Wednesday, June 5, 2013



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Dear Friends of ACT! For Canada,

We had our first ACT! For Canada meeting in September 2009 with 10 people sitting around a kitchen table. We now have over 1,500 members!  We feel this in itself is a commendable achievement and illustrates to us how thirsty our citizens are for credible information and knowledge on the subject of keeping our country safe and protecting the values for which Canada stands.  When fascism was rearing its ugly head in Europe in the 30’s, people remained complacent and non-believing that something as unthinkable as a genocide could actually occur and history proved otherwise.  We must be ever vigilant for the sake of our children and our grandchildren.

There are three kinds of people in the world:
People who make things happen;
People who watch things happen and
People who say “What happened?”

Although our organization is run entirely by volunteers, we still incur many expenses in order to run it, be it operating the website, paying the server, the domain sites, legal and accounting fees and most of all, the expenses of bringing in top notch speakers (see attached list).

In order to continue, we are appealing to your generosity by asking for a $50.00 annual membership fee (which works out to ACT$4.20 a month).  To facilitate this, you can go to the website ( There you will see on the right hand side SUPPORT US and a DONATE button where you may make your donation by credit card or through PayPal if you have an account. Or, if you would prefer to mail a cheque, you may do so by writing it payable to ACT! For Canada – Education and sending it to:

ACT! For Canada – Education,
5764 Monkland Avenue,
Montreal, QC, H4A 1E9

With your assistance, we will be able to continue the important work of ACT! For Canada. We thank you in advance for understanding the importance of our commitment to keeping our country safe and how much we need and appreciate your support.

ACT! FOR CANADA/Quebec Chapter

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