Thursday, May 18, 2017

France: The Ideology of Islamic Victimization

In this mailing:
  • Grégoire Canlorbe: Interview with Howard Bloom, Part 2
  • Samuel Westrop: American Islam's Most Extreme Conference
  • Yves Mamou: France: The Ideology of Islamic Victimization

France: The Ideology of Islamic Victimization

by Yves Mamou  •  May 18, 2017 at 5:00 am
  • They are not the victims of any racist system -- it does not exist -- but they are the victims of an ideology of victimization, which claims that they are discriminated against because of race and religion.
  • Victimization is an excuse offered by the state, by most politicians (right and left) and by the mainstream media.
  • To avoid confrontation, all the politicians from the mainstream political parties and all mainstream media are going along with the myth of victimization. The problem is that this is only fueling more violence, more terrorism and more fantasies of victimization.
When Emmanuel Macron, the new president of France, states that he is in favor of "positive discrimination", he is encouraging future jihadists to represent themselves as victims. (Image source: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
French sociological research seems to have no new books, articles or ideas about French Muslim radicalization. It is not hard to see why: the few scholars tempted to wander off the beaten path ("terrorists are victims of society, and suffering from racism" and so on) are afraid to be called unpleasant names. In addition, many sociologists share the same Marxist ideology that attributes violent behavior to discrimination and poverty. If some heretics try to explain that terrorists are not automatically victims (of society, of white French males, of whatever) a pack of hounds of Muslim and non-Muslim scholars start baying to lynch them as racists, Islamophobes and bigots.
After the November 2015, terrorist attacks in Paris, Alain Fuchs, president of France's National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), launched a call for a new project to understand some of the "factors of radicalization" in France.

American Islam's Most Extreme Conference

by Samuel Westrop  •  May 18, 2017 at 4:30 am
  • Islamists, forming inherently political movements, insist to policy-makers and the media that Islam is homogenous and that their Islamist organizations speak on behalf of all Muslims, despite their clear lack of any mandate.
  • Politicians and journalists -- by speaking at Islamist conferences, or treating the Muslim community as a homogenous bloc represented by self-appointed groups such as MAS or ICNA -- actually serve to legitimize extremist Islamist leadership.
  • Now it falls to national and state governments to stop working with Islamists, and to support genuinely moderate Muslims instead.
DNC vice-chairman Keith Ellison's name disappeared from a list of speakers at one of the largest conferences in the Muslim calendar, after reports about extreme clerics sharing the stage. (Image source: Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Last month, Keith Ellison's name disappeared from a list of speakers at one of the largest conferences in the Muslim calendar. The annual event, which took place in Baltimore from April 14-16, was organized by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS).
In December 2016, Ellison also withdrew from the convention's sister-conference, the "MAS-ICNA conference," after reports about extreme clerics sharing the stage.
April's conference was no different. Speakers included Siraj Wahhaj, an imam who addresses Muslim events across the country every week, and is a former advisory board member of the Council on American Islamic Relations. Wahhaj has preached:
"I don't believe any of you are homosexual. This is a disease of this society. ... you know what the punishment is, if a man is found with another man? The Prophet Mohammad said the one who does it and the one to whom it is done to, kill them both."

Interview with Howard Bloom, Part 2

by Grégoire Canlorbe  •  May 18, 2017 at 4:00 am
  • Yet there is another set of facts that progressives ignore. Every civilization that has appealed to our idealism has claimed it will lift the poor and the oppressed. But Western civilization has done this the best.
  • Islam's second advantage is the eagerness of its militants to solve political disputes with violence. Violence is a potent force multiplier, especially in a world peppered with democratic societies.
  • Allah has given Islam's warriors what the Qur'an calls "the fire whose fuel is men and stones" -- the fire of nuclear weaponry.
Howard Bloom.
There is only a handful of authors alive today whose ideas about geopolitics have won respect in both the world of Islam and in the West. Howard Bloom is one of them. The following is the second part of an interview with Bloom, published here last November.
Grégoire Canlorbe: In your 1995 book, The Lucifer Principle, you introduced a new concept in geopolitical science -- "the pecking order of nations." What new light does this shed on Islamic civilization and its relations with the rest of the world?


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