Friday, April 7, 2017

Islamic State tells Muslims to steal from infidels and send them 20%

Islamic State tells Muslims to steal from infidels and send them 20%

Where did they get the idea for this? You guessed it:
“And know that anything you obtain of war booty – then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our Servant on the day of criterion – the day when the two armies met. And Allah, over all things, is competent.” (Qur’an 8:41)

The Islamic State believes that the world’s Muslims are at war with the world’s non-Muslims, and are thus entitled to the spoils of war, of which a fifth belongs to them as the caliphate, the sole legitimate government for Muslims.

And of course the Infidels’ wealth and property belongs to the Muslims by right, for the Qur’an specofoes that Muslims must fight them until the “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29). So the Infidels paying for the upkeep of the Muslims is the natural order of things.

“ISIS Tells Muslims to Go Steal, Send the Caliphate 20 Percent of the Loot,” by Bridget Johnson, PJ Media, April 5, 2017:
The newest issue of ISIS’ English-language Rumiyah magazine released today encourages old-fashioned theft and looting to help fund the Islamic State, with target suggestions including an armored truck full of cash or an electronics superstore.
The article declares that the wealth of kafir, or disbelievers, is “halal,” so Muslims should “take it” — as long as they remit one-fifth to the caliphate.
The article cites a hadith to show “the clear permissibility of spilling their blood and taking their wealth until they accept Islam… all kuffar who are not under the contract of dhimmah are enemies from whom ghanimah [booty] is taken.”
The writer argues that aside from istijarah, or a safe passage covenant, and the jizyah tax, “the only relationship the Muslim has to the kuffar is that of the sword, i.e. physically waging jihad against them. And any attack on the kuffar, including that which is financial, is jihad. In this regard, any wealth taken from the kuffar through deception or defeat is considered ghanimah.”
“Whether the financial damage is on an individual kafir or the cause of perpetual loss to a business, the Muslim in Dar al-Kufr [land of disbelievers] has the opportunity to follow this blessed sunnah, striking terror by stalking the kuffar and causing them economic harm. There should be no misunderstanding about the excellence of this deed, as taking this wealth is in accordance with the command of Allah.”
Of this stolen wealth, ISIS directs, 20 percent “should be set aside and given to the Khalifah or to an official representative of the Khalifah for those who are able.”
But “whoever kills a kafir – for which he has proof of his killing him” gets to keep all the loot. Or, specifically, “whatever the kafir possesses at the time and place he is killed.”
“This includes his clothing, jewelry, all kinds of weapons, gold, silver, currencies, as well as the vehicle he was using, and so forth,” ISIS adds.
And there’s another loophole: “The one who kills a kafir on a dark street or in an alleyway, while no one else is around, does not need evidence of his kill in order to take the salab [personal belongings].”
“As for the wealth of a business or any wealth which was taken through deception, instead of killing an individual, then that is not salab. Rather, this is ghanimah that must be divided accordingly,” the ISIS article directs.
The terror group insisted the tactic “is to invade [disbelievers’] lands and damage them with the loss of life and wealth.”
“So it is not enough to defend Muslim land and incite oneself to do so, but one must hate the kuffar and long for causing them harm in their own lands. And this must be done with the pure intention of seeking to make the word of Allah the highest, even if the benefits of ghanimah are a result of one’s blessed operation for Allah’s cause.”
The last sentence defines “property” that can be included in these booty-collecting operations to include people: “May Allah, the Most Generous, make the kuffar’s wealth, weapons, women, and children ghanimah for those who strive for His cause.”…

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