Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Continuous PERSECUTION Of Christians (Jews) On U.S. Campuses Via Profs & Shock Troops:A Fatwa On Their Heads! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The Continuous PERSECUTION Of Christians (Jews) On U.S. Campuses Via Profs & Shock Troops:A Fatwa On Their Heads! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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SOME of this site’s long-standing and dedicated readers may – or may not – recall that an opening commentary, “Six Degrees of Separation”, dealt with the left’s romance and alliance with all things Arab/Muslim. Lawrence of Arabia-like.

EVIDENCED by enough ammunition to fill one U-Haul after another, the vilification of Israel (mind you, Jews and Christians are deemed “equal devils” to leftists and Islamists) at America’s college campuses (and beyond) is so shrill that it elicits a continuous drum beat. Headache-inducing. Then, as now, nothing has changed, other than a stepped-up tempo to their twisted hatred. Hence, it is a “natural” fit for this American-Israeli patriot and Muslim Brotherhood expert to expose the Number One obsession of PC captured academia – as filthy a task as it is!

EVEN so, thankfully, others are executing heavy-lifting of their own. Yes, the “New Jacobins” is more than edifying. Instructive.

(Gestapo tactics ala campus fascists, that which include leftist and Islamist profs, admins and a plethora of “activist” campus groups. Murderous!)

SIGH, it would also take another book project to catalog the insane rage which pervades the aforementioned campus stink, it is that voluminous. Poisonous. Polluted.

ALAS, a few stand-out supportive truths will have to suffice to flesh out the picture, without which it is impossible to recognize the increasingly dangerous and emerging patterns. And it is into this swirling vortex that anti-Israel madness is found at corresponding leftist and Islamist perches. As is known, the UN – a cesspool like none other – stands at its titular head. Simply, it is an ever present inciter and gang-banger. So much so, U.S. ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley let it all hang out: 

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley stated that she is aiming to change the culture at the U.N., and she has started by defending the international community’s favorite punching bag — Israel. At an event with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) yesterday, Haley described the U.N.’s animus toward Israel as “ridiculous” and confirmed that “the days of Israel-bashing are over,” drawing loud applause: If you challenge us, be prepared for what you’re challenging us for, because we will respond. The next thing we did was we said, “The days of Israel-bashing are over.” We have a lot of things to talk about. There are a lot of threats to peace and security. But you’re not going to take our No. 1 democratic friend in the Middle East and beat up on them. And I think what you’re seeing is they’re all backing up a little bit. The Israel-bashing is not as loud. They didn’t know exactly what I meant outside of giving the speech, so we showed them….
AS always, evidentiary proof must be a highly valued commodity  – or it should be. So let’s segue to a few substantiations of academic persecution – thus, revealing a smattering of filth targeting Jews and Christians! 


BACK in December 2013, this site connected an important dot via “U.S. Academia Places A Nail In Western Civilization: Deconstructing Gender To Strip Judeo-Christian Teachings.”

NOW, fast forward to a mere few years later, and the following more than shores up said analysis and “prophetic” knock-on effects: “Princeton HR Department: Don’t Use Word ‘Man’.”
The relatively new policy in effect at the Ivy League institution spells out the directive in a four-page memo that aims to make the department more gender inclusive.

Instead of using “man,” employees are told to use words such as human beings, individuals or people. 

Other guidelines? Instead of “man and wife” use spouses or partners. Switch out “man made” with artificial, handmade or manufactured. Don’t use the verb “to man,” as in to work something, instead use to operate or to staff. Throw out workmanlike and replace it with skillful.

The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word “man” in them and offers replacements: business person instead of businessman, firefighter instead of fireman, ancestors instead of forefathers, and so on….

THE question becomes: what would drive Princeton’s leftist admins (as well as countless others, be they from the “hallowed” halls of the Ivies or what not) to deny that there are two distinct genders, insane as such a position is? Could it be that HUSSEIN Obama’s knock-down of DOMA (in 2013 via the United States v. Windsor) was the initial step to deconstructing sexual identity, that which is a cornerstone to destroying America’s Judeo-Christian underpinnings? Yes, the traditional family (read: the union of a man and woman) is sine qua non since Adam and Eve, as revealed within the Old Testament in Genesis! For heavens sake.


REGARDLESS, this site issued (in February 2014) a “BOLO (be on the look out) ALERT”: Mohammad Hammad, A (Former) ‘Palestine’ Student Union (GUPS) President At San Francisco State University Threatens To Kill Jews.” Hardly a campus anomaly, it is actually the “norm.”


MORE specifically, do Americans know that their tax dollars underwrite Islamic terrorism and anti-semitism via the arts and academia, as reported in June 2014, as well as in May 2015? If not, now you do.


IPSO facto, in August 2015, it was assessed: “U.S. Academia Upholds Incitement To Murder: Israel/Jews Their Favorite Target!”

ALONG this same unhinged trail, the amount of hatred and vitriol expressed toward Christianity in general – and self-described Christians in particular – is equally appalling and dangerous. As mentioned, twin targets.

RESULTANT, in October 2015, “U.S. Academia Is Cleansing Christianity From Campuses” debuted. Its snippet reads:

Through a (mostly) under the radar campus cleaning, Christianity is being purged. Now, those who believe such a statement is hyperbole, well, good luck with that fantasy. In reality, the facts on the campus quad attest otherwise.

Ask yourselves: What is the biggest symbol for Christians on campus, aside from its Chapel? Hmm…can’t come up with anything….didn’t think so…

ALL of which brings us full circle, leading to the most recent expunging of Christianity by a Brotherhood aligned prof, and duly supported by Rollins College! 

The full email a now-suspended student sent a Muslim professor at Rollins College who had used her class time to undermine Christianity by declaring the biblical and historical accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion were a hoax has been released.

And it reveals that the student was critical of the professor, but his only “threat” was to “contact … some national media personalities” or “pursue legal options if you don’t stop your harassment toward me.”

The student, Marshall Polston, 20, was ordered suspended March 24 by the Winter Park, Florida, school when his Middle Eastern humanities professor, Areej Zufari, claimed harassment, “although video surveillance obtained by a local paper suggests otherwise,” the Washington Times reported.
Polston said he had repeatedly challenged the Muslim’s claims that the Bible was false. School officials claimed they never would suspend a student for such challenges but nevertheless took action against Polston.

The Orlando Sentinel said the school president, Grant Cornwell, defended the professor and claimed there were “other factors” involved in the suspension but he refused to provide them.

A disciplinary hearing was held by the school for Polston Tuesday, but officials said the results may take days.

The professor had claimed Polston “disrupted” class and had a “contemptuous” attitude….read the whole thing….

AND adding insult to grave injury, wouldn’t you know it….

Image result for pics of Professor, Areej Zufari

MORE indicting re the calamity befalling America….

According to the March 24 suspension letter, Polston’s “actions have constituted a threat of disruption within the operations of the College and jeopardize the safety and well-being of members of the College community and yourself.” Those alleged actions are not spelled out within the document. Nonetheless, Polston was given strict directions not to set foot on campus or have any contact with Zufari in the letter.

In 2013, college officials kicked a Christian group off of campus for their conservative beliefs and threatened to pull funding from Christian student groups that would not allow non-Christian students to be in the club’s leadership. Later that year students were told that they could not hold private Bible studies in their dorm rooms, Fox News reported.

STILL yet, all is not lost. Massive pressure was applied via the non-leftist and Islamist American public and Rollins was forced to volte-face!

Florida’s Rollins College has lifted the suspension of a student who rhetorically clashed with a Muslim professor over the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Sophomore Marshall Polston was suspended March 24 by Rollins College in Winter Park after arguments over the historical accuracy of Jesus’ execution at Calvary. Professor Areej Zufari also filed a report with the Dean of Safety, which claimed Mr. Polston violated an order to stay away from class. An investigation by the school — buttressed by video surveillance and a receipt — vindicated the student’s claims that he was innocent.

“A student’s freedom of speech and expression are the cornerstones of liberty in a free society,Mr. Polston’s attorney, Kenneth Lewis, said in a statement after the suspension was lifted, The Orlando Sentinel reported Friday.

Rollins College President Grant Cornwell told the newspaper that he could not go into specifics for privacy reasons, but condemned “hatred and violent imagery” that was emailed to the school during this week’s media coverage.

The Central Florida Post, which first broke the story, uploaded school documents the cleared Mr. Polston on Friday.

“Having considered the evidence, including your response to the charges, the following conclusions were reached:….continue here…..

AT the end of it all, isn’t it righteous to assert: the obsessive and compulsive hatred for Judaism and Christianity within leftist and Islamist circles is such that the castrating of the America mind is a by-product of what has become a corrosive and collusive academia.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, the death of the west – or its survival – runs through western academia!
IF not, why not?

Image result for pics of Professor, Areej Zufari
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