Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
June 16, 2017
Terrorist Double Game
IPT News
June 16, 2017
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A Muslim Russian
national from Kyrgyzstan detonated an explosive device in St. Petersburg's
subway system in April, killing 14 people and injuring many others. The
attack signaled a growing Islamist threat facing Russia, following several high
profile terrorist attacks in recent years. More
people have been killed in Russia from terrorism than any other
European state since 1970. Yet Russia maintains a glaring double standard
when it comes to terrorist violence and now sponsors some of the deadliest
terrorist groups in history
For the Russian government, terrorists aren't "terrorists" if
they avoid targeting Russian citizens or interests. In this light, Russian
officials consistently avoid classifying groups like Hamas and Hizballah as
terrorist organizations. The latest example came directly from Russia's
ambassador to Israel, Alexander Shein, in an interview last Friday with
Israel's Russian-language Channel 9 and translated
by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Shein admitted
that while both groups were "radical organizations, which sometimes
adhere to extremist political views," Russian law only designates
organizations as terrorists when they "intentionally conduct acts of
terror in Russian territory, or against Russian interests abroad –
installations, embassies, offices, or citizens."
Despite the lack of a universal definition,
"terrorism" generally refers to a non-state actor's deliberate
threat or use of violence for primarily political, religious, or
ideological purposes. According to many conceptions, terrorism tends to
intentionally target civilians, but also to create a broader psychological
reaction beyond those killed or injured. By these well-established
criteria, Hizballah and Hamas, organized militant groups that purposefully
kill civilians to establish Islamist states in their image, are the
quintessential terrorist organizations.
For the Russian government, a jihadist blowing up a St. Petersburg metro
constitutes terrorism. But a Hamas suicide bomber targeting Israeli public
transportation or Hizballah militants indiscriminately firing rockets into
civilian areas is not terrorism. With such a view, it is no surprise that
Russia is actively engaging in a double game when it comes to supporting
terrorist organizations.
Since launching its 2015 military intervention in Syria's civil war,
Russia has positioned itself as a major benefactor to the Iranian-led
Shi'ite axis operating in Syria. Russia provides military training and air
support to Hizballah fighters on the ground. Russia reportedly supplies the
terrorist group with heavy
weaponry and enables the flow
of sophisticated armaments from Iran to its terrorist proxy.
Russia historically has faced diverse terrorist threats from its North
Caucasus region, a conflict that has increasingly adopted a more global
Islamist orientation. In December 2013, Islamist terrorists conducted two
suicide bombings within two days, targeting public transportation in
the city of Volgograd. Another suicide bombing had taken place in the same
city two months earlier. Since the mid 1990's, Russian forces have fought
North Caucasian militants in two bloody wars and other sustained
battles in the region. Despite strong crackdowns in recent years, Russian
security services allegedly encouraged
many local extremists to leave the North Caucasus and join terrorist
organizations in Syria, disregarding its own laws deterring individuals
from fighting with terrorist groups that oppose Russian interests. Since
2011, an estimated
2,400 Russians have travelled to Syria to fight with various militant
groups, including the Islamic State and al-Qaida's affiliate Jabhat
al-Nusra Now, Russia is particularly
vulnerable to the threat from returning foreign fighters.
In Afghanistan, Russia has been increasingly
supporting the Taliban under the pretext of combatting the Islamic
State's affiliate in that country. Like Syria, Russia is allying with one
terrorist organization to fight another one. In both contexts, these
policies may be intended to reduce the domestic terrorist threat to Russia
and enhance Russia's influence. But working with terrorist entities that
hold long-standing grievances with the Russian state in order to fight
other short-term terrorist threats, will likely backfire.
The Islamist terrorist threat to Russian national security is unlikely
to wane anytime soon. Russia's population is in decline, but Muslims living
in Russia maintain relatively high birthrates. Some projections suggest
that Muslims – which currently represent about 16 percent of Russian
citizens – will account for one
fifth of the country's population by 2020. Support for various types of
Islamist groups abroad does not bode well for long-term Russian
counterterrorism efforts at home. Russia's marginalized and predominately
Sunni Muslim population may become even more susceptible to radical
Islamist ideologies as Russia continues to support Shi'ite terrorist
organizations in Syria.
Russia's explicit military, financial, and diplomatic assistance to some
of the most brutal powerful terrorist groups make it one of the world's
leading state sponsors of terrorism today. All acts of Islamist terrorist
violence needs to be condemned and supressed uniformly, not in Russia's
selective way.
Related Topics: , Russia,
Petersburg, North
Caucasus, Foreign
Fighters, Taliban,
al-Nusra, Islamic
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