Dear Cowardly Politicians Subverting Our Safety for Islamic ‘Refugees’…
Tuesday March 22 2016
Dear Despicable Politicians Subverting Our Safety for ‘Refugees’…
You’re disgusting human beings, all of you. I’m speaking to every President and Prime Minister who opened the borders to “migrant refugees” in hopes of scoring political points and earning yourselves an extra pile of the feels. Some of you seem to think those “warm fuzzies” are worth allowing potential terrorists into our countries (read ‘Refugee’ is Actually Infamous ISIS Agent Now Being Hunted in France). These “migrants” who are masquerading as poor helpless victims? The majority are military aged, strapping men, so pardon me if I’m not donning awareness ribbons. If you think these people are anything other than thousands of Trojan ponies, you’re all fools. The attacks in Brussels today are a horse-kick to the face.
We don’t know a whole lot as this is being updated/written, other than right now, 26 are reported dead, with 126 wounded. Brussels of course, has been seen as a beacon of “tolerance” for many in the Western world to emulate. Far left politics, the welcoming of Islamic refugees with open arms (ability to screen them be damned!), Belgium has certainly been as “progressive” as a country can hope to be. Without much info at the time of writing, I’d like to point you to a very similar situation that occurred not long ago. Why? Because history is repeating itself, and will do so in a perpetual cycle until the western world gets this right.
On Friday, November 13th, Paris was attacked by Islamic terrorists. One of the Islamic terrorists posed as a Syrian refugee and entered the European Union via Greece last MONTH. He was able to do so because a bunch of politically correct, liberal Oh, I feel so wonderful by helping all the people pantywaist turd bombs decided to let anyone and everyone into their countries to “help them,” without putting it a vote, or even pausing to ask “Hey, I wonder if some of these ‘refugees’ are, like, ISIS terrorists.” Even though ISIS telegraphed that exact idea in January. From The Daily Mail:
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a ‘psychological weapon’ in chilling echo of Gaddafi’s prophecy that the Mediterranean ‘will become a sea of chaos’Well color me not surprised, but pencil me pissed. Now Europe has hundreds of thousands of these migrants in their countries, many of whom have disappeared. No, not “kidnapped” or “done away with” by “racist” xenophobes. Thousands of refugees left their camps and are simply gone (read Thousands of Migrant Refugees Vanish from Camps… Maybe to Meet up with ISIS…). The cynic in me thinks they’re meeting with terrorist sympathizers, huddling over tables, scheming about how they’re going to get their terrorism game on. They’re probably not writing soliloquies on the wondrous nightlife in Finland while sipping pinot noir and nomming brie.
Damnit, now I want brie.
Am I sorry? Yes, I am sorry. But I’m not sorry for writing truth. I’m sorry world leaders such as yourselves, care more about political correctness, care more about hashtags, care more about providing welfare to perceived “victims” than the safety of your citizens. For example, girls in Germany have been told to cover up, as not to tempt the new Muslim migrants who may not be able to help themselves to a little rape when they see girlish skin. Trust me, I wish I was making this up. Go read German Schoolgirls Told to ‘Cover up…’ Because Horn-Dog Syrian Refugees?!
Islam is not a race, so hold off on playing the “racism” card for just a sec. Islam is a religious and political system that runs counter to our own. The tenants of Islam cannot peacefully coexist with any other political or religious system in the world. Period. (read 5 Reasons the Qur’an Can Never ‘Coexist’ With the Constitution…Ever). To pretend Islam can merge with western civilization is to purposefully blindfold oneself with a bleeding heard-adorned handkerchief. No matter how much leftists refuse to see the horror of terrorism, it will still continue. Refusing to utter “Islamic terrorists” will not make them disappear. Islamic terrorists are real, they’re laughing at the very people who refuse to acknowledge them. They’re not sneaking across borders, they’re being welcomed into countries with open arms. Open arms from you, our elected leaders, not by the people.
Now they’re coming to the United States, these “migrants” who are mostly military-aged, strapping young men. Obama is eager to have them in our country. Democrats are peeing themselves with anticipation over this new class of “victims” they’ll shower with welfare, in hopes these victims will vote Democrat. Right up until the “refugees” blow themselves (and others) up.
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
No amount of food stamps will turn these people into hot-dog grilling Americans. No amount of free birth control is going to turn these people into Keeping up with the Kardashians loyalists. No amount of “you didn’t build that” speeches is going to stop these people from wanting to destroy our way of life. Though, granted, getting the Kardashians off the air is not without its upsides.
Reminder, Americans never put the massive illegal immigration or migration of potential ISIS threats into the United States. Reminder, the people of Europe did not vote to have migrants in their countries other than the fiendish, hash-tagging social justice jihadists over on Twitter. Once again, you, our political leaders, are ignoring, no…that’s not right… you’re disregarding our safety. The people you swore to protect when you took your oaths of office, you’re putting our lives at risk for liberalism.
Yes, that is the core problem here: liberalism. Touchy feeling, no thinking, extending your hands to people who have vowed to kill us, in hopes they’ll like us and be our new BFFs. You, the leftists, who refuse to acknowledge there are people in this world who despise us for our values and our ways of life, you’re putting us all in danger because you’re naive, because you’re egotistical, because you’re not thinking, you’re feeling every little emotion instead of heeding the bomb-shaped warnings. You’re sticking your puffed up heads in the sand, refusing to see real evil where it exists. You’re putting us at great risk because of it.
Prediction, and I hope I’m wrong. Really. My prediction is what happened today in Belgium (and of course, in Paris) is just the beginning. ISIS has successfully infiltrated France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. They’ve also found their way into the United States, courtesy of Barack Obama, a man who hours before the Paris attacks said “ISIS is contained.” Yeah, that guy.
There will be more attacks in Europe. On civilians. Regardless of whether you tweeted #TerrorismHasNoReligion or #NotAllMuslimsAreTerrorist, or if you think those pesky Christians are just as bad as Muslims (talk about stupid) with their “outrage” over red cups. The reason there will be more attacks is because of liberal politicians who refuse to reason, who favor how they feel over accepting reality. You leftists in power who ignored ISIS’s plans to infiltrate our countries? The blood of innocent people is on your hands. We didn’t ask for this. We the citizens didn’t want these un-vetted, un-verified people in our countries.
How lucky for you to have your armed security. How lucky for you to live in your safe little palaces with armed guards, bulletproof glass and security details. How lucky for you to sit in your ivory towers and preach to the rest of us what we should and should not accept, how we should be tolerant, how we’re just a bunch of racist xenophobes for being afraid of people who want to exterminate us and have proudly and loudly said as much. How lucky for you.
The war with radical Islam is real. You’ve brought it to our front doors, while you stay sealed shut behind yours.
~Written by Courtney Kirchoff, who loves her first and second amendment rights.
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