Base


·  Who is the Benghazi cover-up trying to protect?


·  Heated debate over growing role of women as breadwinners

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What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Obama Approval Rating Hits 12-Month Low

obama - sweating_ LARGE
As of Monday June 3, Obama sits at 46.6% approval, 49.3% disapproval. He's not only upside down by 2.7% (his worst showing all year), he is upside down for the first time since early September of 2012.

Islam On My Mind

Is worry about the Islamic threat an irrational obsession, or a mark of genuine concern? Who is really stricken with political tunnel vision: Those who see the bigger picture, or those who see only a fraction of it?

Arab Spring Egypt's 'Legal' Persecution of Christians

According to Islamic law, the word of inferior Christians cannot stand against that of superior Muslims-even if they are resentful or confused children.

Left Tries to Redefine IRS Scandal

The liberal media, liberal non-profits, and Congressional Democrats are urging the public to look the other way from the IRS targeting scandal.

The Cost of Freedom

Pointing to a wall of gold stars representing the number of Americans killed during World War II, he added: "They gave their all, for all of us."

All the Things We Do Not Know

Castro had more lives than the proverbial cat. He has survived more assassination attempts on his life that are known.

An Official Book List Discounts Islam's Menacing Side

Read to learn who is funding "Muslim Journeys," a project that aims to present "new and diverse perspectives on the people, places, histories, beliefs, practices and cultures of Muslims in the U.S..."

Devilish Details (Part I)

No number of amiable academic conferences at venues like Georgetown or superficial invocations of Islam as a "religion of peace" can replace the critical measures necessary to overcome Islam's internal barriers to freedom.


Islam's Reign of Terror

From the Excerpt: "One cause of Islam's successful infiltration is the spread of multiculturalism in the West. Multiculturalism is egalitarianism, which seeks to destroy the best, applied to cultures." Islam regards the U.S. Constitution as an "abomination" that must be replaced with Sharia law.


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