Friday, April 7, 2017

THURSDAY Security Update: The political dilution of the Trump administration (Plus: Tucker on Sanctuary Cities)

FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot

I hope President Trump has not forgotten who elected him and why. Here is a hint - people inside-the-Beltway did not elect you, Mr President, and it wasn't to maintain the status quo.

As a former CIA analyst who has handled requests for demasking the names of American citizens for a U.S. policymaker, I thought Rice's claims in her interview did not add up.

The French must have a passion for politics because the media are serving it in an unending flow, to the exclusion of everything else happening in the outside world.

No words can adequately express the shock in the Jewish state to learn that an American Jewish group went out of their way to invite an unrepentant killer of Jews as their special guest.

"Our requests are simply not being answered." - House Intelligence Committee source

Secure Freedom Minute fsm logo
It's bad enough that the investigation into alleged Russian involvement in U.S. internal affairs has been upended by top Obama advisor Susan Rice's evident abuse of intelligence resources for political warfare against Team Trump.

At her direction, the Obama White House violated the public trust.

"I think the Obama administration had a great opportunity to solve this crisis a long time ago when he said the red line in the sand, and when he didn't cross that line after making the threat, I think that set us back a long ways..."


Persecuted Christians Suffer "Worst Year Yet," Mostly Under Islam

The persecution of Christians around the world, but especially in the Muslim world, has reached an all-time high-with 2016 being the "worst year yet," according to Open Doors...

Popular Mechanics Publishes "Fake News" On North Korean Nuclear Threat

Popular published an article by Kyle Mizokami "No, North Korea Can't Kill 90 Percent of Americans" accusing former CIA Director R. James Woolsey and myself of grossly exaggerating the threat posed by an EMP attack from N. Korea in our recent article ("How North Korea Could Kill Up To 90 Percent Of Americans").

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

·  Senator Elizabeth Warren Advocated for the Nuclear Option in 2013

·  TUCKER: Lansing, MI Mayor: Immigration enforcement is not a priority for us. We are going to fight the Trump administration on this
·  Benghazi Hero: Trump Should "Make an Example" of Susan Rice
·  2 Minutes Show That Dems Celebrated Getting Chemical Weapons Out of Syria...too Early
·  Russia's Claim That Assad Regime Bombed a Rebel Chemical Weapons Facility Challenged in U.N. Security Council Meeting
·  RUSH: "Very Clear" Obama Admin Spied On Trump And Susan Rice Is Lying Because Both Of Those Things Happened Before
·  U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley: Chemical attack bears the hallmarks of Assad regime

Monday's (April 3rd)White House Daily Briefing: Press Secretary Sean Spicer


Confused by fake news? Get the real story here: Sean Spicer full press briefing.

(There was not any new press briefing)

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