Tuesday, May 9, 2017

MONDAY Security Update: Ground Zero for Islamic Indoctrination in American Public Schools

FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Welcome to the new LGBTQ military, which gives added meaning to the motto "Be All You Can Be." And get ready for camouflaged hijabs and a Sharia-compliant Uniform Code of Military Justice.

I don't need to go far out on a limb to predict it will be Emmanuel Macron. Though Marine Le Pen briefly enjoyed an outside chance to overcome the odds and squeak into victory, she destroyed it on the night of the debate.

The full emails may reveal what former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama knew about the September 11, 2012, terror attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi.

This past week, SDUSD, in collaboration with the Council on American Islam Relations (CAIR), instituted an anti-bullying campaign aimed specifically at protecting Muslims students.

Based on his previous anti-Trump comments, such as calling him the "white ISIS," Minhaj was invited to headline the event. He was seen as the matador capable of waving a red cape in front of a press already bullishly antagonistic toward Trump.

Renowned deal-maker Donald has set his sights on achieving the most elusive deal in the world: a real and durable peace between Israel and Palestinian Arabs.

History of US-Iran relations points to bad end game.


Recent remarks from the new Jesuit Superior-General, are making big waves. He claims we cannot know what Jesus actually said because there were no tape recorders two thousand years ago.

FSM video  picks + 2012 site
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·  WH Budget Director Mick Mulvaney: "A Good Shutdown" Could Help Fix DC Gridlock; "Drain The Swamp"
·  Manufacturing CEO Says He's Investing $2 Billion in US Because of "Confidence in Trump"
·  TUCKER: Atheists force Pa. city to remove bench with "God" quote
·  WATCH: FRANCE 24 Live - #FrenchElection
·  Marines Surprise World War II Vet With Special Gift

Friday's (May 5th) White House Daily Briefing: Press Secretary Sean Spicer   *** Deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fills in while Sean Spicer who was serving on Navy Reserve duty

sarah huckabee sanders _ wh press video Deputy press secretary

Confused by fake news? Get the real story here: Sean Spicer full press briefing.

Sarah: 'Never Use Politico for a Source'

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